Good Girlfriend Episode 6: A Smallara Side Story

Good Girlfriend 6

Mallory’s expansive room extended out in every direction from Gavin for what looked to be miles upon miles. He still marveled over things like her bed rising like some kind of artificial mountain.

The two feminine voices boomed above Gavin filling the room with ease, his voice no longer possessed while he struggled just to be heard over the idle chatter of the two teens. Even though Mallory ensured everyone knew they had to speak softly and quieter than normal to avoid hurting his ears. Their voice was still so far beyond any sound he could produce that it drowned him out with utter ease.

As they sat on the floor talking, he learned that he had to be cautious of how he approached as girls liked to move about as they spoke unconsciously. Usually, this wasn’t a big deal, but now that he had caught Smallara and had this reduced body, their idle movements and mannerisms were devastating to him.

“Sofie, everything happens for a reason, is what I always say. I mean, look, me and Gavin. We are doing better than we ever have, and it’s really thanks to Smallara. I mean, I would never wish such a disability upon anyone. Still, it really has refocused Gavin into being such a better boyfriend.” Gavin heard Mallory say. He smiled as he saw the girls looking down at him. He wanted to say it just allowed her to basically whip him, as his friends would say. He lived underneath Mallory’s thumb in a way he never did before.

Sure, Mallory had always been clingy and tended to want to be with him at all times, and when she wasn’t wanted to know exactly where he was and what he was doing. It was the main reason they argued and fought when they did. Now, in this post-Smallara world, all of that had been stripped from him.

He was relieved when Mallory found him. He felt safe, like he was going to get help. So it was devastating when they told him he had been sick with Smallara for too long for any medicine to work. The fact that he had a Single mom worked against him, as Mallory was right there to volunteer to help. She was guardian trained and went to his school. It was convenient for his mom to allow her to help out more and more.

“Sofie, you have it all wrong. Gavin doesn’t mind polishing my jewelry and doing my nails. Those are the ways he can contribute to the relationship. We are equal partners who help each other out. We can both do things the other can’t. He supports me, and I support him. That’s what a relationship is all about. Ever since I became his guardian full time, I was able to really focus on him by organizing his schedule and removing all those bad influences like the boys, as he called him. Now his teachers are so impressed with how much better he is doing. He won’t even need to be in remedial courses next year.” Mallory proudly states as she looks down at Gavin.

“Yeah, def-” Gavin got out before Mallory cut in.

“See, Sofie; we are just so in sync with each other. I haven’t ever felt so connected to someone. I’m sure you and Mac will get on the same page too. You two make such a cute couple together don’t you think so, Gavin? He’s lost in his work, but he does Sofie. He was going on and on about it at lunch.” Mallory added.

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Lethal Ledgend
1 year ago

There’s probably an unintended extra level of humiliation Gav’s feeling having to polish the toe rings while she’s wearing them, especially having someone else in the room watching and openly discussing the borderline enslavement of people like him in her home country and casually suggesting Mallory’d do the same to him.

(unless he’s into that shit in which case no judgement here)

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
1 year ago

I would be mortified to be forced to clean a toe ring while someone was wearing it. At least the other person in the room is a person who he doesn’t know well. If it was Sara who was a close friend of his it would be even worse.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 year ago

Maybe I was being too pessimistic, this world hasn’t left much room for optimism with what’s been shown and stated, Sophie says there’s a system in place, but I somehow don’t think Littles designed that system if the Littles themselves at least had a hand in constructing it I guess it wouldn’t be too bad.

I’d agree that the ability to switch jobs or which house one’s serving in would probably be the metric by which it’d show if it was slavery or not. the system might get abused in cases but that’s on the abuser, not the system.

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