“This was a bad idea,” Jordan said with his fear of heights kicking in as his body dangled off the side of Dayton’s shoe. Jordan had reached the top ridge of Dayton’s shoe or the mouth of the shoe as it was sometimes called. As he looked forward it was unnerving to be so close to her sock that he could practically reach out and touch it. Peeking over the edge of her shoe it all seemed to disappear into a black nothingness. He knew as hot as it was out here it was even hotter inside of Dayton’s shoe. He could feel a bit of the heat escaping from her shoe blast him continually in the face.
The hot day had produced near-record temperatures in the area. Even at his reduced size, Jordan was just as vulnerable to heat as anyone else. As he clung to Dayton’s shoe he realized he hadn’t eaten or drunk anything since Sara left her house hours ago. He became aware of his growling stomach and dry mouth as sweat dripped down his face.
Reaching across to shimmy further along Dayton’s shoe Jordan could feel the perspiration on his grip. As he grabbed at the canvas of her shoes which grew slicker and slicker from the humidity and his sweaty palms. As he reached out to grab the next section of the shoe he released his grip before his other hand fully had grabbed onto Dayton’s shoe. Jordan panicked as he felt his body start to drop. He found himself almost tumbling to the ground before his hand latched onto the edge of the shoe stopping his descent. Jordan dangled there for a moment hanging off the side of Dayton’s shoe as he caught his breath.
As Jordan looked out at the yard. He could see just how vast her backyard was. In reality, it wasn’t any bigger than your typical backyard. However, to Jordan, it was as if he had climbed above the treeline and was looking out the vastness of the Amazon rainforest. He was overlooking seemingly the entirety of the world he had known for the past few hours. He could literally live out his life in her yard which was frightening unto itself.
Jordan could see Nicolle who while shorter than Dayton was still monstrously tall. They were both like beings who existed beyond the world of her yard that he found himself trapped in. He could see now that the sun had started to go down and more shadows crept across the yard.
The idea of spending a night in Dayton’s yard was something he would not look forward to. While he had been lucky so far he knew more bugs would come out. Different predators would appear and they would have much better vision in the darkness than he would.
He hated that Sara was right. He would never survive out here on his own. Escape in this manner was futile as every road only lead towards death. He would have to rethink any plan that he had. If he was lucky he could stay hidden on Dayton and then when she eventually went inside let go of her shoe. However, he didn’t really want to live in Dayton’s house for the rest of his life.
All roads in his mind led back to Sara. He didn’t have a better alternative that was feasible. The only plan he could think of was to continue to gain Sara’s trust. It was clear he had messed up yesterday. However, if he could get enough trust until the opportunity for something better comes along. He needed to ensure he had enough clout built up with her to take advantage of it. The first thing he had to do was just get to her without the girls seeing him and in a manner that doesn’t get him in trouble. The last thing he needed was to get scolded further by Sara to make her trust him less.
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