Smallara Episode 375: A Giantess Story

Smallara 375

“I’m sure you’re hungry. I know I am. Let’s go down and get breakfast. I expect you on your best behavior.” Sara instructed before lowering her hand into the habitat.

She looked down at Jordan watching him clamber onto her hand. It still felt weird as he moved across her hand. She remembered back in guardian training one of the first things you learn is how to fight the instinct to slap, scratch, or violently move your body, which can be people’s first reaction. As it feels similar to having a bug crawl on you. Not exactly one for one but very similar. Being around Jordan these past few days had led her to really hone in on perfecting the reactions. So that now, when he climbed onto her hand, she had no real reaction at all other than the thought about how strange it felt.

Pushing the door open with her free hand, she started walking down the hall. Immediately, she heard the meowing of Mocha as he rubbed against her ankles. She pushed her tears back, but it almost broke her thinking about how she was going to have to give up Mocha. He had always been a bit of a butt. However, he was her moody cat who had become part of the family. As her eyes drifted down to Jordan, she saw him clutching her finger tightly as Mocha followed her down the hall. She could tell Jordan was genuinely afraid of Mocha. She sighs softly, thinking there is just no way to keep them both. She was just glad her mom agreed to drop Mocha off with her cousin. She wondered if she would have been able to follow through with it if she had to. Even if it was for the best.

The silver lining, if there was one in all this, was that she was only going to have to look after one pet. Jordan was more work than Mocha was in a lot of ways. As with Mocha, it was easy to drop down food and water. That was it, other than the occasional vet visit and cleaning of the litter box. Jordan was much more of a hands-on pet. He wasn’t capable of fending for himself in any meaningful way. He would probably freeze to death without her. However, she also figured that was part of why her therapist didn’t push back on the notion of him being her companion animal.

“You smell that, Jordy? I can smell that bacon already.” Sara said as she took her index finger and petted him a few times.

“Uhh, are we having breakfast with your family?”

“Yeah, we always do unless Mom is working the morning shift. Then it’s just a free-for-all all. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, or waffles. My favorite meal of the day.” Sara said, rubbing her stomach just thinking about it. “I suppose this will be your first time, as Mom has been working so much with the Smallara outbreak,” Sara added.

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Lethal Ledgend
11 months ago

Jordan’s gonna nibble on a pancake the size odmf his bed lol.

Losing Mocha will be hard and I do sympathise with Sara, especially because it’s likely Tiffany’s lapse in judgement that made Jordan so scared. But realistically it’s either doing this now, or on some dark day explaining to the SEA or LVU investigator why Jordan’s collar’s tracking signals is leading to Mocha’s belly.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
11 months ago

Well, she already had a Jordie, but this would help their relationship as it’d show that she’s taking caring for him more seriously and that she is willing to do right by him even when it isn’t what she already wants to do.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it came out that owning littles and dangerous pets at the same time was actually illegal (or if it became illegal later in the story) due to the exceedingly hight risks.

J - vader
J - vader
11 months ago

Well at least she cares for how he feels about mocha but again he not a pet Sara his position may resemble of one but he not either way I don’t think Jordan will care about it and will still know he human even if everyone else tells him he is a pet but damn this therapist should really discuss both their feelings about their relationship and how to improve more as time passes.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J - vader
11 months ago

Jordan’s her slave, she tries to be a good slave owner (when convenientto her) bilut she’s still a slave owner none the less. She’s in denial about it, actually claiming she “saved him from getting enslaved” but that wad just a lie she tells herself and him, she also told him he “totally wasn’t her pet” but that was a lie she only told him.

Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
11 months ago

Pretty sure “they aren’t really people” has been used to ‘justify’ slavery about a thousand times already, so saying “she doesn’t think of it as slavery as she doesn’t think of him as a person” doesn’t make much sense to me.

Also how could she believe she “resued him from slavery” if she doesn’t believe it counts as slavery?

And in any case Sara viewing him as “not a person” is her being WRONG.

