Good Girlfriend Episode 3: A Smallara Side Story

Good Girlfriend 3 1

Gavin clung to his girlfriend’s now mammoth scarf wrapped around her neck. It was a new level of dehumanization when he found that he could slip his hands into the tiny holes that were between the threads of the knit scarf with his hand. Gavin wanted nothing more than to travel back in time. He just wanted to live in a world where he wasn’t clinging with one hand to a scarf while grasping her hair with the other for support as she walked towards the entrance to the mall.

Making matters worse, one of his closest friends Sara Reeves was just on the other side of his girlfriend. She was one of the boys he would always kick it with. She wasn’t like most of the other girls. She wasn’t afraid to get down in the mud if she had to. However, now he was seeing her for the first time since he had caught Smallara.

“Gavin you are just like the training dolls and training littles we had in Guardian class. I didn’t even know you weren’t immune. You should have said something. Infections have been going up. We could have made a point to always have one of us around you so you could have gotten help. “Sara said as her eyes wandered over to her friend sitting atop her other friend’s shoulder.

“I know Gavin was just so embarrassed he didn’t even tell me. I was shocked when I found him, but you should have seen him. He was wearing this makeshift outfit covered in mud and dirt. I’m not sure what happened to his clothes he doesn’t like talking about it.”


“I know Babe. It’s so hard for you to talk about. Don’t worry, I will tell Sara everything for you. As I know you don’t want one of your dearest friends to be put through the burden of having to worry about you. This way, you won’t have to relive the events by telling the story yourself.” Mallory said as she recounted every embarrassing detail of the story as the group walked down the Mall corridor pausing at shops.

“Overall, though this has been so good for us Sara. I told you how Gavin before was just so checked out and aloof at times. He would be skipping out or not answering when I called him. It felt like he was really pulling away but now ever since this disability he really has opened up to me. I guess sometimes you need an event like this to see what you are missing in life.”

“You have been so strong through all this, Mallory. I bet Gavin is just so appreciative of how involved you are in his life.” Sara said with a brief smirk to Gavin before smiling at Mallory.

“Sara you know-“ Gavin started to say

“How happy you are since opening up to me. She can see it, Babe. All my friends can. They love how devoted the new Gavin is. How we just seem to really be in sync. Finishing each other’s”

“Sandwiches,” Sara said with a bit of a laugh as Gavin smirked. “Sorry, it’s a thing Gavin and I do. It’s dumb. You two really do seem in tune. I haven’t had a chance to even see Gavin as you’ve both been so busy.”

“Oh, I know. We really wanted to see you right away. It’s just been so chaotic. Now Wait, what is it you two do?” Mallory said questioningly.

“It’s stupid. Whenever someone says in normal conversation a line from Frozen. We say the next line. We were out way too late, it’s stupid, but we’ve kept doing it for so long that it’s a thing now. I think you had a soccer or something the next day, so you were home early.” Sara said.

“Fun, you should have said something, Gavin. You know how much I looove movies. Mallory said as she looked over at Gavin. Especially now that we are entering this new phase in our relationship. We are literally practically living together.”

“What? Since when? I’m so happy for you..both.” Sara said as she looked over at Gavin briefly before wrapping her arms around Mallory and giving her a congratulatory hug.”

“It’s just a few nights but Gavin, and I feel this is really just the best for us as a couple right now. I never would have guessed someone like Gavin could turn into real boyfriend material, but this little guy is just proving me wrong.” Mallory said as they walked into the food court.

“So since Gavin doesn’t get a vote I’m thinking sausage as a small corner of cheese will fill him up. “

Enjoy the full-sized version of any picture in the Good Girlfriend Gallery.

Smallara-back Smallara fast-foward

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Lethal Ledgend
1 year ago

Technically this was the first time I met Sara as I read good girlfriend first not realising it was connected to smallara, part of me wants to Ring Mal’s neck for talking over him here, in the original Sara was directing the questions to Mal, so not letting Gavin answer was just a error in judgement on her part, but in this one Sara was talking directly to him on multiple occasions that Mal spoke over him and Sara just allowed it, already treating Gavin as lesser.

What was meant by “practically living together” is Mal not his guardian? And if not who is? And if she is why aren’t they living together full time?

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 year ago

Sara’s choosing one friend over another, though if she looses Mal she’s loosing Gavin by extension so I can excuse her actions or rather inaction in this context.

It bothered me more this time as its a noticeable decrease in kindness from last time, though these extended versions are doing that a lot. The more I learn about Mal the less I like her.

1 year ago

Didn’t realize Sara was so short. Mallory towers over her.

Reply to  Nodqfan
1 year ago

Yeah wow. I didn’t notice that before.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 year ago

In 321 we get to see how she’s shorter than Chloe aswell, Is she the shortest in her friend group?

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 year ago

There’d be a fun irony in someone Jordan sees as so fricken big, actually being the she shortest of the group.

And then Mal could be the tallest giving Gavin the opposite experience, lol.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 year ago

Ha, nice that us exactly where I was leaning.

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