Smallara Episode 288: A Giantess Story

Smallara Episode 288: A Giantess Story

The earth groaned as it settled beneath Dayton’s foot. Looking to the left Jordan could still see where Dayton’s foot had once rested. The grass was still flattened and seemingly destroyed. He knew in time the grassy forest would remold itself to its former glory, but as it stood now it was just a stark reminder of the power held by these girls.

Jordan carefully re-approached Dayton’s shoe with each step he took he paused and looked upward at the giant. He felt his nerves start to get to him, and he continually told himself that she was just a normal school-age person. As Jordan reached her shoe he ran his hand along the exterior of the canvas mountain. It was rough, much rougher than he remembered canvas being. However, he knew his size changed how the texture feeling of the material. All the imperfections were clearly visible at his size.

While it was rough, the canvas shoe wasn’t exactly covered in handholds. Jordan knew he had to be careful not to just haphazardly start climbing onto Dayton’s shoe. As he didn’t want her to feel him climbing onto her shoe. As if she looked down at any point while he was climbing into place it was all over.

This was going to be the riskiest part of his journey. As he looked at the rubber sole of her shoe it was disheartening just how tall it was to him now. It felt like another life in which something like this wouldn’t even be an afterthought because of how small it was, and now the rubber trim of Dayton’s shoe was the size more like a wall.

Jordan lifted his foot onto the white rubber trim where the sole meets the pink canvas of the shoe. He dug his foot in and then pushed up with all this strength. Reaching out with his hand he grabbed the dingy shoelaces for support. As soon as he did his body slapped roughly against the side of her shoe.

Almost immediately after slamming against her shoe Jordan froze in place while hanging onto her shoelace. He closed his eyes and held his breath afraid to even look if she had felt that. It felt like her eyes were boring down at him. He was waiting for her to say his name, waiting for the anger she was holding back to boil over. Instead, Jordan felt her foot ascend upwards and then move forward at incredible speed. His instinct was to scream, but he to fight against the urge to yell as he gripped her shoelace tighter.

Jordan felt sick as the shoelace fluttered in the wind created by Dayton’s forward momentum. Living in a reality where the shoelace of her shoe was a thick rope easily strong enough to support all his body weight was frightening.

As Dayton’s foot assaulted the ground his body flew upward from Dayton’s shoe. Not wanting to flyoff Jordan clung on with all his might to Dayton’s shoelace. He felt his body finally slap back against the pink canvas sneaker. Looking up he could see Dayton scanning the grass. Jordan breathed a sigh of relief as he took his other hand and grabbed onto the eyelet of the shoe pulling his body back up before grabbing another higher-up shoelace. The surprise of her not feeling him was then followed by annoyance that he could weigh so little that his body slamming against her shoe was so negligible.

“This is crazy. I’m climbing some middle schoolers’ shoes.” Jordan said as he continued to climb upward trying to reach the top of her shoe while hoping to avoid putting enough weight onto the shoe where she detects him. As he was still unsure how much leeway he had. As her taking a step may have just masked him hitting her shoe.

“Day, do you think we should tell Sara? I’m not seeing him anywhere. We’ve searched such a wide area. He couldn’t have gotten thrown this far.”

“He’s hiding from us. I know it. He doesn’t want us to find him. If he did we would have found him. Even if he was hurt.” Dayton said as she lifted the foot Jordan was clinging to it and stomped her foot down in anger. If Jordan hadn’t threaded his arms through her shoe laces he was certain he would have flown off.

“Body Hottie come on out! If you come out now you won’t get in trouble I promise.” Dayton said with a hint of frustration.

“Oh, that sounds real convincing. Maybe you should try adding in a bit of sincerity instead veiled anger.” Nicolle said. “Body Hottie, come out. I promise I will make sure Dayton doesn’t do anything to you if you come out now sweetie. Be a good boy and come out. If you keep hiding I can’t make any guarantees. Day has a bit of a temper over stuff like this.” Nicolle said sweetly.

“Hmmph, well he’s not coming out for your milk and cookies tone either. I just haven’t asserted enough dominance over him yet that he views me as a secondary master. If Sara called him he’d come like the dog he is. I know it. His training prior will feel like a cakewalk. Sara will be impressed when I teach him to sit and heel obediently.” Dayton said with her arms crossed while Nicolle sighed quietly before looking down at the ground once again.

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