Smallara Episode 35: A Giantess Story

Smallara 35

“I’m counting on you, Sara. Hopefully, it’s just a double shift and I will be home tomorrow. but it’s hard to say
how bad this most recent outbreak is.” Tiffany said as she started gathering her things.

“You have nothing to worry about Mom. Jordan is in the best hands he can be in.” Sara said looking over at
Jordan as she gave him a wink as her Mom was busy gathering things and rushing out the door to the car. As soon
as the door closed Sara whipped around and headed over to the counter where Jordan was standing.

“I am so sorry Body Hottie about Mocha. She is very curious and a pretty good mouser. You should see her
when we get a fly in the house. She hunts it and swats it out of the air. But you have nothing to worry about. I
actually was upstairs working on a solution to that problem.”

“While all that about the cat is very, and I cannot stress very enough uncomforting. If you could just call the
hotline. If we are in luck. I will be on my way within the hour. So where did you put that phone you had?” Jordan
said looking around a bit to where she set it down.

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