The Birthday Shipment Episode 4: A Smallara Side Story

Smallara The Birthday Shipment 4

The simple phrase “See here she is,” was enough to cause Bryce’s blood to curdle. He looked up at the giant girl wanting to plead with her. He wanted to explain that she misunderstood. He wasn’t missing Mia or worried. He needed to get away from her. This was all some kind of mistake. He had a family and they just needed more time to secure the funds to get him released to their care.

“Logan! How about a hand here.” Mia shouted as she kicked the door closed with her foot to their sorority room.

“Yeah, of course. Sorry.” Logan said as her attention fully left Bryce as she went over to Mia and grabbed the other side of the cage. The two carefully made their way over to the open corner of the room setting the cage down on the floor.

“Thanks, it was heavier than it looked,” Mia said as she made her way over to her bed and collapsed into it. Bryce bounced what seemed like several feet to him in the air. In reality, it was only a few inches. However, the experience was frightening just the same.

“Isn’t this the cage we saw when we were out thrifting last weekend?” Logan said as she sat down on the couch.

“Yeah, I didn’t have use for it then. I just remembered how cute it looked. So I picked it up after class along with a few supplies.” Mia said as she caught her breath.

As Bryce settled back onto the bed he was greeted with the ginormous form of Mia laid out on the bed. He had seen heather’s finger enter his room and he vaguely remembered his time in the hospital before the government facility. He had always been in controlled situations in which he interacted in close proximity with the people who were now giants to him.

This time was frightening and different. Bryce felt his heart race as he looked at Mia who was impossibly large compared to when he saw her almost a year ago in his classroom before her high school graduation. Bryce swiveled his head from left to right he wanted to find a place to hide. A place where this all somehow made sense.

“I should probably get to my own classes but we’re not done. I want you to spill everything when I get back. I didn’t even know you were a guardian. I would have never guessed.” Logan said as she gathered her things before heading to class.

Mia lay on her bed in silence for several minutes. She had pulled her phone out and the digital clicking of keys could be heard but neither Bryce nor Mia conversed with one another. Bryce only watched as she took a few pictures of herself with various facial expressions.

She then dropped her phone onto her bed. Bryce saw her Instagram with a photo of her laying in bed with a tired-looking face. He tried to read the post but the screen timed out before he could see anything else and the phone only showed the time.

“Ugh, I suppose I better get you all situated. I won’t want to do it later. I barely want to do it now.” Mia said lazily pushing herself up while looking down at her former teacher.

“Mia, please. There has to be some arrangement we can work out.” Bryce said as loud as he could, but his sore hoarse voice caused him to wince in pain.

“This is the arrangement. So get over it. You are my birthday gift. Given to me by my little brother. It’s not my fault you have bad genes or that your family is too poor to afford you. I would have paid you more than you probably make in a month. I wanted an A, but I would have settled for a B. Instead, you were all holier than thou. Talking about how I got what I earned. Well, guess what Mr. Wexler? You got exactly what your righteousness earned you.” Mia said with a smirk as she stood up.

“I’m sorry, I can’t hear you. Is that really as loud as you’re able to speak? The underbreds I’ve seen can all speak much louder than you are.” Mia said as she crossed her arms and sighed. “Just great, I get stuck with a defective one,” Mia said in a bit of frustration and an eye roll. “I mean it’s the thought that counts. I’m sure Tanner went through a lot of trouble to get you for me.” Mia said as she continued to look down at Bryce who was desperately trying to communicate with her.

“Oooooh, you’re thirsty,” Mia said finally realizing what Bryce was trying to tell her. “You should have just said something. I’m not a mind reader. I guess it makes sense. I’m not sure what shipping level Tanner used to send you. I mean I didn’t have to sign for you so it was probably a pretty low grade.” Mia said as she scanned the room for her purse. Mia pulled a bottle of water out of her purse along with a sandwich bag full of various nuts and another full of cereal. She carefully hung her purse back up before walking over to her bed.

“So I feel like we need to come to a little understanding. I’m actually quite kind Wexie. You and me just got off on the wrong foot. Most people love me. I understand how thirsty you must be and this bottle of Smart Water. It can be yours. I just need you to say your name. Then you can have all the water you want. I even grabbed some food from the kitchen on my way up.” Mia said as she leaned against the cage she carried up.

“My name is Bryce Wexler. Now please….” Bryce shouted as loud as he could.

“I thought you were thirsty Wexie. That is a very disappointing answer. That answer, I’d give a D. However, I’m feeling very magnanimous. I believe that was one of your words. So, why don’t you try again Wexie.” Mia said as she took a drink from the water bottle.

“Ahh, that’s good,” Mia said as she waited for Bryce’s answer.

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