Smallara Episode 371: A Giantess Story

Smallara 371 1

Jordan felt himself in freefall. The distance wasn’t all that far to the ground, but the lack of control made Jordan feel uncomfortable. He landed with what felt like to him a loud thud, but he was quite certain it was inaudible to someone of Dayton’s size. As far as Jordan was concerned, this was probably as gentle as Dayton got.

“No, no, no,” Jordan said while he picked himself up from the soft padded insole of Dayton’s shoe. The padded canvas walls rose up like walls, while not insurmountable, seemed like trying to climb the wall of your home. Making them just tall enough to be a problem. While it would be annoying, Jordan was fairly certain he could make his way out in time.

“Stay,” Dayton commanded as she peered in excitedly at her new pet underbred. She couldn’t believe that this guy had just fallen into her lap. She knew her mother would never agree to get her one by normal means. However, now she already had one. Surely, she couldn’t say no now, and even if she said no she was fairly certain she could keep him hidden. It would just mean this shoe might be his home a bit longer than the temporary she had originally intended.

Jordan couldn’t believe the audacity of this little ingrate. She was actually giving him commands as if he were some kind of dog. She even expected him just to stay here because she said so. He wasn’t about to let this brat think that this was how it was going to work. Jordan mustered up all the courage he had and stared up at Dayton. As he looked at her, he could feel his bravado escaping out of him. Looking up at someone from inside their shoe has a way of putting things into perspective that Jordan hadn’t anticipated. He could already feel himself starting to waver, so he knew he had to get out his words before his courage folded completely.

“Eh-“ was all Jordan got out before Dayton spoke over him. “That’s a good boy. If you prove to be obedient this will be easier for you. It shouldn’t be hard for someone like you to understand that I can teach you everything you need to know to survive.” Dayton said with her voice dripping with a level of arrogance and pride that Jordan hadn’t encountered before in his life.

“I wasn’t….” Jordan started to say when he felt Dayton kick the shoe with her sandaled foot. It was nothing more than a light kick that caused the shoe to shudder ever so slightly from her perspective. On the other hand, for Jordan, he was shaken from left to right as if he were out at sea in a violent storm.

“I’m sorry, what?” Dayton said pausing briefly hearing nothing as Jordan tried to catch his bearings and his breath from the unexpected action by this young tyrant. “That’s what I thought,” Dayton said as she stood up.

“This is a no-show sock. Just a sec let me get a regular sock,” Dayton said as she walked out of Jordan’s sight line. He could feel the floor tremor as she walked somewhere. The thought of trying to climb out of the shoe crossed his mind but not knowing how far or where she had to go made that seem too risky.

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Lethal Ledgend
1 year ago

“This is a no-show sock.  Just a sec let me get a regular sock,” hehe that’s no-show sock, but she needs a regular sock to make him a no-show Underbred.

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