Smallara Episode 400: A Giantess Story

Smallara 400

“Do you want a coffee, Sara?” Kayla asked nervously, still a bit surprised someone as popular as Sara would even give her the slightest bit of attention. It took most of the courage she had just to ask her about arranging this meeting. She didn’t know anyone else who had a little other than Sadie and Mallory, but she couldn’t fathom bringing her sister around someone like Sadie. Mallory would never give someone like her the time-of-day Kayla figured.

“Oh sure, that’s so nice of you. I’ll get a vanilla white mocha with whole milk and a double shot of expresso.” Sara said sweetly.

“I’ll be right back,” Kayla said, standing up.

“Okay, I’ll keep an eye on the underbreds,” Sara said with her eyes averting down to Jordan and his new little friend. “Kayla was saying that you two had just gotten reunited Kelli.”

“Yeah, it’s nice to be out in the world again. You have no idea how hard it is being removed from, well, everything. The news we get is very limited when you’re on the inside. You have an iPad, but a lot of the news sites are restricted. We just got a curated list of news events and sports scores that we were allowed to know. The world very much just moved along without me. It was like I was in a stasis. Then, when I came out, I was kind of all alone. My friends were still at college, along with the life I was building. Now, I’m back at home, and my friends don’t want much to do with me anymore. As I’m just an underbred. A couple of them reached out to me when I got out, but it didn’t really work out to get together because of the distance with me back home now. The reality is the only ones who wanted anything to do with me were also not immune. But seeing me like this is difficult for them. So I get why they would take a step back.” Kelli said, a bit sad.

“It’s probably because seeing you reminds them of their own reality. As if you aren’t immune, it’s more a matter of when than if. You can’t change what you are. You can dress up a pig however you want, but it’s still a pig.” Sara said, leaning against the table as she peered down at the two.

Kelli couldn’t help but feel a bit intimidated as she looked up at the giant teen. Sara had her makeup on and had this sweet-smelling perfume that filled the air. Kelli couldn’t help but admire her hair which was neatly brushed and styled even though it was pulled back, it had some nice volume and form. While her own hair felt and looked like a rat’s nest in comparison to hers. She could tell this was a person who made herself up each morning. This all created something of a weird dynamic where she couldn’t help but feel a bit inferior to this girl who was very much her junior.

“I hope you and my Jordy here can become little friends,” Sara said as she smiled down at the two underbreds.

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Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

400! 🎉🎉🎉🎆 congratulations, Didyou think it’d come this far when you started writing way back when?

Yay! Early one!

1. Kayla being nervous is adorable, I hope we see more of her.

2. Not surprised Sara’s opinions haven’t changed but kinda fels more harsh given those are her first words to Kelli.

3. Wonder if Sara could get one of those Ipads for Jordan, can’t be that expensive, I don’t the the government would be splurging fir the littles in facilities.

4. Smart of Kayla not wanting Kelli to hang with Saddie, she’s better as a manipulation tool. Lol.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

2 – Yeah that came off as a bit harsh to me as well, especially as a first impression. Sara seems to have the bubble mentality that “if you repeat a lie long enough, it becomes true”.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

I hear you loud and clear but the difference in dynamic between a dog and a person could not be farther apart.

Mentally and anatomically a little is exactly the same person they were, just smaller. Aside from the nervous system and other genetic changes, Its crazy that they’re held in such disregard.

What Sara believes doesn’t make it true, and has even acknowledged that her own beliefs are disputed to an extent. Chloe being the example here and obviously Sara knowing about the rights movement.

If she wants to enforce her structure on Jordan, then so be it, that’s her apparent right in the unfortunate environment they both exist in at the moment. However, here she blatantly projects her arguably hurtful view in disregard, while KNOWING it is contested.

The existence of the antidote alone is enough to disprove what she said.

“You can’t change what you are”

  • What you “ARE” << the ARE part is the contested part here. Its what they become in the eyes of society once or IF they mutate, and no antidote is available
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  000111000b
10 months ago

She’s not lying per-say, she’s just putting faith in the American government on an issue that they’re wrong about. She also seems to not care if Kelli likes her as she’s not being as manipulative as she was with Jordan.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

So its like a side story that became Smallara? Cool.

1. Yeah, Kelli adapting so quickly makes her seem more extroverted which is a fun foil to Sara and Jordan.

2. I get that it’s her honest opinion, but she did ease Jordan into it a lot more, suppose she doesn’t need to manipulate someone else’s underbred.

I can’t really blame her friends, I’d probably not wanna be around a little either, partly for the reasons listed, but I’d also be paranoid they could somehow infect me. It’d still suck for her though.

3. I’d say the ipad is portable, he can entertain him self as school when she has to do work, or (because she’s mentioned it) it’s probably be easier for him to do school work in a table then trying to use pencil and paper at his size.

