Smallara Episode 401: A Giantess Story

Smallara 401

“Sorry for making you wait. The line was super long.” Kayla said as she returned, handing the large cup to Sara.

“Hey! Where’s my coffee? You didn’t get Jordan one either.” Kelli questioned as she watched her sister take a drink before setting the cup down. While Sara stared at the small woman briefly before taking a sip of her own.

“You can’t have one,” Kayla said softly in an insecure tone as she looked down at her sister sheepishly.

“What do you mean I can’t have one? You can’t just…” Kelli started to say when Sara cut her off.

“Underbreds can’t drink coffee, for starters. It’s too hot for your mouth, and if she got a blended drink, it would be too cold. Secondly, you can’t talk to her like that. You could have gotten a pup cup at most, but you need to earn that.” Sara said sternly to Kelli before looking over at Kayla and saying in a friendly tone. “You need to discipline her, Kayla. You’re her guardian now. You were the one who went through training. You know what’s best.”

“Kay, are you going to let her talk to me like that? Let’s go. It was nice to meet you, Jordan.” Kelli said as she stood up and started walking towards her sister. Sara looked down at Kelli before looking back at Kayla, who had a deer-in-headlights look on her face before she started to gather up her things.

“Kayla,” Sara said

“Sorry, I’ll see you in class Sara,….I…messed up.”

“Kayla settle down,” Sara said, walking around the table and approaching Kayla. “You didn’t do anything wrong. You can trust me I graduated at the top of my class with the highest guardian score in the country. You made the right call. You can’t give your underbred Coffee, and you certainly don’t deserve to be talked to like that by your pet.”

“Pet? Pet? I’m still a person. Can you believe her?” Kelli said down to Jordan, noticing his collar for the first time.

“I like you, Kayla. I really think we can be friends. So, I’m gonna take you under my wing. I have to pick up El and Mal anyway. So why don’t we all just go back to my car, and I can introduce you on the way.”

“Wait, you mean Ellie and Mallory? You’re going to introduce ME to them.” Kayla said, astounded.

“umm, yeah?” Sara said, a bit confused. “You’re my girl, right? I mean, maybe I read the whole thing wrong, and you don’t want to be friends. I would never force myself upon someone like that.” Sara said, taking a step back.

“No, no, no, Of course, we’re friends; I mean girls,” Kayla said, a bit flustered as she tried to maintain her composure.

“We should get going then,” Sara said as she sat her hand down on the table. Jordan looked over at Kelli.

“It was nice meeting you. It looks like we will be seeing a lot more of each other.” Jordan said as Kelli handed him his blazer back before Jordan ran over to Sara’s hand. Jordan felt Kayla’s eyes of Kayla peering down at him as he climbed onto Sara’s hand. Sara wasted no time lifting him up to her shoulder before grabbing her bags.

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10 months ago

OK ok I’ll give on this I see how Sara is pushing it a bit their, tho I also see how as a teenager she is kinda on par but I was a bit surprised their.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

Yea I try to account for that in her reactions. It just fet like she’s overstepping talking to another person’s little like that im hoping Kayla eventually talks to Sara about her treating her sister her own way

Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

1. Sara crossed a fucking line here, it’s one thing to treat the little she’s taking care of like that but to enforce her beliefs on another is bullying.

2. Really hope Kayla realises this isn’t the opportunity she thinks it it.

3. How can she take Kayla under her wing if she’s still busy being Mal’s pet project? (Though I can here echoes of what Mal said in 110, just worse)

4. It makes sense not to give littles coffee, can’t imagine giving someone that size caffeine wouldn’t have consequences, plus the hear thing. But there is a right and wrong way to pass that information along.

5. A Hope Chloe ends up seeing what’s happening, I’d love for her to finally intervene and point out that not everyone has to treat their littles as Sara does.
5. B or Mal reacts to finding out Sara considers her boyfriend to just be a pet.

6. Sara has no idea what Kelli’s been through, for all she knows Kelli could have earned a dozen pup cups.

Last edited 10 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

1. The truth! Seriously though, it’s like disciplining someone else’s child it’s just not on.

2 . I will wait, but she’s acting like she just gone invited to meet a celebrity.

