The Birthday Shipment Episode 7: A Smallara Side Story

Smallara Birthday Shipment 6

In honor of reaching 400. I thought I would release a new episode of The Birthday Episode. The next episode won’t be as long as of wait. 


“I was nice and let you sleep in,” Mia’s booming voice said as she tapped her foot a few times against the cage she had converted into his home. Bryce flicked his eyes open as he lay across the purple bed he slept in. It was circular, like a pet bed, but had a memory foam bottom. It was soft, and while it was comfortable, he couldn’t help but notice its similarity to the dog bed he had bought for his pet growing up.

Pulling himself out of bed, he had no real idea what time it was. From his current vantage point, he couldn’t see a clock at all. However, neither Logan nor Mia had traditional clocks or alarm clocks. They just used their phones for everything.

Looking about, Bryce saw Mia was wearing some joggers and a t-shirt that loosely clung to her frame. However, her hair was done up quite nicely, and he noticed she had already done her nails which for wearing such casual clothing was unlike her. She tended to spend most of her weekends lazing around until the evenings when she would go out.

“I left you plenty of food for the day. I also emailed you the requirements for that term paper I was telling you about. When you’re putting it together, don’t use so many big fancy words this time. It needs to sound like I wrote it. Speak when I’m talking to you Wexie.” Mia said as she looked at the outfit, she had laid out on her bed debating if she liked it.

“I would never think to question you or your wisdom. But last time, you said I should be seen and not heard. So, I was merely trying to do acquiesce to your demands.” Bryce said as he walked closer toward the metal bars.

“See, that’s what I mean. You can’t be using words like acquiesce. No one knows what they mean. Secondly, that was then, and this is now. You should know when I want a response and when I want you to listen. It’s not that hard. I barely ask anything of you as your guardian,” Mia said finally deciding that the outfit she had laid out was fine but would need some kind of accessory to tie it all together.

Bryce struggled to come up with a way this could possibly be any worse. Out of every possible person who could have ended up with him, Mia Lawson had to be the worst possible outcome for him. Never had he imagined he would ever see Mia again after she left his class at the end of the semester. Now, he was going to have to spend the rest of his life under the thumb of this brat.

Mia pulled her shirt off as she let her joggers fall to the floor next to her bed. Bryce always found this a bit uncomfortable as he unconsciously gulped before he decided to walk up the ramp towards his desk. As it sounded like he was going to have to write Mia’s paper on top of grade all the tests he had assigned all his students.

As Bryce sat down at his desk, his eyes kept drifting towards Mia. As much as he hated to admit it, she was attractive. Even if she was spoiled, conceited, and high maintenance. As she slipped on her skirt and top Bryce couldn’t help but notice just how much fancier this outfit was than anything he had ever seen her wear before. Mia turned around and smirked, catching Bryce staring at her.

“What do you think Wexie? Lookin’ pretty good if I do say so myself.” Mia said, spinning around to give Bryce a clear view of the full outfit.

“What’s the occasion?” Bryce asked curiously.

“Just a little afternoon date. He’s not my normal type, but he’s cute.” Mia said as she walked into her closet, looking for a pair of shoes to go with her outfit.

“When are you going to be back? I was hoping to be able to get out of here for a bit. You know, stretch my legs and all that.” Bryce asked, looking out at the larger room, trying to think how long he had been here. But time was a bit fuzzy.

“We can entertain that idea if you get my paper written, my math done, and those papers graded. I studied the math formulas a bit last night, and they aren’t difficult; it’s just, why should I waste time doing them when I have help to take care of such things? I gotta run though, can’t be late. Don’t wait up, Wexie.” Mia said as she dashed out the door as Bryce sighed, knowing it was going to be a long day.

Sitting down at his desk, as much as Mia shoved work onto him, he was a bit appreciative of her. While she got him his job mostly for her own benefit. It was nice to have a bit of normalcy in his life. Preparing lessons and teaching was a nice distraction from the harsher realities of his situations. Even though his size and a good amount of his freedom had been taken from him by this virus and while he was going to have to live as underbred. He could still teach, which was something he was passionate about. It was encouraging he still had this outlet.

The morning dragged on into midafternoon as Bryce finished grading papers and doing some light lesson planning for the upcoming week. The whole situation was a bit annoying to him at how well it worked. The phone Mia had provided worked better than expected. He could connect his computer to the phone and share and present materials to the class. Overall, the students seemed none the wiser of his situation. He was merely working remotely as far as they were concerned.

