The Birthday Shipment Episode 3: A Smallara Side Story

Smallara The Birthday Shipment 3

Shadows crept across the room as a fan swiveled from side to side which at one time would have created a refreshing breeze but now blew a powerful gust of wind over Bryce every few seconds. A loud clunk of the air vents opening and the central air turning on was the only noise in an otherwise silent room.

Bryce sat up on the expansive bed astonished that the landscape he was dropped onto was nothing more than a simple bed. The bedspread stretched outward in every direction from Bryce at a scale that seemed unquantifiable.

“I-I need to get out of here.” Bryce thought to himself before trying to stand up. The bed made traversal awkward as between the bed and the bedspread it felt more like walking through deep snow on a trampoline. The unevenness of the ground caused Bryce to fall and stumble several times.

“This is taking forever. I don’t even know how much time I have.” Bryce thought to himself when he heard the squeaking of the door open. A giant who wasn’t Mia strolled in talking on the phone. Her voice filled the room as she walked to one of the other beds dropping her bookbag and purse onto the floor next to her bed before kicking off her shoes.

This stranger dominated the room to Bryce. As he watched her walk about the room without a care in the world. As she moved about talking and laughing on the phone with someone it wasn’t until she walked past Mia’s bed that she paused.

“It looks like Mia got one of those underbreds for her birthday.” The words hung in the air as the stranger’s eyes drifted downward stopping on Bryce.

“Just a sec, I will send you a pic,” The girl said as she reached down grabbing Bryce and lifting him up by the scruff of his neck with an amount of effortlessness that mocked the effort and exertion that Bryce expended to move about Mia’s bed. He was lifted higher and higher until she held him dangling in front of her face. An insecurity crept over Bryce as her eyes ravaged and silently judged him before he finally pulled away from her face.

Bryce was doing everything he could to keep from screaming bloody murder as he dangled in the air what felt like hundreds of feet up. His limbs dangling freely in the air with his body held up by the nubile fingers of this giant. As she moved her massive phone in front of him it looked almost otherworldly to him. It was hard for his mind to comprehend a phone larger than him.

The digital click of her iPhone told him it was all over. Seconds later he descended rapidly causing his stomach to twist and turn. Bryce was sure if had eaten or drunk anything he would have lost it at this moment. The descent turned from a controlled descent to a freefall as he felt her powerful fingers release their hold on him. As he crashed back into the bed he writhed on the ground not so much in pain but from the air being knocked out of him.

“Yeah, that’s him. Mia must have just got him. The box he came in is still here.” The girl said before walking over to the couch and sitting down. She continued to talk on the phone but never once was he mentioned again nor did she so much as acknowledge his existence.

It wasn’t until the phone call ended that Bryce tried to call out to her. He watched her eyes pull away from whatever she was doing on her phone and look back over at him. He felt small and insignificant compared to her even with the distance between them.

“Please, help me. I-shouldn’t be here.” Bryce stammered out with each word causing his dry throat pain. He hoped that she would show some mercy. That she would be more understanding than Mia who seemed intent on keeping him and talking like he belonged to her as some kind of possession.

Bryce watched her stand back up and walk back over to him on the bed.

“Don’t worry little guy. I’m sure Mia will be back soon. I know you must be scared in a new home. She will be back from class soon.” She said with a sweetness and compassion in her words Bryce hadn’t expected.

“No, you don’t understand. Mia-” was all Bryce managed to get out before the door opened back up and Bryce saw Mia walk back in.

“See, here she is.” The girl said her focus shifted from Bryce and onto Mia.

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Lethal Ledgend
1 year ago

Surprised you posted one with the text still on the image.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 year ago

Fair enough given how much you’ve uploaded today.

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