Smallara Episode 399: A Giantess Story

Smallara 399

The Voices of Sara and Kayla speaking boomed around the two diminutive littles. A slight breeze gently rustled the nearby trees, but it was enough for Jordan to notice Kelli shiver with a chill. Jordan took off his blazer and draped it over her shoulders to provide her with some extra warmth.

“Thank you,” Kelli said as she noticed Jordan’s muscular build. “Sorry about my scene before. Kay is just such a tomboy sometimes. She doesn’t care about fashion or trends at all. She doesn’t own a single bit of makeup. So, it’s been a bit frustrating having to rely on her. Before I left for college, I was always the one having to push her into these things and now somehow, she’s, my guardian. Here I go again, I’m Sorry again, I’m ranting about my own problem, and you don’t even know me. So, how long have you been like this?”

“Oh, just since Saturday. It’s all pretty new to me.” Jordan said still a bit at a loss for words. “How about you?”

“Oh, about three months but I’ve only been with my sister Kayla for a couple of days. She had to go through training, so I was at a local facility on hold. You’re lucky you had a guardian right away.”

“Sara? Well, she’s my guardian but we didn’t know each other really beforehand. She was my neighbor. I guess you could say she knew me better than I knew her. I actually was alone when I contracted Smallara. I had to flee my home to try to get help. Sara was nice enough to take me in since she was trained.” Jordan said as he played with his foot a bit unsure of where exactly he should look.

“Wow, that had to be scary. I couldn’t imagine running through a yard like that. I would have been afraid of getting killed by almost everything.” Kelli said as she scooted closer to Jordan.

“I should have been, but I didn’t know enough to be scared at that time. It was only the other day that I found out just how lucky I was to make it through the yard to Reeves yard and to be able to get Sara’s attention. What was it like at the facility? Sara mentioned it but I never had to go to it. She gave me the option, but I didn’t want to risk it.”

“Smart, It’s not great. You are assigned a pod that you basically live in. They have assigned times that you get to come out into a gathering area and speak with some others, but the groupings are purposely always random. So, you are never with the same people each day. It took a couple weeks before I saw someone a second time. You are cut off from everyone you know. I had it a bit better as I was in the facility with a pending placement. I just had to wait for Kayla to pass classes and be approved as my guardian. Most people who are at the facility don’t have a pending guardian and there isn’t a system to assign them out. So, they are just stuck living there indefinitely.”

“So, they are just stuck there?”

“Stuck, is, one way to put it. It’s safe and treated well, they provide you with meals. It’s just very prison like. I wouldn’t want to go there by choice, that’s for sure. You get one meal option, so if you don’t like it. You just wait for the next meal. The guy in the next pod over was some kind of vegetarian. He’s lost a bunch of weight.” Kelli said as she played with her hair a bit twisting it around her finger.

“That‘s horrible,” Jordan exclaimed.

“Like I said, I was one of the lucky ones. Many have it worse. They are working on some kind of amazon style site for the unclaimed. Everyone was talking about it when I left. They took pictures of everyone who was unclaimed and were gathering data to put into a database. It sounds real gross.”

“Wow, I had no idea. I can’t imagine living like that. Sara built me a habitat. It’s all glass but it’s pretty large. Like a studio apartment in size.”

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10 months ago

Now I’m imagining someone using their Amazon Prime membership to buy an unclaimed Smallara victim and them being shipped in a box that’s both funny and terrifying at the same time.

Last edited 10 months ago by Nodqfan
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

I know, right? There are endless possibilities.

Last edited 10 months ago by Nodqfan
10 months ago

I wonder if Sara going to like the idea of her little “boy” Jorden being intimate with another girl. I hope he get a time out for that

Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

He’s got to get it somehow

Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

A butt spanking on his whittle cheeks

Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

Intressting, I like that Sara is so over Jorden, she used to have a mager crush on him when he was taller and bigger than her, now she treat him so sweetly sometime firmly like he is just some kid she have, eventhogh she is a lot younger than he is. It’s driving me crazy, I mean I’m really enjoying the ridiculous nonsense life Jorden have with this giant kid. I’m so looking forward to see how far low Jorden will go as his naghbour’s child pet. But I hope Jorden won’t get comfortable in his new life. I think it is more interesting to see him struggles and having hard time with this teen controlling his life like a puppy , so I hope Sara wouldn’t lit him have the grown-ups privileges such as having sex with a women cusz she only see a tiny Lil boy in him. Hope he gets firus and angry at her so she gets him grounded.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  9909
10 months ago

I’m curious about little reproduction (underbreeding). Would Sara be on the hook to pay child support for Jordan’s kids? Would she need new licenses for them or would they be able to get added to Jordan’s license (atleast until a certain age)? How long is a little pregnancy, is it easier or harder on then than humans?

Can’t imagine many littles would be interested in having kids given how most of them seem to live. Maybe in 200 years littles will be looked back on as the only species to choose extinction.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

I’m siding with Chloe on this one, the president and his party are really finding every way possible to suck the money out of people. For one, how can they pay it if they are in jail?

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

What do I feel like you made some of these up on the spot, or in response to reading “choose extinction”? LOL.

I suppose when Littles are propping up your economy you wouldn’t want less Littles, still it’d be nice to see the people profiting off them fall to ruins.

That all makes sense, serious punishment for letting your little fuck. I’m imagining smallborns being ripped from their parents arms and sold off like puppies, (and it’s making me sad)

Are new smallborns as helpless as human newborns or are they more active straight away like certain other species?

