Smallara Episode 84: A Giantess Story

Smallara 84

“Body Hottie look at me. Are you really okay? Mocha was being a butt. I didn’t mean to be gone that long.” Sara said with sincerity in her voice.

“I’m fine really. A little shaken up.” Jordan said with a stutter. “I-I’m sorry. I just didn’t realize how vulnerable I was. I was inside. I thought I was safe. Mocha was with you. I really thought I was a goner. I’ve never seen a spider that big before.” Jordan said as he sunk into the palm of her hand.

“You’ve never been this small before either. It’s why I built the habitat for you. I know you don’t like it but it is for your own good. There are a lot of predators like that spider which are looking to make a snack out of you.” Sara said while standing up being careful not to jostle her hand too much. “Now, did you eat the cereal I left out for you?”

“Yes,” Jordan said until Sara cleared her throat. “I mean yes mam” Jordan replied.

“Good, I’m just going to eat and then we can start our day.”

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