Smallara Episode 68: A Giantess Story

Smallara 68

Jordan felt a sense of relief when he saw Tiffany stride through the door. He could finally talk with a real adult about this whole thing. Surely, there must be a misunderstanding. The solution to all this surely can’t be just to leave him and everyone else stuck like this who couldn’t get in right away.

“Oooohh look at the cute little room you made for him. You were also creative. You get that from me you know. ” Tiffany said as Sara rolled her eyes. “Well, you get your freckles from your father’s side. Why is he naked though Sara?”

“It’s not what you think Mom. I needed his clothes to measure when Dad and I went to the store last night. Jordan was passed out so I just removed them. It wasn’t all that hard. I had years of practice with Barbie. We got home late so I just left them in my purse. I didn’t want to disturb him a second time.” Sara explained

“Tiffany, I -” Jordan started before he was cut off.

“Just a second Jordan. I’m getting up to speed on the situation here.”

“I just want to thank you for letting me keep Jordan. I swear I’m going to be responsible mom. You won’t regret this. I’m taking this very seriously. I was just explaining to Jordan the house rules and expectations. I assumed a few would need to be modified like feet on the coffee table as well which doesn’t quite seem to be as reasonable. Oh, I forgot to mention Jordan, it’s an 11 pm curfew and no snacks after 8 pm.” Sara said smiling towards her mother before glancing down at Jordan.

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