Smallara Episode 80: A Giantess Story

Smallara 80

The spider was practically on top of Jordan as it rounded the corner. He knew now that beyond a doubt that he was clearly on the menu. Looking at the stack of books Jordan could see no other option. His only hope was to try to put as many obstacles as he could between him and the spider in hopes of eating up enough time for Sara to save the day. 

Jordan kicked his leg towards the spider hoping that the meager attempt may scare off the massive bug. Looking about one last time for any other option. Jordan could think of nothing else and stared up at the stack of books. The idea of climbing the stack of books quicker than the spider seemed unlikely. He also knew the idea of him outrunning the spider was unlikely and unless he wanted to throw himself over the side of the coffee table and just hope he didn’t die. The books seemed like the best chance for survival as unlikely as it seemed.

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1 year ago

I really like the changes you made in the storyline, where you cleared some out and changed other parts around. Also, I like the site you set up, I also wanted to let you know that the arrow for the next pick does not work on this page.

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