Smallara Episode 66: A Giantess Story

Smallara 66

“The last rule, #4 no squealing to the parentals. I like you Body Hottie, it’s the reason I volunteered to be your guardian. But if you ever watched the show Empire. What did Lucious call’m oh yeah snitch bitch, Snitch’n ass bitch. But we’re tight, right? What happens, and what you see stays with us. You vouch for me and vice versa.” Sara asked as her eyes narrowed slightly as she looked down at Jordan.

Jordan felt the weight of her stare as he felt his legs slightly buckle before catching himself. The oppressive air grew stagnant around him as his mouth dried slightly as he looked up at Sara. The rules felt more serious than he thought they would be. He glanced at the door before returning her gaze. “I won’t tattle on you,” Jordan said knowing that once he agreed to it he wouldn’t be able to easily break it. Especially if she really was going to be his caretaker. He knew siding with her would probably be in his best interest. If she was angry with him…well he didn’t want to dwell on that.

Caretaker? It was the first time Jordan had thought of it. That he had truly come to terms with the idea that this teen could really be the one who would be caring for him, protecting him, feeding him. But what was hardest to accept was the fact that she was going to be his lens. The lens he saw the world through. The perspective in which new information was delivered to him through. It was frightening that she had this much power over him.

The reality had set in last night. He pounded against the glass in disdain. He uselessly tried to scurry up the smooth glass wall. He tried running into the wall to topple the wall or knock the habitat off the nightstand but it was useless. Even now, she was able to silence him with a flick of the finger. It just took the slightest move of her finger to knock the lid back into place and his voice, his words, his opinions were all useless. How do you wrap your head around the fact your thoughts and ideals only have the amount of weight Sara allows them to have?

“Last rule, besides for the rule that I can add more as I see fit. But I know Mom. She’s going to come in here and ask you if this is what you really want as while she said I could keep you. I know she also thinks I tricked you or forced you into this. She thinks I’m not responsible enough for you. So while you can tell her whatever you want. Beg her to take care of you or bring you to a host family who could be nice or enslave you like the reports in the news say. Rule #5, we will be to abide by her decision. So if she decides I’m not responsible enough you and her can go off and decide the next move. But, if she decides I am responsible enough you will agree to it and never bring it up again. Agreed?”

“Agreed” Jordan said knowing he had his out. He didn’t dislike Sara. She seemed like a good kid. But, Tiffany was mature and responsible. Had real-life experience. She would be best equipped to handle this.

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