Smallara Episode 56: A Giantess Story

Smallara 56

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. That’s a long ways down Sara. I may have gotten a little carried away. I didn’t mean to raise my voice. So why don’t you just sit down on the bed and we can rationally discuss how you’re not keeping me in a cage, like adults.” Jordan said.

“Umm, yeah, you kinda are going to be staying in this little room though. As while you are very cute Body Hottie. As it sits right now. I’m kind of in charge and you are sorta no longer capable of deciding what is best for you. So that’s where I come in. I don’t want to be the bad guy. We had so much fun today, but someone has gotten very cranky. That normally means that they are tired and hungry. So I’m going to let you chill in your room. While I do some adulting. And that’s going to have to be okay because I’m done with this discussion little man” Sara said.

“Little man, little man, I was 6’4”. I towered over you, and you are calling me little man. You are a child. Call your mother.”

“And now you’re not, little man. As the mature one and the one in charge. I’m saying this discussion is over. You are irate and upset and no one can talk to you when you get like this. I’m sure you have a lot to process as you’ve been through a lot today.”

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