Smallara Episode 366: A Giantess Story

Smallara 366

The familiar green stalks of grass rose above Jordan as he fell into the depths of the lawn. He could still feel his heart racing as the strong thuds of Dayton’s footfalls grew stronger with every step rhythmically propelling her ever closer. Jordan closed his eyes tightly and prayed again to wake from this hell, to absolve him from the sins that had thrust him into this hellscape.

“Come out, come out wherever you are?!” the giant Dayton said in a singsong voice as she moved towards Jordan. The only relief Jordan could think of was that Dayton wasn’t guardian trained, but he was also unsure if that mattered in this nightmare. He was positive that his only salvation was if Sara would wake him or perhaps even step out of bed enough to get a glass of water or anything that could Jar him awake.

“Come out, bug boy. I saw you. You won’t be able to hide from me. You must certainly want to go to the hospital, don’t you? I can’t imagine wanting to live as an underbred.” Dayton said questioningly, a bit confused. While Jordan started to realize it was possible that the Dayton of this nightmare wasn’t aware of previous events. Jordan wondered if that meant that the Sara of this nightmare wasn’t aware of him. This was all confusing, and Jordan just wanted to wake up.

A large shadow loomed over Jordan as the blonde-haired giant stood before him. He could see her eyes scanning the ground for him briefly before crouching down to get closer to the ground. He wondered if this meant she had found him already or if she was getting closer to get a better vantage point. Neither put him in a great situation.

It wasn’t until he saw Dayton’s hand reaching into the grass toward him that he realized she had seen exactly where he was. As to Dayton, his movements were not all that different from a cockroach or any other bug. Knowing where he was meant it was easy to track him. Even through the grass, having a top-down gods eye view of things, made it simple when you know approximately where he was supposed to be.

Jordan felt fingers grasp onto his leg with a pincer-like maneuver. He desperately grasped at the grass, dirt, and anything else he could get his hands on that may impede his ascent from the depths of the lawn. It was all fruitless, though, as terror struck Jordan. He began to wonder if this was a nightmare at all. Perhaps this was reality; everything before had been a dream. Maybe some lucid state brought on by Smallara that was preparing him for this new life. Normally when he had nightmares, he would wake up just before a really bad thing happened. This time was different. As he felt himself pulled further and further from the lawn. The bright sun shone brightly around him as he dangled upside down in front of Dayton’s face.

As Jordan opened his mouth only silence pierced his lips while his arms flailed wildly in a vain effort to try to stop his momentum as Dayton’s eyes focused on his every tiny move. Desperation was filling Jordan as he looked into her predatory eyes. The only sliver of hope Jordan could muster was that the Dayton of his dreams was not like the real Dayton.

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