Smallara Episode 101: A Giantess Story

Smallara 101

Jordan watched as Mallory picked Gavin up off her hand by the arm. He dangled in the air with his arm pinched between her fingers while Sara slid her hand palm out for Jordan to step on to. He looked over at Mallory gulped as he quickly stepped onto Sara’s waiting hand. Gavin was dropped into Sara’s hand as both girls looked down at the boys briefly before continuing their conversation about Jordan’s home.

“Hey, Gavin, as you probably heard.”

“Jordan, but they all refer to me as Body Hottie for some reason,” Jordan said.

“Yeah, I heard about you. But I thought you were a YouTuber or something, and I didn’t realize you were a local person.” Gavin said.

“You have quite the girlfriend,” Jordan said.

“Fiance actually, Gavin wanted to get me a ring, but I told him to wait. We could move forward without it, and then once we graduated, we could go back and get the ring then, and I would work out the financing for him.” Mallory said, correcting Jordan. “Gavin is just so excited to be Mr. Gavin Bak. So what’s going on with you and Hunter?”

“Me and Hunter? We’re just friends, Mal,” Sara said defensively.

“Okay, if you two are just friends, have you told him about Body Hottie then?”

“No, but”

“But you don’t want him to know because you liiikkee him.”

“I do not. Okay, maybe a little. I honestly didn’t say anything because it all happened yesterday, then I had to stream. Now today, I have all this stuff with the house to sort through, and there just isn’t time. Besides, I don’t know how he feels about underbreds, and I couldn’t be with someone who wasn’t pet-friendly.”

“Man, if you want Sara, you better make a move. You are in the process of being pet zoned man.” Gavin said as he elbowed Jordan.

“I just graduated college last year, and I have been making good money at a software company. There is clearly an age gap between us, and Sara doesn’t think of me as a pet.”

“Yeah, I get it, man. I just met you and only know what I’ve heard through the grapevine. However, this job, do you still have it? No company will want a 4-inch tall staff from the way I see it. They are planning away your home literally above us as we speak. You probably haven’t seen the news, but the government isn’t fixing people like us. It’s working to help immune people like them—the purebreds. So what do you think is going to happen man? She’s going to go off get married to someone, have a family, and that family is going to what? Are they going to think you’re just some tiny roommate they have? No, you’re going to be the family pet. You have two options right now, the way I see it. You can either make a family with her or be a part of the family, but you can’t do both. Once you’re fully in that pet zone, you aren’t coming out.”

“I’m–” Jordan got out before being cut off.

“I’m not a pet. Of course you aren’t. You are Sara’s little person. You two are just so adorable together. I thought right away you two would be cute together. Sara likes hunter though Body Hottie so you better make your little moves.” Mallory interejected as Sara glared at her friend. 

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1 year ago

After reading through it again, I am starting to see how things are falling into place, both good and bad.

Also, the next arrow sends me to a “Not Found” page.

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