Smallara Episode 287: A Giantess Story

Smallara Episode 287: A Giantess Story

Jordan felt a wave of relief as he paused on the uneven ground at the base of Dayton’s feet. He wiped the sweat from his brow as he looked up at her briefly. A lucky break finally managed to come his way, Jordan thought to himself as the booming voices of Dayton and Nicolle continued to their audio bombardment of the world around Jordan. The volume of their voices made it nigh impossible to make out what they were saying, and in reality, Jordan didn’t much care what the topic of conversation was. He was more than thankful that they were distracted nonetheless.

Dayton’s shoe stood motionless and sunk into the ground. The large stalks of grass Jordan found himself struggling to navigate, which stood like trees around him reaching into the sky, stood trampled and completely flattened beneath her shoe. The dead grass and dirt bubbled up slightly around the base of her shoe as if it were lava that had spewed from the earth and cooled. The muggy oppressive air continued to zap the strength of Jordan as his goal was merely in front of him. Looking at the sheer magnitude of something as simple as Dayton’s shoe brought into perspective how he never planned out the minutia of how this was all going to happen. When he started moving towards the girls, he was walking toward Nicolle, but through the sweeping of her feet and stomping and plodding of Dayton moving across the yard, he had gotten off track. Now he looked at the high-top canvas sneaker of Dayton with a bit of respect.

The shoe alone was strong enough to perhaps not crush him but severely injure him and trap him. These very shoes were the ones he would now have to find a way up. This plan was getting more dangerous by the minute. Jordan was too far in to back out now. At least, that’s what his pride told him. While logically, he should give in or pretend to be injured. A better idea yet would be to throw himself at the mercy of the giants before him.
It was at this moment Dayton lifted her foot up. Jordan watched in dismay as her foot lifted up into the heavens as he was knocked to the ground. Looking from the ground Jordan was staring up at Dayton who now stood on one leg as her foot was lifted higher and higher before finally she twisted her leg and looked at the underside of her shoe.

“I didn’t step on him. I’m sure if I had there would be blood and guts smushed into the tread of my shoe. I stepped on this big spider once, and that was all over my shoe. I’m sure Body Hottie would be worse. Do you see any parts of him underneath yours?” Dayton said as she her foot started to drop back down the grassy world below.

Jordan looked up in horror as Dayton’s massive shoe-clad foot came crashing back down to the earth. Jordan started backpedaling slowly at first before outright running backward. The reality was her foot wasn’t going to just go back to the exact same place. As her shoe landed back onto the earth everything shook around Jordan as he was thrown to the ground. The sounds of grass snapping and underbrush being further crushed by the young giant’s foot were the thing of nightmares.

It was unnerving how to them they were being careful and searching for him slowly and methodically. The reality became apparent to Jordan. If they weren’t looking for him and were just walking across the yard he would have no hope. People his size aren’t made to live like this.

The world settled as Jordan looked on at Dayton’s foot. He was thankful he hadn’t climbed onto her shoe any sooner. If he had been on her shoe when she was looking he surely would have gotten discovered and if he wasn’t able to hold on he surely would have been hurt. He wasn’t sure how his body would respond to a drop like that. He wasn’t versed in underbred physiology.

As Jordan thought about the word he realized it right away. Sara, Dayton, and their friends had all used the term around him so much he thought of himself as an underbred for the first time. That derogatory term toward people who had been stricken with Smallara.

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