Good Girlfriend Episode 2: A Smallara Side Story

Good Girlfriend 2 1

Gavin had been in this home hundreds of times if not more. It shouldn’t feel strange or foreign but now as Mallory clutched him in her hand this familiar home was practically unrecognizable to him. The walls stretched upward hundreds of feet. Pictures so large even calling them billboards didn’t seem to do them justice in Gavin’s mind.

He found himself shivering a bit as Mallory paused above one of the air vents. The central air unit forcing the air upward with a strength that even as high up as he was felt like a strong breeze. Looking over at Mallory he could see that she wasn’t bothered in the slightest. Even her skirt hung motionless unbothered by the air billowing out of the vent.

“Cover your ears babe,” Mallory said as she smiled down at Gavin. “MOOOM! I’m home,” Mallory then shouted. Even with his ears covered Gavin could still so clearly hear every word Mallory spoke.

“She must have gone uptown or got called into work. They have been short-handed lately.” Mallory said as pressed the toe end of her left shoe against the right heel slipping her foot out of the shoe before doing the same with the other foot.

“Don’t let me forget those,” Mallory said as she started walking towards the kitchens.

“Ma-” Gavin started to say when she looked down at her boyfriend.

“You’re right. I should grab my shoes now,” Mallory said before lifting Gavin up to her face and pressing his face against her lips and she gave him a kiss.

“You are so thoughtful,” Mallory said spinning around and bending down while transferring Gavin to one hand. Gavin still found it impressive watching her lift out her gigantic shoes. It was like watching someone casually lift up and oceanliner like it was absolutely nothing.

Mallory then walked into the kitchen pausing at the fridge briefly before scanning for a note from her mom. A quickly written message of “be home at five love mom” was written on a markerboard attached to the fridge.

Walking down the long hall gripped in his girlfriend’s hand Gavin felt powerless. Mallory pushed her bedroom door open and dropped her shoes to the floor.

“I told you this was going to be so good for our relationship Gavin. I know you had your doubts but this disability was a blessing in disguise for you. Now you have time for all things you were too busy for. Just this week you got to go shopping with me. You made it to all my soccer practices and games. We even had a very romantic date night. You were FINALLY able to take me to those two rom-coms you could just never fit into your schedule before.” Mallory said with a bit of bliss in her voice as she spun around happily before falling backward onto her bed. She lifted Gavin up above her before pressing him against her left cheek.

“Mal-mpppfff,” was all Gavin managed to say before her cheek muffled his voice.

“Gavin you are so Naughty. Just because my parents are out doesn’t mean you can take advantage of me like that. They could be home at any time.” Mallory chided as she pulled Gavin away from her cheek.

“Oh yeah, I was talking to Katie at lunch. We are going thrifting this weekend. She was telling me about how her sister found this adorable jacket that matches the skirt she likes. You know the blue one with the star near the hem. So we figured we would meet for lunch and then just make the day of it.”

“If we could just…” Gavin said before Mallory chimed in.

“If we could just join our calendars together so I can manage them. Oh my god BAAABBEEE.” I would love to. I mean I had been thinking it but I thought it might be a step too far to just ask. But, we are just on the same wavelength since this disability of yours.” Mallory said sitting up in bed. She quickly unlocked her cellphone and in a matter of moments she was logging into Gavin’s accounts.

“So babe, you need a more secure password. Don’t worry I got you. Not that matters since I’ll be managing these from now on but if you ever need to get in or add something yourself the password is the band name of the song that was playing on our third date. The full date of the first time you asked me out. Not when you asked me to be your girlfriend but when you asked me out. I don’t know why I’m clarifying I know you know. Then the time of our first text message followed by a exclamantion mark.”

“WHAT! How…”

“How could I use such a simple password? I know, but If I made it too complex you would forget. Now looking through here babe. I noticed you had a 10 am to 5 pm booked for this weekend. It looks like it was added a few months ago but it says its with a Kelli. We don’t know any Kelli’s except for Kelli Walsh but she’s a bitch. So we don’t talk to her as she’s friends with Maisy. Right, Gavin? I see you shaking your head but I need to hear the words. you really need to speak up though. You were never this quiet before the accident. It’s cute though.”

Enjoy the full-sized version of any picture in the Good Girlfriend Gallery.

Smallara-back Smallara fast-foward


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Lethal Ledgend
1 year ago

Love how you’re including a minor rivalry between Mallory and Maisy this tine around.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 year ago

I like that details are being improved upon as you add more to the story.

I now even more want to see the interactions between Maisy and Mallory, also does Mallory know Sara’s trying to befriend Maisy or is that behind her back? We know she’s very possessive and controlling of Gavin, and I’m sure given the chance (or power) she’d try extending that to more of her friends.

Lethal Ledgend
1 year ago

Is that Gavin’s little house on the desk in the back ground? it’s so cute (though may be too small for even him), at least it’d offer more privacy than Jordan’s (If it is Gavin’s) but I’m guessing it’d be pretty empty except for essentials, Mal wouldn’t want Gav entertaining himself in there, she’d want him to only be entertained with/by her. lol

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 year ago

Rightio, I had figured but also realised it could have just been the perspective of how I was seeing it. Like that part of Mallory’s character is liking miniatures, does that extend to a microphilia fetish that makes Gavin’s “disablity” more of a jackpot to her? And does she make things fir Gavin just as a part of both caring for him and her hobby?

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