3. It does? I was just being a larrikin lol

4. I did mention the heat but auto corrected to “hear”

5. Yeah, I guess thus is the interaction she’d need to see to understand the full context.

5. Why do I feel like this won’t improve my opinion of Sara?

6. And this is a matter between Kayla and Kelli, Sara has no business weighing in on the matter.

10 months ago

I see Jordan becoming more and more detached from life, acting like an automaton, someone who has lost the ability to communicate with others. Sara believes that she has the answers to everything and Jordan seems to have realized the futility of establishing any attempt at dialogue or negotiation. He doesn’t have much time to lose his passion for life. I don’t know if Sara will achieve any redemption, but maybe she’s close to rethinking all her certainties. I don’t know if Jordan will ever try to commit suicide, but apathy for life is still a form of suicide. But whether Sara will understand what is happening I don’t know.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

It doesn’t help that Sara’s never clarified what rights he does still have other than “not to be subjected to unnecessary cruelty” which in and of itself is subjective as to where that line defining both “necessary” and “cruelty”.

As it stands I’ve killed and eaten things that had more rights than Jordan seems to (without violating those rights or braking any laws)

Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

Sara got the top score in the country? No wonder she’s such a self-righteous, stuck up, arrogant cunt about it.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

It kind of makes sense that the girl who’s beliefs on littles are copied and pasted from what the government tells her to believe about littles would do well in testing mandated by that same government.

10 months ago

I absolutely 💯 like Sara’s thinking here a pup 🐶 cup 👌 she’s right and it has to be earned👌 it’s a privilege for sure. I love 💗 how Sara takes charge and talks down to Kelli after she had talked back to Kayla. Love it when Sara used the word discipline to Kayla to use on Kelli so she knows who’s in charge perfect 👍 pet! Pet!

Reply to  Rockyb888
10 months ago

On another note can you imagine all the crazy things Sara can do to jordy when she streams him. That could get wild just to get the subs

Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

What if Sara snaps her fingers down at them and yells out “sit!” “Roll over!” And as long as they are obedient and do as they are told Sara will toss down two pet treats for them. Be good baby pets and listen to their masters. What do you think of that?

10 months ago

Well I can’t say I’m surprised here, but Sara managed to act just a little more over the top then I actually expected.

I have a feeling this is to save face in front of Jordan so he can buy into her perspective. She has to keep up this act of hers to establish supposed routine and structure that only she seems to be the authority and “subject matter expert” of. Definitely showing the typical maturity level of her age.

Sooner or later she’s going to be called out hard and possibly lectured by an actual respectable, more mature Guardian, and hopefully even made to apologize to that Guardian’s little all in front of Jordan. Almost like when Sara’s teacher (yes I forgot her name already lol) made her apologize to Jordan in front of the class with the pencil incident. A Beautiful moment lol.

Poor Kayla, falling into that teenage peer pressure, but also falling in with the cool kids, as it were. I’m curious about the dynamic at home with Kelli and Kayla. Yes Kayla is Kelli’s legal Guardian however Kayla’s parents are still Kelli’s parents and I’m sure there is a pecking order in the household regardless of guardianship status and the fact Kayla is still a minor herself and under the authority of her parents, who have the authority to remove Kelli from her, as Sara stated her parents can do to her.

Surely Kayla will come to her sense’s when trying to enforce a sudden change of character towards Kelli based on a strangers ramblings, in fear of whatever sway Kelli has with her own parents. Kelli’s parents have an eternal investment in their daughters and it only makes sense in the natural order of things they wouldn’t for a second allow Kayla to treat Kelli like Sara does Jordan. Certainly Kayla’s mother hasn’t suggested Kelli eat on the f’n floor. I’m sure the communication level is 100% mutual in that household.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  000111000b
10 months ago

I’d love to see her called out by a respected guardian and forced to apologise to their little. though it’d have to be someone she already respects as she’s been shown to dismiss any advice or criticism from people she doesn’t. The teacher your talking about was Emma Brooks and She’s was Jordan’s ex girlfriend which may have played a role in why she intervened.

It may be Kelli’s best option to tough this out for now, then cry to mummy when they get home this evening. Though dobbing comes with its own risks.

Personally I’m hoping Kayla gets more and more unsure of Sara as the day goes on until she eventually snaps and decides to cut ties with Sara then and there.

Last edited 10 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

Thanks, I’m already bad with names and the break didn’t help lol. Also I find it hard to navigate the stories if I’m looking for a specific frame on this site vs DA but eh it is what it is.

I feel basically anybody “older” (that’s not a little) Sara would be very timid around, especially being reprimanded about something.

I’d love to see Sara’s school hire a little teacher that sits at a small desk (on a big desk) while their normal size image is projected on a screen where they can of course, write on their screen, which also projects on the larger one. He/She would be granted full authority over the classroom, be the deciding factor of classroom etiquette and whether a student passes/fails. Disciplinary action and everything, forcing students to act and be as respectful to a little as they would a full size person. I think that would drive Sara nuts lol

I have a feeling Kelli is going to mouth off and not give in to any of Sara’s b/s for a second in front of Ellie, Mallory, Kayla, and Jordan since I’m sure Sara is going to want to try to “show off” her “expert” skills. I imagine it getting a bit out of hand, even with one of them trying to talk Sara out of getting in the middle of another Guardian and their little, as she has 0 business doing that in the first place.

