Smallara Episode 376: A Giantess Story

Smallara 376

Jordan found himself in the familiar place of Sara’s hand as she walked from her room and moved about the home. Below, Jordan could hear her cat Mocha, which caused his muscles to tense as he grasped her fingers a bit tighter subconsciously.

The scent of breakfast permeated throughout the home, growing stronger the closer Sara got to the kitchen. The smell made Jordan realize he hadn’t had breakfast since before he caught Smallara. He could feel his stomach growling over the thought of it.

As Sara bounded down the stairs and entered the kitchen, he could see both of Sara’s parents. Jordan immediately felt underdressed as he still remained in his boxers.

“Sara, your parents are here. Where are my clothes?” Jordan said as quietly as he could while still allowing for Sara to hear him.

“I didn’t want your school clothes getting dirty. I figured the heat from the food on my plate would keep you warm enough.” Sara said very matter-of-factly as she walked further into the kitchen towards the table.

“That’s not the point.” Jordan started to say, but Sara was already moving to sit down and the booming voices of her parents greeting her drowned out his voice.

“How’s my Sare bear.” Sara’s father said who was dressed for the office already.

Sara tilted her hand onto the table, causing Jordan to slide down the palm of her hand with his feet landing on the wooden table. Jordan huddled close to Sara, shivering on the table a bit.

“Oh my goodness. You are such a baby.” Sara said as she dug into her pocket and pulled out some sweatpants and a shirt, dropping them onto the table.

“Good morning to you, Jordan,” Tiffany said as she set a large plate down in front of Sara and Jordan.

“Good morning, ma’am,” Jordan said, grabbing the clothes Sara had given him and scurried closer to Sara before he quickly put on the clothes Sara had provided him.

“His name is Jordy, Mom.” Sara asserted as she gave Jordan a pat on the head.

“Right…Sorry, Jordy.” Tiffany said as she smiled at Jordan before turning back and heading towards the stove.

“Are you starting to get adjusted to things, Jordy,” Sara’s dad asked as Jordan shivered a bit on the cool table. Jordan inched closer to Sara to steal some of her body heat.

“Each day is getting easier for him. He’s starting to adjust to his little body. It took a bit of time for him to understand and accept that he wasn’t capable of being so independent anymore.” Sara said, answering for Jordan.

“Sara, how much of this bacon do you want?” Tiffany asked.

“I can just bring my plate over, Mom,” Sara said as she pushed herself away from the table and grabbed her plate, leaving Jordan on the table. “Jordy, stay,” Sara said with a finger wag before walking over to the island. While Jordan wondered where she thought he was going to go.


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Lethal Ledgend
11 months ago

Why is everyone so concerned about Jordan just wearing his boxers? I’ve worn just my boxers to almost every breakfast since I was 12.

Really don’t like how Sara’s still trying to control what people call him, she agreed to his only condition being his name but now wants everyone to call him by a nickname, the kind that he’d likely only want people calling him after he knows them better.

Sara saying “Jordie stay” felt wrong, just being a bitch for the sake of it, she could easily have said “wait here for a sec” would have been considerably less demeaning and given the same instruction.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
11 months ago

well its just embarrasing and akward for an adult man to be in your boxers coming from the daughters room and meet the parents ( he doesnt know very well )

ouuuu puppy time ^^ next thing he learns is to roll over 😀 i wonder how things will change when they lost their excitment for the situation … your next sidestory should taken place in the future (10-15 Years or more ) im curious how things maybe developed =)

Last edited 11 months ago by Lyssa
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lyssa
11 months ago

She probably would want him doing tricks too.

Sit, roll over, play dead, make him jump threw one of her bracelet ringlike it’s a hoop!

