Smallara Episode 364: A Giantess Story

Smallara 364

“You just need to trust me. You never have to eat the little food if you don’t want to. But, when the government does its checks, I have certain things that I need to provide for you. Access to little appropriate food is one of them.”

“I guess that makes sense.” Jordan conceded as he walked back over to the bed. While he wasn’t crazy about the color of the carpeting he couldn’t fault its quality. It felt nice to walk on. It was plush and felt nice as his feet sunk into the carpeting.

“You look so adorable in there. But, I will properly decorate your habitat tomorrow. I honestly just wanted to see your reaction to the pink on pink.” Sara said with a slight chuckle as she set her phone on her nightstand.

“What do you mean properly decorating?” Jordan asked as he climbed into bed. He wasn’t sure if it was because the glass walls blocked out the airflow or what but the habitat seemed warm. “It seems a little warm in here.”

“Oh, that’s because I have a heating pad designed for underbred homes underneath your habitat. As you are always so cold. The heating pad keeps your environment at an underbred-friendly temperature. This way you don’t have to be so cold all the time. You should be comfortable in your own space.”

“Oh….well..that is very considerate of you. Thank you.” Jordan said

“You’re welcome. You’re my wittle mansy. Of course, I’m gonna take care of you. Now try to get sleep. I promise it’s going to be okay with Maisy tomorrow. Just give her a chance.” Sara said

Jordan didn’t see much of any other choice and the fact is Maisy was Sara’s partner before she even had him seemed to cement that. It’s not like she can just switch partners no matter how much of a stink or protest was made. At least, in his experience group pairings were normally set in stone, especially at this point. Maybe on the first day, something could have been done. However, he wasn’t even a thought at that point as he was still appropriately sized.

“Goodnight Jordy,” Sara said with a yawn as she pulled her covers over her. Jordan found the underbred heating pad Sara had used made his habitat very temperate. He was about to ask her to turn it down when he already heard her sleeping. Briefly Jordan thought about trying to shout for her but he figured he would just not use the covers on his bed.

While he was thankful for the heating system for his habitat as it was a nice change of pace to not be so cold all the time. He couldn’t help but also feel further humiliated. He couldn’t even exist out in the world for an extended period of time without the assistance of Sara or a heating pad for his habitat. It further hit home that his escape of attempt was pointless. Even now when the nights drip into 50’s or 40’s he would probably freeze death. Jordan thought as he yawned himself and drifted off to sleep.

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Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
1 year ago

“You just need to trust me” Sara, you have thoroughly burnt that bridge and are only just starting to build another one over its ashes, but comments like that are only going to make him more hesitant, especially since he just caught you in a lie, you need to earn back the trust you lost and not sabotage it by overstepping with tellinh him he “Need’s to trust you”.

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