I feel Kayla is just going to go along with certain ideas timidly just to take advantage of the situation to get closer to the “group” but not actually enforce or absorb any of Sara’s advice as I stand by my opinion on their likely household dynamic. Kelli and Kayla are likely going to have a long discussion at the end of the day we may or may not see.

Kelli’s parents watched her grow from a baby to a college student, with all the trials, drama, failures, and achievement that comes with growing up. All to have their little girls entire future ripped out from under her, at no fault of her own. Kayla is obviously on her way to adulthood but still young enough to carry the stipulation of immaturity. I’m sorry, but I would find it incredibly unrealistic for the parents to find Kayla’s word more credible then Kelli’s.

I’m projecting all of this to try to build different scenarios in my head that seem the most realistic to the scenario here..We haven’t met the parents or know really any of either girls backstories so I may be embellishing a bit, but there’s no way the parents are just gonna shrug their shoulders and say “oops, oh well you shrunk, your just a hamster now, Kayla is your owner, we refute anything you say let alone care, and all emotional attachments are magically gone because the government says your not a person anymore. OH but you can still vote 🙂 ”

I know I”m rambling now but damn, Kelli didn’t mention her parents visiting her at the facility? In their situation how would that not be allowed?

Have a good weekend everybody, if anyone is still reading lol.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

Its just crazy they don’t allow just visitors to the facility for direct family members. I guess I’m struggling because I can’t think of any situation in our reality where parents wouldn’t have the right to at least visit, see, or speak to their own child. Now if said child had an insanely infectious disease there would still be some form of communication allowed.

I guess Kelli being an adult changes things versus a minor. I hadn’t thought of that earlier.

In this case Kayla had to take the classes first but everything was setup for Kelli to return home once she passed. So I’m imagining if Kayla didn’t pass the class the first go-around she would be given a second chance? or the deal completely off the table and her parents would basically lose their daughter because of Kayla? That’s ulcer causing stress for Kayla.

I know Kayla is legally the Guardian of Kelli but the parents would obviously still be in full contact with both daughters versus if Kelli was just shipped out potentially never to be seen or heard from again.

(USA) Even in “sole custody” divorce situations where visitation is granted, some states even have “grandparent” visitation statutes that prevent the custodial parent from moving too far away. That has to be approved by a judge of course but it is a thing.

Sorry for the rant – just giving you an idea of where my mind is sometimes while trying to make sense of the logic this worlds government has, and how it got this bad.. Oh right.. politics.. Stop being so realistic dammit lol

Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

Yeah Kayla didn’t really hesitate there.

I have a feeling Sara’s about to tell Kayla that Kelli isn’t her sister anymore and has to start treating her differently.. In a way she sort of has already.

The situation between Jordan/Sara and Kayla/Kelli is waaay different in my opinion and Sara has 0 experience handling that type of situation.

Jordan was even a gift for Sara. Your the author here but I’m sure Kelli/Kayla’s parents were just desperately trying to keep their family together and there was a mutual understanding / agreement. I’m also assuming the parents paid 100%

And here comes Sara on her high horse to so graciously save the day. I believe the word is pretentious ?

Last edited 10 months ago by 000111000b
10 months ago

Should “Kayla’s eyes of Kayla” just be “Kayla’s eyes”?

10 months ago

Just as I expected from Sara, based on all her the story line we’ve read she like to see things the way she like, I love her personality, she is a nice sweet and slitly brat teen who finaly has the chance to tell the tiny “grown ups” what to do and controle their lives, I mean she only see tiny figuers moving, from her pov the are less than kids she babysitting maybe even dumber. What intress me is in these situations what would the tiny do if they see some one as old as them speaking with Sara so casualy and they see Sara being very respectful and carufle as she speak with them.

10 months ago

This chapter reminds me of a saying, “What works for one, may not work for another.”
Like in Sara and Jordan’s case, they were strangers to each other, so working the pet thing was not that hard. But for Kelli and Kayla, they are sisters with a family bond. For Sara to come in and tell Kayla, in so many words, that Kelli is not her sister anymore but an animal that is just above the states of a dog and to treat her as such and to continue your life as an only daughter of the family. That could cause more harm the good throughout the whole family and the love between them would be gone.
I end this with another saying ( this is the only way I could think of to express my thoughts of this page. Also, I like sayings.. 😁 😁 ). At least I heard this as a saying. “Friends may come and go but family is forever”. That goes the same way for idols too.

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