Smallara Episode 365: A Giantess Story

Smallara 365

The scorching heat from the hot cement felt searing hot against Jordan’s hand and bottom. He could feel the heat burning through his sandals all the while a tremendous boom rolled across the landscape like a jet going supersonic. Jordan was confused as he looked to his left and then to his right. He was supposed to be in his habitat. He was supposed to be in Sara’s room. The feeling of safety and security that he normally felt drained out of him like air from a balloon.

As he turned his head forward Jordan saw the gigantic form of Dayton strolling towards him. He looked down at himself briefly, seeing the polo shirt he was wearing just last Saturday, the familiar jeans and sandals that he ran from his home in on just this past saturday. However, as he looked forward and toward the distant sky it wasn’t Sara that he saw but a nightmare of titanic proportions. He could see that monster of a human moving closer and closer.

“Nightmare? This… must be a nightmare. WAKE UP! WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!!!” Jordan said in a panicked shout as he pinched himself, hoping to awake from this nightmare. He just wanted his eyes to open in that glass cage Sara kept him in. He wanted to shove his mouth full of that dry cereal she had left him. He would gladly live off whatever little food she had ordered for him to escape this horrific dream state.

Much to Jordan’s dismay, mercy was not shown. As Dayton absentmindedly strolled towards him humming a nameless tune. He pulled his hands away from the burning hot cement and pulled himself up to his feet. Jordan could feel his heart pounding, slamming against his chest again and again. The heat was becoming too much. He would be slowly cooked alive if he remained on this cement. It was, a reality just as Sara explained just hours ago now playing out. He desperately looked for his guardian. If he couldn’t wake up maybe, he could somehow will Sara to appear in this nightmare and transform it into a dream.

Jordan took a couple of steps and then launched himself into the air towards the grass. It was his best hope. As he needed to get off the cement and the grass would also provide coverage, hopefully, Dayton wouldn’t see him, and she would just stroll by. As futile as this all seemed now, he knew it was the only chance he had. If Dayton got ahold of him, his life would become a hellscape. He couldn’t fathom what life would be like under that monster.

As he landed on the soft bed of grass the relief of not being on the scalding hot cement was immediate. Unfortunately for Jordan, he wasn’t sure if it was the movement or his cries to wake up which caught Dayton’s attention. However, he saw her staring directly in his direction. Jordan tried to sink lower into the grass hoping to further shroud him from her view.

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1 year ago

I’m just gonna put this here but this is a thought I had about Dayton generally. Something I’ve noticed is that it’s always emphasizes how big Dayton looks or how small she makes Jordan. In a way that seems more prominent than Sara, despite the fact that Sara is objectively taller than Dayton. I’m sure it’s just an aesthetic choice but I came up with another possibility. I wonder if Dayton being a little smaller mena that Jordan can really see more of her. Sara is almost too big to see all at once. Just something I’ve been thinking on.

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