The floor started to shake slightly at first. He already knew it was footsteps. He had been with Mia for several weeks now so he had grown accustomed to footsteps from her sorority sisters walking by. It was much too early for her to be back from her date. He had assumed she wouldn’t be back until late. Normally on the weekends she liked to party, so she was out quite late and often came back intoxicated. So, when he heard the door handle start to turn Bryce figured the date must not have gone well. As the door opened, Bryce shouted as loud as he could towards Mia that he was surprised to see her back along with a good-natured jab about being home so early from her date. As the door opened the sound of two feminine voices talking filled the room as Bryce recognized the voice as Logans, Mia’s roommate and sorority sister. Bryce nervously eyed the two girls as they walked into the room.

Neither of them was Mia, and while he had gotten used to Logan, he hadn’t seen or met many other people since he caught Smallara. One of the things he appreciated about Mia was that she hadn’t flaunted him around. He did have to put up a good amount of her attitude. But the behaviors were something he was used to teaching high schoolers. It would have been dramatically worse if she was dragging him on her date today for instance or took him to class each day. Because of that though, he also found himself very confined to this cage that had grown to become more than a home; it was practically his environment.

Logan closed the door before following her friend into the room. Bryce felt his neck muscles strain as he looked upward at Logan’s friend. She had short brown and blonde mixed hair. She dressed in a bit more grunge style than he ever saw Logan dress. It was odd they were friends as it looked like they would hang out in different circles.

“You weren’t kidding about the Drama department here. That stage was amazing. I couldn’t imagine getting to perform on that. I never considered going to school in town here, but that definitely swayed me.” The girl said as she walked about the room,  doing a bit of snooping. Bryce couldn’t help but notice she seemed awfully comfortable for someone he hadn’t seen before, and he had seen most of Mia’s and Logan’s friends in passing at this point.

“I told you it’s legit. I think you would thrive here plus it’s cheaper being you’d get the in-state tuition rate.” Logan said as Bryce watched Logan’s friend stroll towards Mia’s half of the room. He saw her briefly look at the cage but seemed to dismiss it and him.

“This room is way bigger than it looked in the pictures. So where’s this Mia you keep talking about?” Logan’s friend said as Bryce watched her lean up against the cage at first before sitting on it fully.

“Londyn, don’t sit on that.” Logan scolded, “You’d probably kill Wexie if you fell on him.” Logan teased.

“Wexie?” Londyn said as she sat up, picking herself up off the cage and bending down to look inside of it. Bryce froze as the giant girl looked down carefully, looking over the cage before her eyes focused in on him. She stepped back in surprise but never broke her gaze.

“That’s Mia’s little. She got it for her birthday a couple of months ago.” Logan said as she walked over toward Londyn before looking down at Bryce.

“Wexie, where is Mia? I kind of thought she would be around. This is my sister Londyn. Wexie, Londyn, Londyn, Wexie.” Logan said as she eyed the two, who both looked like they had seen ghosts. “What’s up with you two? It’s not like you haven’t seen a Little before, Londyn,” Logan said as she looked over at her sister, confused.

“Mister Lawson?” Londyn said in a shocked and surprised tone as she took a couple of steps back and sat down on Mia’s bed with her eyes boring down on the small man she recognized as her teacher.

“Londyn? Ummm, Hi,” Bryce said, unsure what to say as he couldn’t believe this happened again. It was shocking enough to see Mia. Now, he was staring up at gigantic Londyn Paulson. He had only ever seen her face on his phone during class. He hadn’t actually seen any of his students as he had never been to the school. He never had any intention of ever seeing them. As he wanted to avoid the awkwardness he was feeling right now.

“Spill the T, someone,” Logan said, still trying to put the pieces together over how her sister could possibly know Mia’s little.

“Mister Lawson is my English teacher at school. He also teaches my literary class.” Londyn said as she was starting to process more of the situation as Logan burst out laughing.

“Wait a minute. Are you one of Wexie’s students? Oh my god. I can’t wait to tell Mia. She’s never going to believe this.” Logan said, still laughing hysterically.

“I can’t believe my teacher is an underbred,” Londyn said as she took a few steps closer and knelt down in front of the cage. Bryce watched her eyes dart to each piece of furniture: the large phone, the desk, and the podium. The food bowls, the small bed on the second level.

“I needed that. I hadn’t laughed that hard in weeks.” Logan said

An uncomfortableness fell over Bryce as he looked up at his student from the other side of the cage. He had nowhere to go. He had nowhere to hide. He couldn’t even get out of here unless they chose to let him out. Bryce closed his eyes and, in his mind, started counting backwards. He hoped that maybe he had just fallen asleep at his desk. This was just some kind of dream or nightmare. He hadn’t ever dreamt about a student before, but it had been a crazy few weeks.

“You can open your eyes Wexie. We’re still here.” Logan said with a laugh.

“So, umm, Wexie, do you just live in there?” Londyn asked as she continued to look at the cage

“That’s Mr. Lawson to you, Londyn,” Bryce said as politely as he could, but it came out harsher than he intended as he found himself still reeling from the whole situation. What made the matter worse was Mia had filled out all his paperwork with the school as Wexie Lawson. So, he was forced to use the name Mr. Lawson in class instead of his own name. However, the more he started using Mr. Lawson the more normal it started feeling.

