Smallara Episode 370: A Giantess Story

Smallara 370

“You can’t keep me in your hamster cage.” Jordan said As he looked up at Dayton, this was becoming too real too fast for Jordan. This nightmare was starting to feel like a reality. It had to have been hours at this point that he had been in this brat’s clutches, and he was no closer to ending this than he was when he started. The notion of this being a nightmare still felt like the most likely scenario. However, a bit of doubt had crept into his mind. What if this was somehow real? As much as Jordan tried to push such an idea from his mind fully, the smallest amount of doubt was rooted in his mind. The idea of belonging to Dayton would be the worst-case outcome. He knew that nightmare or not, he needed to find a way out of this.

“Sorry, but pets don’t get a say in where they live. Now, I need to find a place to keep you that won’t draw attention from Mom.” Dayton as she looked around her room. “I could keep you in my desk drawer…but there is so much stuff in here that you might find a way out.”

Dayton’s hand came down and gripped him tightly. A small yelp emanated from his lips briefly as she looked around her room. Whenever she found a viable location, she found something wrong. Some were too open; some could be easily moved. It wasn’t until Dayton was walking out of her closet and kicked one a discarded shoe had left lying on her floor that an idea came to mind.

“This is perfect. Mom will never look in here, and I can slide the shoe underneath my bed for the night, and no one is the wiser. Then I can talk Mom into letting me keep you.”

“If you think I’m going to go along with your plan, you have another thing coming. I’m going to tell your mother everything.”

“Hmmm, I don’t think so. I have super glue in my desk drawer. A drop should be enough to shut you up. I will tell her you haven’t spoken since I found you. I have some super glue remover that works pretty well to remove it somewhere in here. But who knows how long it will take to train you. It could be months before I need it. You can’t even do the most basic of commands yet.”

“Ha ha, very funny,” Jordan said as Dayton walked over to her drawer and pulled out the bottle of super glue.

“I’ll see how it goes tonight and apply it in the morning when I tell Mom. I’m not unwilling to her alternatives. But, you’d have to come up with a way for me to trust you.”

“You can’t just super glue my mouth shut for months. I still have to eat and drink. Are you crazy?”

“Fine, I will look for the super glue remover tonight. That way, I can apply and remove it until you’re trained. But don’t say I never did anything for you even though you haven’t come off as much of a team player. You should be grateful to me for taking you in and allowing you to be my pet. I hope you think about that tonight.” Dayton said as dangled Jordan above her shoe which was turning into his home for the night.

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