Smallara Episode 108: A Giantess Story

Smallara 108

The air careened by Jordan as Sara’s fingers released the hold they had over him. All the time struggling and squirming to get out seemed pointless as now he would have given almost anything to be back in the safety of her grip.

“AHHHHHH” Jordan screamed as he watched the walls of the bag rise further and further up while the floor got closer and closer. The massive everyday objects fell with him many of which outweighed him with ease. The light of the outside world got further and further away. Sara herself looked more and more distant as he fell.

The difference in their stature became apparent to Jordan as he landed with a heavy thud onto the floor of the purse. The contents of Sara’s purse rained down around him like raindrops from the sky. Jordan covered his head as he listened to them pelt into the ground and land with a thud around him. Several objects slammed against his back before rolling onto the ground around him.

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