“R-right, sorry, Mr. Lawson,” Londyn said, correcting herself. “So, does he just live in there?” Londyn asked again, this time towards her sister directly.

“Yeah, pretty much. Mia doesn’t take him out. She got him not too long after she pledged. Then she got this cage we saw a week or two earlier when we were out shopping. He pretty much just lives there. I haven’t seen him outside the cage at all. I don’t even think he’s been outside in months.”

It was strange to Bryce to see Londyn in this environment. This was his home, his world and now she had not only intruded, but she held immensely more power than him in it.

“The poor thing, I’m sorry Mr. Lawson,” Londyn said as she started reaching towards the lid of the cage. “We should let him out, Logan.” Londyn said as if she was talking about some kind of animal being caged inhumanely.

“Londyn, he’s not our Little. We aren’t letting him out. It’s not our place to interfere. He belongs to Mia.” Logan said as she pulled Londyn up from her kneeling position in front of the Bryce’s cage. “Do you know when Mia will be back Wexie?”

“What? I’m not calling him Mr. Lawson. He’s not my teacher.” Logan said as she looked over at her sister.

“Sorry, Mr. Lawson. I promise I won’t tell anyone you’re a little.” Londyn said, looking at her teacher locked in a cage.

“You can’t help him. You can’t save them all. Come on, you said you were hungry. Let me take you to this great Pizza place near the campus. I’ll have to introduce you to Mia another time.” Logan said as she pulled her sister out of the room by the arm. As the door shut to the room, Bryce fell back into his desk chair.

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10 months ago

I did this before reading but I wanted to be the first comment after the 400 milestone

Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

two in one day?? this is a good day

“I should be seen and not heard”. where have I heard that before?while I’ll never call Jordan “lucky” I have to admit it could be worse. Bryce is straight-up enslaved and I doubt Mia would even flinch if someone pointed that out to her.Doesn’t Bryce have access to a computer and a phone? Shouldn’t that help with his sense of time?I’m glad Bryce has a job, gives me hope for the future of little employment.genuinely thought Londyn was a dude before reading (though now I can see it)aww one of his students found him that’s gotta suckI’m surprised the school wasn’t bragging about their “inclusivity” for hiring a little, surprised he got to hide it at all. Though it’s easier since he still isn’t wearing a collar, (I hope Mia loses him over that and he goes to a better guardian.)Londyn seems like a good person I hope we see her again, and she succeeds in keeping his secret.I love how much longer this one is it makes sense since you do them less.Didn’t have time to calculate this earlier but, as you have 2 x.5 slides (302.5 and 107.5) Smallara is actually up to 402, but counting the side stories (good girlfriend 10 chapters + 1x.5 chapter = 11) + (Birthday shipment now up to 7) plus skaters and Tucker (1 each is 2) = 402+11+7+2= 422 total chapters in the Smallara connected universe.

Last edited 10 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

Not sure why my spacing and organisation disappeared but let’s try again.

1) Two in one day?? this is a good day

2) “I should be seen and not heard”. where have I heard that before?

3) While I’ll never call Jordan “lucky” I have to admit it could be worse. Bryce is straight-up enslaved and I doubt Mia would even flinch if someone pointed that out to her.

4) Doesn’t Bryce have access to a computer and a phone? Shouldn’t that help with his sense of time?

5) I’m glad Bryce has a job, gives me hope for the future of little employment.

6) Genuinely thought Londyn was a dude before reading (though now I can see it).

7) aww one of his students found him that’s gotta suck.

8) I’m surprised the school wasn’t bragging about their “inclusivity” for hiring a little, surprised he got to hide it at all. Though it’s easier since he still isn’t wearing a collar, (I hope Mia loses him over that and he goes to a better guardian.)

9) Londyn seems like a good person I hope we see her again, and she succeeds in keeping his secret.

10) I love how much longer this one is it makes sense since you do them less.

Didn’t have time to calculate this earlier but, as you have 2 x.5 slides (302.5 and 107.5) Smallara is actually up to 402!

But counting the side stories (Good Girlfriend 10 chapters + 1x.5 chapter = 11) + (Birthday Shipment now up to 7) plus Skaters and Tucker (1 each is 2) = 402+11+7+2= 422 total chapters in the Smallara connected universe.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

2. I’m sure it’ll cone to me…

4. But wouldn’t he need that fir his job? Like due dates and shit?

9. Goodies.

10 months ago

No place to hide 🫣 whittle one just be good boy a crawl over to your doggie bowls and eat a drink while the big girls talk💯👏🙏🏻💗♥️

10 months ago

Congrats on passing the 400 milestone.

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