Smallara Episode 73: A Giantess Story

Smallara 73

Jordan saw the glass walls of his prison disappear before his eyes as the warmth from Sara’s hand radiated into his body as she lifted him further and further away from his home, his world. He found himself once again in the world of giants as Sara looked down at him with a glee of a schoolgirl.

“We should get your clothes. We have a busy ahead of us.” Sara said to Jordan as she headed out of her bedroom. Jordan still found himself struggling with just how quickly she seemed to walk. The world was moving by in a blur. It felt like he was in a car and not the reality of just a girl walking down the hallway. He could hear Mocha purring below him. Looking down he saw the giant predator circling around Sara’s feet as she walked down the hall.

“I will feed you in a second Mocha,” Sara said as she bounced down the stairs. “I’d set you on the counter but that went so well before,” Sara said with a slight giggle as she recalled the previous day. “The look on your face was priceless. it was like ahhhh” Sara said as she dangled Jordan in front of her face as she displayed a look of terror on her face. “I thought you were gonna cry,” Sara said with a laugh.

“I’m glad my near-death experience could provide you with so much enjoyment,” Jordan said a bit annoyed over being mocked over almost dying.

“You didn’t die though. That’s why we can laugh at it. Don’t be like that. You gotta loosen up a bit. I didn’t realize you were so buttoned up. I’m sure we can work on that. ” Jordan gulped as he looked down into her purse. The realization that he could fit inside of there and just be lost amongst her world of stuff and random items she kept inside his purse sent a shiver down his spine. As she pulled her hand out he looked over at her other hand trying to see the clothes but they were covered by her enclosed hand.

“Hurry put them on here,” Sara said as she walked over to the coffee table and lowered her hand so that Jordan could walk off it. Jordan tentatively stepped off her hand as he watched her set his clothes down.

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