Good Girlfriend Episode 4: A Smallara Side Story

Good Girlfriend 4 1

The air was still in the room as shadows crept across Mallory’s bedroom from the overcast day. The clicking of the door being pulled shut meant that Gavin was alone. The silence was deafening as he sat in Mallory’s room sitting on her wooden desk.

Gavin knew he was only a few feet off the ground but if he were to look over the corner of the desk now it might as well have been hundreds of feet down to the hard wooden floor. Any tumble over the side would surely mean death for someone of his size and stature.

As hot as it was outside Gavin shivered in the cool air as cold air from the central air unit would cycle on and off keeping the room at a temperature that was far from temperate for someone of Gavin’s diminutive stature.

It was all a bit surreal to be left alone like this. Since this horrid ordeal transpired with Smallara Gavin found himself either sleeping at home or in the care of Mallory. Never had he imagined things would turn out like this. Mallory had left him feeling voiceless and powerless for the first time in his life.

She had always been a bit clingy but he could always just leave. He could choose to not answer the phone. He could hang out with his other friends. Now Mallory had slowly worked her way into every facet of his life.

Looking over at her purse he knew her phone was inside. It was just a few feet from him. The distance was nothing. He looked over at the door remaining motionless and quiet as he listened for the sound of any footsteps. Mallory’s mom had called for her so he knew he probably had several minutes of freedom. Not knowing when this chance could come again Gavin got up and ran towards the large handbag.

The reality was the purse wasn’t all that big. However, as it lay on the desk now it was immense. Gavin pulled at the flap of the purse. He had greatly underestimated just how weak his new miniature body was. As he pulled at it once again this time putting much more weight into it but the purse remained snapped shut.

“Shit…” Gavin said to himself looking back over at the door. He couldn’t believe how much his heart was racing. This time he climbed onto the purse itself walking across the flap to where the purse was buckled shut. He grabbed the buckle and pulled with all his might even leaning back to try to get more leverage and force.

The next several seconds strung together like hours before what sounded like a bomb going off around him as the purse unsnapped causing Gavin to fall backwards onto Mallory’s purse while the contents spewed out.

Knowing he could never get everything back inside the purse in time he rushed towards her phone. Gavin climbed onto the screen and ran across it. It felt unnatural running across the screen of a phone. In his mind, his first instinct was that he had to be careful not to damage it. But, then the absurdity of the thought hit him. It’s more likely that the phone would damage him.

As Gavin reached the bottom of the screen of her iPhone he saw the large text displaying swipe up. Gavin ran his fingers up the screen but nothing happened. He tried several more times before trying two hands but the results were the same. Gavin pounded on the screen before taking a few steps away placing his hands on his hips in disgust. The idea that he no longer had enough force to activate the sensors of her phone was disheartening.

Gavin then had one last idea. He took a few more steps back and ran towards her phone before diving sliding up the screen of Mallory’s phone like it was a slip and slide.

Much to Gavin’s surprise it actually worked. Rushing over to the phone Gavin looked at the massive icons displayed on the screen. They all looked out of proportion so it took a few seconds to pinpoint what all the icons were. He pressed down on the dial pad icon to bring up the number pad but nothing happened. Gavin punched and slapped his hands against the screen as the bedroom door swung open.

“GAVIN!” Mallory yelled as she closed the door. Almost immediately Gavin felt his body freeze as the vibrations of Mallory’s footfalls could be felt all the way up onto the desk to where Gavin was frozen in place. While his mind could barely comprehend what was happening before she stood over him.

“Babe, what are you doing? We agreed together that I would be managing your day-to-day. So you could be more attentive to this relationship. I’m pulling 80% here when this should be 50-50. This is very disappointing.”

“Mal, I can-”

“Explain, I think we’ve heard plenty. I think it’s time you listen in this relationship.” Mallory fumed as she glared down at him with a look that would make any man submit.

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