Smallara Episode 100: A Giantess Story

Smallara 100

The car door opened as if a wall was being slid away from a building, and Jordan found it more than a little bit frightening. He could see a giant teen standing in front of the car door as he looked upward. Her voice boomed as she responded to the giant who lorded over him as his caretaker.

The realization that he hadn’t seen anyone beyond the Reeves family since this ordeal began became apparent as he nervously looked over at Sara and then over to this girl she had called Mallory. She looked Korean, but honestly, he wasn’t sure from his vantage and didn’t want to ask.

As the giant stood in the doorway, Jordan watched her eyes scan the car briefly before falling onto him. She smiled warmly as her eyes focused on the small man. Jordan felt almost uncomfortable as she moved more into the vehicle, but it seemed important to Sara that this went well. So Jordan tried to put his best foot forward.

“Hello Mallory, it is an absolute pleasure to meet you. Sara has told me so much about you I hardly believed you were real.” Jordan said, trying to lay on the charm thick.

“Awww, did you hear that, Gavin? How come you don’t say nice things like that about me? You can call me Miss Bak, Body Hottie.” Jordan felt the weight of her words as she looked down at him, and he was about to say something when she cut him off.

“Is this going to be a problem, little one?” Mallory added, “Good, I didn’t think so.” She said, not waiting for Jordan’s reply. “This here is Gavin. He caught Smallera like you did. So if you have any questions, just feel free to ask him. I’m sure he will be helpful, won’t you, baby?”

“Ye-” Gavin started to say when Mallory interjected.

“Great, I just know this is the beginning of a long friendship like Sara, and I have.”

A gust of wind shot up, nearly blowing him over as the teen sat down in his car. He could smell her perfume envelope the air as she set her bag down on the floor and closed the door. Jordan tried to keep quiet as the two girls chatted over him and Gavin. It was awkward listening to a conversation that you had no voice in, and he almost felt as if he was eavesdropping in on this private conversation.

“So, what’s the plan for today? What do you want to keep?”

“Well, I figured we would get rid of the electronics as we already have all of that,” Sara said matter of factly.

“Wait, wait, you two just can’t get rid of my tv or home theater system,” Jordan interjected.

“That makes sense. I’m sure the bedroom stuff is much the same. Bed, dresser, clothes, shoes. Thats all worthless now.” Mallory said, looking down briefly at Jordan before looking back at Sara. “I can’t think of any possible use for that stuff for him.”

“Sara, please, let’s discuss this,” Jordan said.

“I’m sorry Body Hottie. Sara and I just discussed it. I know how hard it is for you little people to come to terms with all this. But you are just so lucky that Sara opened her heart and home to you. The most helpful thing you can do is support her, and her decisions just like Gavin does with me. Isn’t that right, Baby?”

“Ye-” Gavin said before Mallory Interjected.

“See, Gavin knows and understands how you are feeling as not too long ago I had to go through his things. Just as he is telling you now, we got rid of his PlayStation, Xbox, and all his clothes and stuff. As hard as it is, this is for the best, as all that stuff is just clutter. So you should feel good about the choice you made to get rid of those electronics.” Mallory said as she looked down at Jordan before looking back at Sara.

“I built him this habitat and furnished it for him. So he has pretty much everything he needs. When I get my next paycheck, I will need to pick up a couple of things, like upgrading the little bed, but he loves it.” Sara said

“It sounds like he is already moved out. I can’t wait to see it. Are you keeping any of the furniture?”

“I’m not sure I have to see it. I may ask Dad to store it for me if I like it, as he has a storage unit across town.

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Lethal Ledgend
1 year ago

“You can call me Miss Bak” the fucking arrogance of this 15-year-old child, if I were in Jordan’s position I’d ve like “oh, well in that case you can call me Mr Fitz” she wouldn’t like this but I wouldn’t care,

Actually I’d assume she’d was joking and just call her “Mal” only telling her what to call “Mr Fitz” if she persists.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
1 year ago

Especially because the way she cut him off stopping him for answering for himself, that wasn’t about respect, that was about superiority.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 year ago

She does atleast let Gavin start his answer, she knew he wasn’t happy so she completely disregarded him.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 year ago

Probably, that’s where I often find myself with women, but if someone was to call be a demeaning nickname in the same sentence where the demand I refer to them respectfully I’d definitely react spitefully, my reactions usually come before consequences considered.

If she doesn’t know Jordan she shouldn’t be so casual adressing him as “Body Hottie” or “Little One”, like I get not wanting strangers to get to familiar too quickly but that goes both ways

Last edited 1 year ago by Lethal Ledgend
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