Jordan stood close enough to see the shoes of the tweenage titans before him. They had paused before him, standing more like sculptures reaching beyond his comprehension to the sky than the reality of two girls searching for him as if he were an escaped convict. His mind harkened back to the day prior when he was in the kitchen, moving toward Ellie and Sara as they did their homework. The idle, frivolous movements the two’s feet made were devastating. The swaying of left to right, the kicking of their feet forward and back. Sometimes they would shift their weight from the left to the right foot before planting them firmly and keeping them still. Almost as if it was a trap to lure him in to then strike with a movement quicker than he could comprehend.
All the sudden movements he never realized females or perhaps just people made with their feet were a bit unnerving now to him. Jordan partially suspected it was because women were generally smaller than males, so perhaps women speak more with their bodies for non-verbal communication or to emphasize points. Nonetheless, he tried to push those contemplations out of his mind as the here and now required his full attention.
The annoyed and aggravated undertones of Dayton’s voice were not lost on Jordan, even at his minute size. If anything, it spurred him on a bit more to get to her blind spot. The idea of getting caught by her now was frightening. He had to simply play out his hand now, as it was much too late to fold. As Dayton continued to talk, he found himself more cognizant of what Sara had done for him. It was the simple things like speaking quieter and having her friends talk quietly around him. It made it, so his ears didn’t ring. Hearing Dayton speak now; it was like being front row at a concert.
The hot air was thick, and the lack of wind meant the air was stale between the large stalks of grass. The only wind that blew through his world was the gusts created by Nicolle swiping her shoe across the lawn or Dayton’s slow meandering footsteps seemingly flattening acres of forest at a time. The breeze which blew over him somehow felt hotter than the still air. The gusts just made him work harder and exert more energy which led to more sweat dripping down his body. Desperately he wanted to stop and relax. A moment to catch his breath. He would trade almost anything for a glass of water.
All around him, he could hear a scuttle of bugs. In his mind, he was sure he could feel the worms underneath his feet. Every time a bird flew by, he paused, wondering if this would be it. As he wasn’t hiding from them. Not because he didn’t want to but because he couldn’t. It would be nothing for a bird to swoop down and grab him. Behind any blade of grass could be a bug, spider, ladybug, or any number of now giant creepy crawlies just waiting to make a meal out of him. It made him want to throw himself at the mercy of Dayton and Nicolle. As what could they do that would be worse than being ripped apart by some territorial ladybug?
Jordan continued to carefully approach Dayton’s foot when he finally paused. Looking from left to right, He could see the canvas high-top shoes that Dayton had on. What made him pause was seeing Nicolle’s shoe hover in the air as she lifted it up and scratched the back of her leg. The sound was visceral before the earth around him shook from her foot falling back to earth. However, he realized now he should have gone toward Nicolle. She has low-back slip-on shoes. He would much more easily be able to get onto her shoes. Jordan decided not to think about it any longer, though. As it was too late for indecision. He needed to get in behind them; otherwise, as soon as they resumed their search, he was sure to be discovered. Taking a deep breath, Jordan moved forward once again toward the base of Dayton’s shoe.
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Does can ladybug rip apart him? I’m sure it doesn’t.
Birds are not flying around humans too close, that means there were not any dangerous at the moment when girls were close to found him.
The birds is more a fear because of his as they have potential to be deadly then a literal threat at the moment with the girls nearby. I would think a ladybug would have the potential to be deadly from what I know of lady bugs.