Smallara Episode 42: A Giantess Story

Smallara 42

The idea of being cared for by this teenager was not comforting. He didn’t even really know her. He only loosely knew her parents. Now he was supposed to believe that he was entrusted into the care of this teenager. Surely the government wouldn’t be so reckless. There had to be a better plan than this but it also wasn’t like he had people lined up around the street waiting to care for him either.

All the information started to overwhelm Jordan as he struggled to process everything that he had been told. How does one accept the fact their life is just over? He remembered before he went to college thinking his life was over for a variety of reasons that now seemed so silly. Especially in comparison to this in which his life was over in the most literal sense.

If the hospital had no medicine like she said and it’s not unreasonable to think if he is like this Smallara must indeed be real. So how many more people are like him? The ones who had spouses or kids whom they lived with were probably in the best situation as they probably were able to be rushed to the hospital immediately. It’s been hours for him. He had to find a way out of his house. He spent all night, morning, and some part of the afternoon wandering through yards trying to make it to someone who could help him as he had no one at home. Now he was mere hours from being trapped in this diminutive body and the only medicine that could save him and reverse this curse is now in short supply if not drained.

“What am I going to do for money? How am I going to get to work? We have to get to the hospital. They must have other options.” Jordan said worriedly.

“I’m so sorry Body Hottie. I can’t even imagine what you must be feeling and going through. They said not to come in. I’m sure…Oh, my alarm! It’s 6:30 already.  We have to go upstairs right now. It’s practically seven.  I can show you your space and stuff before everything kicks off.  Sara said with a mixture of excitement and franticness. “Besides I have a job.  As your guardian that stuff is my responsibility. I have my theater job, I babysit, and I also have my side hobby I get to do as long as I keep my grades up. We have plenty of money. If you need something you just have to ask. Don’t forget I’m a responsibility master little padawan. Now hang tight. We’re going to my… I mean our room.

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