4. Neither did Jordan.

10 months ago

I would like to suggest a sequence were Sara starts tickling Jordan on his sides and belly asking him repeatedly with a sweet voice “who is my good wittle man?”,saying she will just stop when she heards Jordan verbalizing “I am your good wittle man”
She should do it often, by the way
There was a moment like this in chapter 5 of “The Shrinking Virus by Justafc1” and I can tatally see Sara doing the same with Jordan.

Last edited 10 months ago by gui58
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

Thanks for considering my suggestion. Just a note: This would be even more humiliating if she did it in public, like in front of her friends, Dayton, Jordan’s sister and friends or even during her live streamings.

Last edited 10 months ago by gui58
Reply to  gui58
10 months ago

With his clothes off in front of Ellie

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Rockyb888
10 months ago

He’s fully dressed when she starts, significantly less when she’s done.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

Nice brilliant idea!!!👌💯 maybe she can do that in front of her stream too got to give the audience what they subscribe too 😉

Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

Tickling him so hard he pees himself and imagine doing in front of his old friends Daniela and Mrs. Brooks. What a fantastic humiliation that would be. Sara with a smirk on her face

10 months ago

Congrats on 400 Asuka!

Can’t begin to express my gratitude for creating such a unique story, and all the hard work you’ve done over the years.

Annnnd no condolence or compassion from Sara what-so-ever after hearing Kelli. It seems for Sara’s first impression she decided on trying to push her degrading ideology in front of another poor victim… Huge surprise lol. I can’t wait to see her challenged in front of Jordan, if that ever happens 🙂

I’m still under the impression “underbred” is technically a derogatory term? Has that softened since the beginning?

Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

Gotcha…I’ve been trying to pay attention to when Sara chooses to use the term underbred around Jordan but I guess I shouldn’t look to deep into it. Even Kelli called herself an underbred unironically. I guess its all in the “tone” when it’s meant to be degrading lol.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  000111000b
10 months ago

Underbred is what I’d consider a racial slur, Jordan doesn’t seem to mind though as I don’t think he fully understands the implications of her calling him that and he was distracted with being called “Boddie-Hottie” as the bigger issue,

I’m personally hoping Sara gets in trouble for saying it at one point, like she blurts it out during one of her streams and her account gets penalised and she loses a couple of sponsors, not full on cancelled as I think she’d take that out on Jordan, bit enough for her to re-evaluate why she uses the term, cause to me it’s no better than if Jordan started calling Sara homophobic slurs.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

That would be an interesting scenario and finally a consequence for Sara.

Yeah this whole time I was pretty sure it was meant more as a derogatory slur, but it seemed to be used quite liberally. I thought had noticed Sara not using the word at home or in private with Jordan, but I’m sure I missed one or two.

Though given the choice I think Jordan would rather be introduced as an underbred than “pet”. I know I would.

J - vader
J - vader
10 months ago

Congratulations on 400 chapters here to another 100 chapters and more

Great chapter – glad Jordan is making friends and learning more about what going on in the world and more information on the facilities holding littles like him. I’m like Kelli very much and Kayla seems cool too.

Although I’m not like Sara very harsh and a bit tone deaf talk about littles like Jordan and Kelli and I get that what she saying is both true and not at the same time honestly but it’s just comes off as rude and insensitive to the already hard times and cruel realities for them right now so I hope she gets better at being less straight forward and chill a bit with all this. Again I get that her perspective on the matter but still it’s hard as is for them no need to make it feel more worse than it already is.

Now I’m wondering if there going to be an election for the next president because I’m sorry this current president stinks and I haven’t even met the guy hopefully some one who is more progressive and more I don’t know less money hungry because this treatment of the littles is a mess and need to be better this aren’t mindless animals there people who are smaller and are having a hard time in this now bigger world. Maybe that can be a good storyline in the future.

Overall really good chapter and story a solid 9/10

Reply to  J - vader
10 months ago

Good points.

I think Sara needs to understand that not everybody agrees with her opinion on little’s and be more understanding and sympathetic in a public setting.

This world definitely needs better leadership and stricter laws/guidelines towards the treatment of littles in my opinion anyway.

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  000111000b
10 months ago

Thanks and totally agree with the more strict laws that helps both sides of littles and normal people because this laws and borderline criminal pricing for littles are insane and can’t hold up against the public for long it’s literally tearing apart families and friends and acting like it’s not a big deal

10 months ago

Congratulations on 400!!!!! FANTASTIC MASTERPIECE👏👏👏👏👏👏🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 hope Sara looms over them both and starts talking baby talk to them both. Love it how Sara states to Kelli “ My jordy”👌💯👏🙏🏻💗

10 months ago

Congrats On your 400 chapter of the story👍👏.

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