Smallara Episode 30: A Giantess Story

Smallara 30

Jordan carefully rose to his knees making sure to maintain eye contact while darting his eyes about hoping
to find something that could turn the tide in his favor. The cat lifted its paw and swiped at him. Jordan ducked the
first paw but wasn’t prepared for the follow-up. The impact of the paw knocked the air out of him and his body
ached. Jordan writhed in pain on the countertop. He could tell nothing was broken but knew next time would
probably be different. It was then Tiffany’s voice filled the room as she walked into the room on the phone.

“Yeah, I will be there in about 30 -35 minutes. I was just helping a neighbor out…oh shit I gotta go. “

“MOCHA!” Tiffany shouted as she darted towards the countertop. “SARA! GET DOWN HERE!” she bellowed.

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