Good Girlfriend Episode 8: A Smallara Side Story

Good Girlfriend 8

“Gavin loves this. It makes him so happy knowing that he is making me happy. Isn’t that right, babe?”

“Of course, Mal, I just -”

“wish you could do more. I know, but you are so helpful. Once you finish up with my jewelry, I will help you with your homework.” Mallory says before blowing Gavin a kiss.

“So Sofie, are all underbreds house people, or how does that work? It would be weird to think Gavin would be a house boy just because he caught Smallara.” Mallory asked.

“Well, it’s different because we’ve dealt with it longer. The majority of people who are going to catch Smallara have already caught it. We still get cases here and there. But it’s not like we have outbreaks anymore. It’s not a requirement where if you caught Smallara you would have to be a house boy or house girl. It is a decision you are making, and you can leave or quit like any job. But, the onus is the underbred to find a new job with another family. As unfortunately, there also aren’t a lot of other jobs they can do. So most work as house boys and house girls as most people choose not to end up killed on the streets by predators or just starve or thirst to death. The truly unlucky ones end up overseas in third world countries where regulations are nonexistent, and it’s more lawless.”

“What do you mean lawless? They don’t have rules like here and in England?”

“No, I mean some countries had their leadership catch Smallara, and it just descended into anarchy. However, the majority just don’t have any protection laws regarding underbreds, so it’s a bit like the wild wild west. It’s not covered much in the U.S. news, I’ve noticed. The U.S. seems only to acknowledge its allies and trade partners, which all have similar but different variations of the laws here. We just have better systems as the outbreaks hit us first.” Sofie said.

“That makes sense. I mean, it’s hard to believe you’ve dealt with this for almost a decade when here it’s just now starting to happen. Sorry, Gavin, it looks like there are no overseas trips for you. I’d have to get a sitter or something.”

Gavin shuddered at the idea of Mallory finding some kind of little sitter for him. He knew Mallory had some snot-nosed neighbor kid who did babysitting. He wasn’t sure if she was guardian trained or not. However, she was around that age. He would much rather travel with Mallory. But this Sofie seemed to get her pretty worried. Gavin thought about saying something but figured he would wait until it was actually something to worry about. As it stood now, it was all talk.

“I’m sorry, Sofie. We were talking about Mac and your problems with him, and we got on this tangent. I’m all ears for what is going on. I’m sure we can come up with some kind of solution.”

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