Smallara Episode 59: A Giantess Story

Smallara 59

Sara watched inquisitively as Jordan got up from bed and looked around at everything she had put together. It was then she saw him stand up and head towards the glass. She could see his lips moving but couldn’t make out what he was saying. His squeaky voice was not penetrating the glass.

“I’m sorry Body Hottie. I guess the glass is too thick. I can’t hear you. But don’t…oh just a second my phone is ringing. Oh Hi, Mom. Yes, everything is going along great here. I called the hotline but as I’m sure you know they aren’t accepting any more applicants. Yeah, yeah, I figured as much. Yeah, he is a little upset, but I got him settled into his room. Yeah, they were going to put him with some host family. I felt so bad for him. You hear about these stories of people turning shrinkies into slaves and stuff. Yeah, I couldn’t do that to him, so I signed up for the guardian program.

Yeah, I got made his guardian. BUT MOOOOM I already signed up. They already approved me. I know it’s a big responsibility.  I know but I babysit all the time. This is no different. I even built him a little room to keep him safe from Mocha. I promise I will be so responsible mom. PLEASE! I know I should have asked first but I was worried for him and you said to handle it. So, I handled it. I know I will have to take care of him. I know I will have to feed him. I know, I know, I promise so PPLLLLEEEAASSEEEE. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. I swear you like won’t even know he’s here. Just a sec, Mom.”

“Body Hottie! I’m on the phone with Mom! Stop pounding on the glass. Don’t worry. I totally talked her into letting me keep you.  And if she’s on board Dad is on board. Wait, I know that sounds like you’re a pet but don’t freak out. You totally aren’t. Did you need to say anything to Mom? If so just speak up. Nothing? okay then. You should probably eat and get some sleep. Big day tomorrow and all that.”

“Yeah, he’s fine, Mom. I just told him the news. No, he didn’t have anything to say. But he’s pretty tired and a bit hungry, it’s been a real rollercoaster of emotions for him today. Yeah, just a sec, Mom.” Sara said putting her mom on hold.

“Night Body Hottie! You should eat and get some sleep. I’m sure you want a little privacy” Sara said while grabbing a couple of her sweatshirts off the and tossing them onto Jordan’s habitat. They draped over the side walls of the habitat leaving him in darkness with just shards of light peeking in through the small gaps.

“Sorry Mom, I was just getting Jordan tucked in. Yeah, I’m heading downstairs now.  Yes, I will put a load in the wash before Dad comes home.”  Jordan heard Sara say before walking out of the bedroom. He could hear her voice getting more and more distant as she moved down the hall.

“This isn’t happening,” Jordan said aloud as he moved towards his new bed.

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Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
1 year ago

“I know that sounds like you’re a pet but don’t freak out. You totally aren’t” I wonder how much truth is in this statement.

“You hear about these stories of people turning shrinkies into slaves and stuff” now I wonder where she heard that from? perhaps a yet to be introduced character she’s very close to.

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