A Good Day for Detention Episode 6: A Giantess Story

A Good Day For Detention 6

Oliva’s nerves were getting the better of her. She shook nervously as she looked down at her teacher. She fidgeted, sliding her phone out of her pocket just to slide it back in. While with her other hand, she still held her shoe shaking it back and forth and patting it against her thigh. Olivia finally lifted her foot without the shoe before setting it back down on the ground.

“What kind of test is this.” Mr. Harrison said, but to Olivia, it was nonsensical. He was just too small to be understood from the ground. Which wasn’t abnormal for a little, but he is, or at least was, a person. She thought briefly as to what he could have been saying or asking. She assumed he was berating her. Mr. Harrison always gave her a hard time. She knew it wasn’t fully his fault, as Kendra had framed her. He had been given the wrong impression of her. She wasn’t a troublemaker even though she knew Mr. Harrison thought otherwise.

Lifting her foot back up, Olivia closed her eyes as she moved her foot so it hovered directly over her teacher. She could hear his panicked tone, even in his unintelligible squeaks. She wanted to put her foot back down. If he was a person, this could hurt him. A little normally has a stronger physiology than a human does. Olivia remembered hearing it was something about closer packed-together cells. She never really had to care until now. She knew you could supposedly stand on one, and they wouldn’t be crushed. Where if something of equivalent size stood on Olivia, she knew she would squish like a grape.

Mr. Harrison exuded terror as he looked at Olivia. She was simply monstrous from this vantage point. It wasn’t until her foot lifted back up and hung in the air like something out of a science fiction movie that he had the realization of what was about to come next. Mr. Harrison tried to speak with her, but she wasn’t responding to his voice.

“Tap my the side of my foot and yell or, I guess in your case, squeak if you’re about to get hurt,” Olivia said before starting to lower her foot. As soon as she got her foot mere inches from the ground, she heard a squeak so loud she could almost understand what he was saying. She pulled her foot away and looked down at her terrified teacher.

“If you’re going to lie about it. I’m just going to have to do it and hope for the best. Now I’ll give you another shot at doing this right.” Olivia said nervously. She knew that wasn’t really the case. She didn’t want to actually harm him. She wasn’t sure if she would be able to forgive herself if she did. This wasn’t like hunting with her family. This would be senseless killing, no murder.

Lifting her foot, she felt a degree of panic but tried to push it out of her mind. She kept telling herself this was her little. He was going to be long to her. No one is going to think any differently because she stood on a little, and they would just be jealous that she had one.

Mr. Harrison couldn’t believe this was happening. This shouldn’t be happening. He wasn’t some kind of little. Surely she had to see that. She had to recognize that he needed help and that she should contact the office or another teacher. However, at this point, she should just leave, and he’ll figure it out himself.

None of that seemed like an option as her foot hung in the air. He tried to scoot forward while on his back, but his movement and struggle seemed wasted. It seemed that no matter how much he moved, her foot kept getting closer and closer. It was frustrating that he moved several feet to him, but to her, it was nothing. As he looked up at the mammoth foot, he appeared to be in the same place.

“Please no!” Mr. Harrison shouted as loud as he could. Olivia just heard it as a final audible squeak before she felt her foot touch her now tiny teacher. Even through a layer of cotton, she could feel his movements. The tiny gaps between the cotton threads allowed for his warm terrified breath to blow against the bottom of her foot.

The pressure was so slight at first. It felt like nothing. Then with each passing second, it increased by twofold. He tried to lift or move his legs, but it was as if they would no longer respond. The weight of her foot and the power of gravity held him down. It was a seemingly insurmountable weight that should be killing him. He knew his chest cavity should be exploded across the underside of her foot. The blood of his body soaked into her white cotton sock as his internal organs turned to a thick red paste. However, his chest continued to somehow rise and fall.

The pressure was suffocating as his body could only lay trapped in place, buried alive underneath tons upon tons of teenage flesh. While it was unbearable and it was far from deadly. As each moment passed, Mr. Harrison could feel the pressure increasing ever so gradually until, finally, the entirety of her stocking-clad foot rested on the tile floor.

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