Smallara Episode 107.5: A Giantess Story

Smallara 107.5

In a single instant, everything changed for Jordan. One moment he was pulling at a nail file trying to pull it across the floor towards Sara’s purse. The next moment her hand was on top of him. A wall of warm flesh passed over Jordan knocking him to the wooden floor.

“Ugh, Sara” Jordan struggled to get out with labored breath as several of the objects Sara had asked him to pick up were all slammed against him. Jordan struggled to move but Sara’s fingers had the give of a brick wall.

“wah-wait” Jordan said while still trying to catch his breath. He felt himself leave the floor as he watched Sara effortlessly grab several more objects from her previous purse into her other hand.

“I wouldn’t want to put you out JORDAN. I will just do this myself.” Sara said with a judgemental look on her face. She had weaponized his name in a manner that cut him deeply.

Jordan struggled to comprehend how this got turned around him. He was being forced to pick up everything she had spilled out onto the floor from her purse. After stating how inefficient the process was of him trying to move everything he got put into this predicament. As he replayed the events in his mind he couldn’t find fault.

As he was lifted higher and higher from the ground He pressed against her fingers trying to free himself from her grasp.

“Maybe I misspoke,” Jordan said.

“Maybe, maybe you misspoke. I expected to hear an I’m sorry Sara. I was wrong Sara. Please forgive me, Sara. I asked you to do one little thing for me this entire day and you couldn’t do it without complaining and whining. So yes JORDAN. I’m going to pick up all my things and put my things in my new purse. Then finish sorting through the house with Mallory. ” Sara fumed as she opened the mouth of her purse.

Jordan’s eyes bugged out as he looked into the massive maw of the purse. He cringed as he saw the empty expansive purse. The idea that she was going to toss him inside this purse with all her other stuff as if he was worth nothing more than the lipgloss she held against him was humiliating to say the least.

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