Could even see her going as far as to make him an obstacle course out of random items in her house.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
11 months ago

yeah but she would mind that like a parcouse to stay strong and healthy over time … so she thinks she will do something good for him instead of taking his last bit selfrespect away and become the new familypet

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
11 months ago

Could he handle more impressive tricks? She tried teaching him a Tik Tok dance ans he landed on his ass.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
11 months ago

Agree, she could for examble ask jorden to climb on her mother feet all the way to her face while they are sitting watching Tv or some thing or mabe try to rubb her father’s feet as if hr is mpka, she could say as he is doing it “ohh he is just line Moka like daddy’s feet and all the family laugh while Jorden is andry and maybe crying and hitting her father’s feet as sara’s parent start kissing.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
11 months ago

1. Ok didn’t think of the social complexity of the situation. Also would like to point put this is the second breakfast where Jordan asked for clothing and Sara wanted to refuse despite already having clothes ready.

2. It’s following the letter of the Law, yes, but not the spirit. The point was he got to choose what people called him not her. None of his friends called him “Jordy” so it’s not like she’s going back to an old nickname either. Though I do think I catch your meaning, he’s grateful for the half-step in the right direction and doesn’t wat to push it.

3. Especially after certain other things she’d done in that conversation, it probably wouldn’t have been that bad if not for that context.

11 months ago

i wonder right now … can you caught smallara twice ? whats his size now 6/7cm or 3inches and then he will become a quater of an inch which will equal 0,4cm?

can you imagine that … get used to your new size and a dailyroutine and all of a sudden even more tiny ^^ but then he wil get the medicine that he can at least the current size

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lyssa
11 months ago

Wouldn’t that just shit ya? catching it again and mutating further. Or maybe round two would make him grow, put him at Sara’s waist or something.

Though it could be one onmf those diseases where once you catch it that’s it your not getting it again.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
11 months ago

would be shitty as hell … caught a second time while you in a womans purse … getting lost in there like soooo many other things before

Reply to  Asukafan2001
11 months ago

ohhh page 53 it passed a lot of time since that^^

yeah and even if you survive that how would you communicate with the giants
and on the science side the air would become more like a fluid so you have to swim trough the air.
but i would like to see that for lets say 12 hours ( in which he gets trough many challenges of course) til he gets the medicine that let him grow back to little doll size

11 months ago

Dang Tiffany a glass of wine on the table already? 🙂 Makes sense with her shifts I guess.

Yeah the “Jordy, stay” struck a nerve as usual but that HAS to be her just messing with him. Seems a bit rude to be fussing about him being cold. I mean she of all people know how cold little’s can get and can see he’s shivering.

It’s a bit agitating that she’s not abiding by the only condition Jordan asked for and is STILL pushing the “pet” name.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  000111000b
11 months ago

Hey, Jordan’s only been dealing with Sara for four days, Tiffany’s comming up to 16 years, cut her some slack for the day drinking.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
11 months ago

Excellent point my friend 🙂

11 months ago

Absolutely looooooooove this!!!!!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻♥️♥️♥️♥️ I would love for him to be completely naked on the kitchen table in front oh Sara and Sara’s mom but this humiliating 😈♥️ Love how she’s ignoring his tiny complaints❤️ I miss Sara calling him body hottie but call him jordy like a little a baby and correcting her mother was amazing. Just keep that infantile voice going at her tiny baby. When she told him to stay! Like you would a puppy it too goood♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ I think some diapers would do good on him especially because she can’t stop what she’s doing every time he has to go. Sara can clean up her baby after words😈🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

11 months ago

Amazing I love it .This scene is what I was waiting for since I start reeding the story. It is in scenes like this pne I can see how Joren’s life changing gorever now the parents are treating him like a little kid, and also the way he came naked from thier 15 y old dautgher’s room naked and attatched to her finger whith hem not care about that is so humiliating. I love this part of the story it spyce it up and make me so exited to see how low Jorden will get in this life where he can see the parents enloying thier adulthood while he’s being controld by thier child like some kind of a mouse. Please make more of these amazing scenes.

11 months ago

i wanted to wait til you upload page 377 but im getting to tired … ive send you a message on DA … pls answer me there … thanks

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