Good Girlfriend Episode 10: A Smallara Side Story

Good Girlfriend 10 1

“Babe, you’re too far from us. Come sit next to Ellie and me,” Mallory said, snapping her fingers to get Gavin’s attention.

“Mal, I’ll be…”

“Right over, I know you will, babe. There is plenty of room for you to sit between Ellie and me.” Mallory said as she blew Gavin a kiss before turning back to the girls.

“Mal, what are you going to tell Devin? He is so cute, and he’s on the basketball team. Seeing him run around in those shorts is rarely disappointing.” Bristol said before taking a drink.

“What do you mean tell Devin? Are you talking about Devin Peterson?” Gavin shouted before hurrying over to the girls.

“What’s that babe? Your voice is a little quiet.” Mallory said. “I don’t really need to say anything. Devin’s always had a bit of a crush on me.”

“I said, what was that about Devin?”

“Babe, it’s nothing you don’t need to worry about it. Devin just asked me out. It was so sweet he sang a little song and everything. It’s nothing, though.” Mallory said dismissively.

“Do I need to talk to him?” Gavin asked, standing at Mallory’s feet and looking up at his giant girlfriend. Mallory covered her mouth as she snickered over the thought of Gavin trying to act all tough with Devin.

“Gavin, I was with her it was nothing. I talked to him later. Don’t get yourself hurt.” Ellie said, but that only hurt Gavin’s pride that everyone but him seemed to know about this.

“This is old Gavin behavior. You’ve done so good since your disability really turned over a new leaf.” Mallory said as she reached down, plucking Gavin from the grass and lifting him up. She held him in front of her face with her thumb pressing into his chest and her forefinger pressing into his back. Gavin used either hand to press upward on her thumb, but the strength of Mallory easily overpowered him.

“Mal, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. You’re right. I trust you. I’m sure it was nothing. I’m just out of sorts from being in the backpack on the long hike up here.” Gavin said, giving in. The angry glare she was giving him softened.

“Aww, babe, you should have said something. I would have held you if you needed some air. This is why you should really use your words. I don’t know if something is wrong if you don’t tell me these things. This relationship only works by being open and honest. We can’t keep things from each other, okay?”

Gavin nodded, completely emasculated in front of Malloy’s friends. As she gives him a kiss before setting Gavin down in her lap. As much as Gavin wanted to say more, he didn’t dare. He merely listened to the snapping of the fire as he tried to avoid looking at Bristol or Ellie for, he didn’t want to see what expression they had on their faces.

“It’s not the same without Chloe here. She would always bring those good snacks.” Bristol said, looking over at Ellie.

“She’s with Sara, though. I think Chloe was taking her a devil’s game.” Ellie said.

“Oh my god, Sara, at a sporting event. I would have paid to see that.” Mallory said with a laugh.

“Right, I gave up babysitting Jordy for the weekend to hang with you girls,” Ellie said as she took another drink, finishing off the can and giving it a shake to show it was empty. “These are pretty good Mal. You should really try one.” Ellie said, standing up and walking over to the cooler.

“Well, we appreciate your sacrifice. But if you aren’t watching him, who is?”

“Oh, you know I’m not sure. She might have just left him at home. But I’m sure she found someone as she was worried about the temperature of the hockey games being too much for Jordy.” Ellie said before opening another can

“Gavin, try this,” Ellie said, staggering a bit as she walked back over to the wooden log they were using as a bench.

“Ellie, don’t get him drunk, please.”

“It’s just a little sippy sip, Mal. Gav’s a big boy. You should have seen him with Sara last summer.” Ellie said, setting her hand down on Malloy’s lap for Gavin to climb onto.

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1 year ago

I love how vast the world of Smallara is.

Lethal Ledgend
1 year ago

Good to see new content.

1. Three drunk giantesses and a little being offered a drink, really not looking good for Gavin,

2. Mal telling him to use his words, but not letting him finish his sentences is hilarious but also indicative of her fundamental miss understanding of the situation

3. How was he even supposed to say something from inside her back pack?

4. Hope Jordan isn’t with Dayton, though this must be a flash forward given its the weekend.

5. Is Gavin’s collar pink?

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 year ago

1. If she they get arrested could Mal get a criminal record? And by extension lose custody of Gavin.

4. Mustn’t be too far in the future, the Collar law is supposed to be completely in effect by October.

3. That’d probably just be limited to when she’s taking a break anyway.

2. It was nice to see her listening to him more though, even if she’s not very good at it still.

5. Oh, well I’m curious to see how he goes about getting one, can’t imagine Mal has Chloe’s wealth, but I’d like to think she splurge her best for him in this instance.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
1 year ago

1) Add drunkenly handling a little (reckless endangerment) and near a fire they most likely couldn’t have gotten a permit for without an adult.

6) Sara worrying about the temperature being too much at a hockey game makes sense, Mallory not having the same thoughts about a camping trip unfortunately also makes sense, one mozzie almost killed Jordan and there have got to be hundreds around them.

7) This isn’t Sara’s first sports event as Chloe has taken Sara to some of her previous games, though this could be Mal processing thoughts of “She never went to any of my soccer games”

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
11 months ago

1, but we know Ellie put her hand down for him, so it depends on weather or not Mal let’s her pick him up.

7. Ducks are amphibious, there’s shitloads of times the go out of water lol. Chloe’s in NHL? I assumed she was just in an amateur team, being only 15 and all. I’d say Mal us definitely making it about her.

Bryan Stokes
Bryan Stokes
1 year ago

God, I’ve missed Smallara. Hoping this is a sign things are picking back up again? Fingers crossed.

J - vader
J - vader
1 year ago

Yes Im so happy to see smallara again

I think the relationship between Gavin and Mal are getting slightly Better I do think and hope that Mal gets some understanding on how Gavin feels about things and listen to him. Gavin seems he needs to accept that he can’t have the same level of manly pride and honor now that he small and probably trust Mal more. So I hope we see a moment of true understanding between the two that get them to understand and listen to each other and strengthening their relationship for the better.

So good to hear about Sara and Jordan can’t wait to see them again after that last chapter we saw them in.

I hope we see Sara, Mal, Gavin, and Jordan togather again and see how this interaction will be from the last one were everyone is in a better place of accepting the situation and the changing world around them.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
11 months ago

Can’t wait for a Jordan to see “Miss Bak” again, still kinda want her to be joking about that, but if she is serious I want Jordan to tell her to call him “Mister Fitz”.

He does need to work on trust, but Mal needs to work.on listening, as it stands, Gavin can’t trust Mal to let him finish his sentences instead of cutting him off and finishing it with what she wants to hear, and if he can’t trust her with something as basic as that, how can he trust her with anything more complicated?

Mal working on communication would mostly involve her listening more, and discussing with him BEFORE she makes major decisions. Because no point in Gavin communicating if she’s not gonna listen anyway.

Last edited 11 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
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