11 months ago

This is the first time Sara had to give up something because of Jordan… lets be honest for Sara doesnt change anything … shes babysitting Dayton like usual, shes going to school like usual, doing this doing that like usual… the only diffrence was that she can “show” her new “accessories” to all of her friends to see their reactions because we all know Body Hottie is all teengirls wetdream 😛 and now hes suddenly all hers more like a ken doll but still hers and some of them will be very envy and jealous. Jordans life changed 180 degrees, hes lost everything just to land in the hands of a braty moody teen ( from his perspective) and maybe sometimes he wishes just to be dead so this nightmare is over… maybe thats why hes dreaming of Dayton because deep insight he knows that would be the best for everyone. But now the first real consequens happens in Saras Life and probaly not the last one… what will happen if she doesnt get the job she wants because of him or something she ever wanted and not get it because of Jordan?? will she regret her decision and will be mad at him? nobody forced her to being his guardian and handle all the downsides but she was to young and naive and maybe a bit in love with him to see the situation clearly… well future will give us the answers… lets find out in the next chapter of Dragonball Z haha jk ;DDDD

Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lyssa
11 months ago

Sara does have certain changes made for him, but like you said they are very minor and often unnoticeable, and I definitely agree that she was showing him off like a trinket on several occasions and has shown great amounts of frustration that the worst thing to ever happen to him hasn’t been as much fun for her as she thought it would be. I’m not sure I’d count this as a consequence, more of a sacrifice, consequence was when Jordan made his escape attempt while she was supposed to be babysitting, but I do hope she does face consequences in future, ones she can’t just brush off or turn around against Jordan. I’m not sure she was in love with him, given her sexuality, but I definitely think she thought he was handsome.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
11 months ago

yeah she did pay a lot of money and does the training but there will be moments where she has to make hard decision like going to a party with him where he might get lost or taken away by some bullies or leave him with his nightmare dayton for this night or between learning for an exam to pass class or cheating with him hidden in her bra but maybe he get taken away when the teachers find out … rough times incoming …

btw sorry for my bad english havent used quite a while and in reallife i never use it 😀

Reply to  Asukafan2001
11 months ago

thanks but most time im not sure if i had to usw there or their or were or where 😀 and im also not sure about the right terminus so esecially when i wrote sentence with future and past involved 😀 but i do my best to remind my schooltimes 😛

Reply to  Asukafan2001
11 months ago

oh i think she really loves her… she was a kid when she get her i think because of the age of the cat … i got my gingercat around 3 years ago ,,, i would sacrifice all my neighbors for him :DDD and i bet a some point she will thinks i better stayed with mocha because she will never talk back or argue with about something thats waaaaay easier than have an adult crybaby doll at your side that have always rely on you

11 months ago

Imagine being in nothing but a t-shirt and boxer shorts as a giant hand comes towards you, it’s a bit unnerving.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Nodqfan
11 months ago

Jordan’s been worn less in that hand, lol.

11 months ago

I like the way sarah talk to jorden and give him instruters as if she really think he isnt smart enogh to know how to act in front of people, she’s really commited to the mom role and take it so seriously. Now when she said they are going to have breakfast with her parent I felt sick in my stomach, I imagend my self in Jorden place, have to set and eat with my nieghbors who they used to respect me and give me all their attention when Im around them, now I was helplessly clinging to their 15 y old daoughter’s finger dont want this awkward meeting but there is absolutly nothing I can do, I would cry if that was me. I hope he bring up to her father that its wrong for him as an adult to sleep in Sara’s room and they should be concern about their daughter’s safty with him there alon but the Father laugh and think its so sweet of him worrying about Sara and give him a pet talk. Also at some point Jorden has enough with this treat ment of the Reverss family and jump on Sara’s face and breast and start kissing on thim to show her that he’s still a man and she should be carful keeping him so attatched to her all the time, but Jorden get broken again by the respond of sara just ignooring him as if he is just like her cat mybe she would like that cuz that remaind her of Moca now its not arounď any more, and again Jorden feel discussted and sick of this and throw a tantrum at her. Cant wait to see the breakfast part. Im loving this

11 months ago

Going to be an interesting scene with Jordan just in his boxers on the breakfast table, but I have a feeling Sara’s parents wont give it any thought at all from what we’ve seen. I’d definitely feel a bit uncomfortable.

It still twists your mind to place yourself in this reality, on either side. Seeing how suddenly insignificant a successful and respected human being becomes overnight while being stripped of their rights, dignity, and humanity at the same time. To be reduced to a novelty to some, and an immediate burned on society to others.

Basically your on the same priority level as a very expensive and exotic hamster.

I see future structure for certain skilled fields specific to littles in the future of course. Such as Medical, etc.

” really trying to keep my comments short because I feel another rant coming on. 🙂 “

11 months ago

Love ❤️ Sara’s tone here to her whittle man better be on his best behavior or else ohhhhhh I can imagine the punishment🙏🏻❤️😈. I think she should take those tiny boxer shorts off him. Eating breakfast naked next to Sara’s mom and now his mommy total humiliation🙏🏻♥️😈 amazing render with her hand coming down from this perspective🙏🏻🙏🏻♥️♥️

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