That sounds interesting, but wouldn’t underbreeding (and yes I’m gonna keep calling it that) just look like regular porn? (Actually now I’m curious how littles are doing on the porn industry in a morbid curiousity)

10 months ago

Didn’t Kelli say that Kay didn’t wear makeup? In the pic it kinda looks like she is wearing lipstick.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Dave
10 months ago

Its probably not clicked for Kelli that Kayla is now the legal owner of ALL Kelli’s old make-up. So Kelli still calls it “my make-up” even though it’s Kayla’s.

Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

Sorry im late, work was a shit show, couldn’t do my disappear fir a a bit like I use to.

1. Love how much of a gentleman Jordan is, though now I’m imagining he leaves his blaser with Kelli and has to be cold the rest of the day.

2. Interesting to hear the differences between the sisters, it’d be infuriating for either of them to have the other as a guardian.

3. Good to here more about the facilities, it a wonder why their fucking with them so much with rotating who’s interacting with who, it seems a lot for what their considering “dumb animals” (I’d personally love to see a side story about the day to day life in one)

4. Even shrunken and pathetic Vegans are entitled brats.

5. Is that Sight Kelli mentioned the same one Mia used to get Bryce?

6. Interesting how Sara isn’t focused on Jordan and Kelli right now, given how much hovering over him she usually does.

Kelli looks taller but I can’t tell fir sure in this shot.

Last edited 10 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

Probably gonna be more days like this until Christmas.

1. Yeah, I’m interested to see what happens.

2. That’s certainly an additional annoyance fir Kelli.

4. I’m not actually supporting it, I just can’t resist a chance to make fun of Vegans. I can also see the practicality of it, dietary restrictions wouldn’t help littles very much but Veganism is a choice but I’m also assuming a vegan guardian would enforce their diet on their little, just as callously.

6. True enough, plus he could be getting recorded.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

3. It never came up, why do they rotate them?

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

Ok, but first why do they not want Littles making friends? It wouldn’t matter to them if the little was sad saying good bye to them while leaving the facility, and having friends drastically reduces the possibility of little suicide, which I’m sure those facilities are full of.

Second, why are they not wanting the information to spread? What are they afraid of?

And third if stopping the information from spread is the point, wouldn’t rotating make that harder, it’d be better to make sure littles only interact with a select few so if word does get out it’s only with a handful.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

Man I know all about those late nights lol – Lately I’ve always felt like one of the last ones to comment

1- I doubt Sara would let that happen lol

2 – I would be interesting to hear Kayla’s thoughts on little’s and the Pets versus Person thing.

3 – Yeah that’s odd they would rotate them like that.

4 – Well I guess I’m obligated to tell you I’ve been a Vegan now for about 8 years 🙂

6 – I imagine Sara is somehow using that collar to record their convo. Manipulators and Gas-lighters always have to be one step ahead. Gotta give Jordan that false sense of security, even though in these scene hes really just praising her anyway.

Last edited 10 months ago by 000111000b
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  000111000b
10 months ago

1, yeah she’s pretty switched on, I also can’t imagine she’d be thrilled at him losing what probably cost her over a hundred dollars.

2. Yeah, hearing other perspectives on this issue is one of my favourite parts.

4. *gasp* well for the record it was just a joke, never could resist a vegan joke.

6. Yep, that’s definitely something I could see her doing. He’s praising her mostly because she’s right there, I’m imagining he’d be speaking more freely if she was in another room.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

6. As Sara once said “Any niceness that comes out of her has a price.”

10 months ago

It’s great to see that Jordan is finally getting more insight into what is going on with some of the little’s, and how they are being treated, and maybe he can get more of an idea as to why some people look at them as pets and nothing more.

Reply to  daynar
10 months ago

I’m hoping he meets more people that don’t see little’s as pets. I feel more discrediting needs done towards Sara’s beliefs but unfortunately they lean towards the slightly more “popular opinion”. Nothing irks me more than one of Sara’s biased “explanations”

10 months ago

Glad Jordan is acting like a gentleman and is finally getting the chance to talk with another little on par. Sucks your purposely cut off from everyone you know, as if your life wasn’t torn away from you already.

Aside from Chloe’s testimony we finally get a first hand insight into one of these facilities. Definitely sounds a little more dismal then I had imagined. Very thought provoking to hear from someone that’s been there that they wouldn’t want to go there by choice.

I was under the impression a guardian and little are paired at random? Yet they talk about little’s being unclaimed. Perhaps this was touched on already, and closing in on 400 pages + side stories has left me a bit rusty lol.

I wonder if they would offer little’s at a discount based on how long they go unclaimed?

It would be interesting to see Kelli have a conversation with Sara and challenge some of her views, and how Kayla would respond. Though Sara has had the convenience of an established partial and biased system in place, in my opinion she is certainly no authority on how little’s are to be treated, and SHOULD be challenged.

I feel the more she socializes Jordan the more he’s going to begin to question Sara’s integrity.

10 months ago

Kelli kind of seems taller but it’s hard to tell kind of far away in this render and they are sitting against Kayla’s purse 👛 Kelli looks like she is bare foot 🦶 too👌 hopefully when they stand up in front of each other whittle jordy has to crank his head back some to look at her. How humiliating is that power of the female goddesses💯 plus it seems she is somewhat younger than him💯👌

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