Smallara Episode 402: A Giantess Story

Smallara 402

Kelli was beside herself as she looked up at Sara, who she could see was pulling the influence she had over her little sister away from her. Kelli knew Kayla had always been a bit jealous of her ability to easily make friends. She was a bit of a social butterfly, her mother always said. Kayla on the other hand was not blessed with the same social grace or ability as her sister.

“Kay! You still need to take me back home. Sorry Sara, unfortunately, Kayla won’t be able to join you.” Kelli said as loudly as she could to make sure the two giant girls could hear her. Kayla looked down at Kelli, knowing she was right. She had planned on meeting Sara and Jordan and then walking back home and getting a ride to school like she normally does while Kelli stayed at home.

“You’re her guardian, aren’t you, Kayla? Just take her to school with you. It’s probably good for her anyway. She can continue socializing with Jordy here. That’s what you wanted, right? She can meet my best friend Gavin as well. He’s Mal’s boyfriend, but he caught Smallara as well a bit ago.”

“Kay I’m not going to school with you. I already graduated and I definitely am not going back. Just take me home and…”

“It’s just like guardian class Kay,” Sara said. “Now, put your hand down on the table. You want your palm slightly angled so they can step into it easily at a natural slope.” Sara instructed. “Perfect, Now Kelli, you need to just walk forward into Kayla’s hand. You have to trust her.” Sara said, ignoring Kelli’s words as she spoke to Kayla

Kelli was sick over how this was playing out. Everything she was saying to Kayla was going in one ear and out the other. The only person she seemed to be listening to was Sara at the moment. As she craned her neck to see the giant teens listening to them discuss techniques, she finally saw Kayla’s hand lower onto the table and tilt a bit. She watched Sara provide her sister direction before Sara told her to walk forward onto Kayla’s hand.

Kelli hadn’t been spoken to in such a direct manner since catching Smallara. She was mostly by herself at the facility. Since Kayla had finished training and she got to go back home. She was mostly catered to. This was different, though. This felt more like a command than a request. But she figured it would be best to be the bigger person. As she was the adult, after all. She wasn’t about to throw a tantrum in the park. That would be just what this Sara would want.

Stepping into Kayla’s hand was a new feeling as since being out she was rarely held by Kayla or anyone. Kayla would pick her up and put her down in a more direct manner. As in she was on the floor, and she was picked up and sat down on the table. She hadn’t ever walked onto someone’s hand as if it were the floor before. Kayla’s hand was unstable and squishy as he stepped into it. However, a warmth radiated up from it that was somehow comforting to her cold body.

“That’s perfect now, just lift your hand up. Remember, it’s going to feel uncomfortably slow to you, but to them, it’s going to be like they are speeding down the road. You want to be consistent with the speed you move your hand. As if you get all herky-jerky, they will get sick.” Sara instructed.

Jordan hadn’t seen this side of Sara before. Seeing her coach, Kayla was interesting. As he realized Sara wasn’t just all talk. She actually was pretty talented at this guardian stuff. As Kayla had conceivably gotten the same training and yet Sara seemed light years ahead of her.

“Are you coming then, Kayla?” Sara said, extending her hand in friendship.

“Kayla, I said no. We’re going home. So, grab your stuff and drop me off. I am not going to school with you.” Kelli said definitively. Sometimes Kayla just needed a firm hand to guide her. Kelli thought to herself. Still unable to believe Kayla, of all people, was immune, and she was vulnerable. The idea of living with Kayla still seemed infuriating.

“Kayla, what are you doing? I said no. Did you not hear me? Are you listening? Get your stuff together and get moving. You can’t be late to school, and I’m not going back into your purse. You need something bigger if I’m going to be put in there.” Kelli shouted directions to her sister. Kayla then started gathering her things together with her free hand, much to Kelli’s satisfaction.

“Let’s go…” Kayla said. Kelli was about to respond that it was about time. when she heard Kayla finish the sentence with the word. “Sara,”

“You’re making the right choice. I have a feeling this is going to be the start of a great friendship. The best thing you ever did for the both of us was to come up to me to set up that play date with Jordy for your sister.” Sara said he started getting her things together.

“You just wait till Mom and Dad hear about this,” Kelli mumbled as she sat down in Kayla’s hand with her arms crossed. The days of her being able to physically make Kayla do anything were over.

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Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

1, it’s always heartbreaking when a good kid meets a bad influence.

2, aren’t Kelli ans Kayla’s parents expecting them home? and Does Kayla have everything she needs for school in that tiny purse?

3, its like night a.d day how Sara treats “people” vs “underbreds” disgusting

4, Kelli and Kayla clearly already had some boundaries that Sara is just shattering for her amusement.

5, Kelli being the bigger person won’t help her here.

6, Sara being a guiding voice rather than barking orders is a nice change (context excluded)

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

I know and it hurts me when I see Sara takes some steps back as a character when she does this like I hope she grows out of this because what she is doing is really wrong but glad she understands how to handle underbreds but lacks how to treat them properly a lot and she was doing good during the night and previous chapters before this day.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J - vader
10 months ago

I’m starting to think we’ve all greatly overestimated how much she developed on Tuesday, though she does tend to be a very inconsistent and deceitful character, but also seems to genuinely want what’s best for Jordan, even if she has no real idea of what that is, so I could see her going either way.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

1, bare in mind bad influence doesn’t just mean peer pressure, there have been countless children’s cartoons censored to get “bad influences” out of them. And Sara’s encouragement jlis more than just about not getting pushed around.

3, specifically in this panel yes, but also just in general.

4. Kelli was rude certainly, but she’d also not to long ago been pulled out of her sisters purse, to meet with people she didn’t know or expect, and then was denied coffee, she could have been more polite about it yes, but how polite would you be in her situation? And im not sure whats been shown counts as “pushing Kayla around” as it’s pretty clear Kayla only listens when she chooses to.

Also she’s talking to her sibling, idk if you have any but I’m 1/8 there’s a lot of things siblings can get away with saying and doing that strangers can’t.

5, true, But Kayla just watched Kelli wordlessly obey what is likely the first command she’s been given post shrinking, not gonna do wonders for Kelli’s “I’m no pet” stance.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

1- Agreed, Sara’s barely been a Guardian 5 days and has yet to see any results of her “methods” other then Jordan trying to escape. Sure helping someone learn properly hold and handle a little is generous but above and beyond that is none of her concern.

2- ( Saw Asukas comment )

3- Yeah that’s why I’d love to see a little character that Sara would have to answer to, like a substitute teacher or something, to break her stereotype, proving its b/s and this “pet” thing is all nonsense.

4- Oh I’m sure they did, I’m not sure how large their backstory is going to be or if there going to become reoccurring characters, but referring back to some of my previous comments I imagine there was MUCH discussion in the home about how things were going to be, even understanding there would be some growing pains for both parties.

5- Kelli needs to be careful to not lose her bearing and stay steadfast in her convictions on how shes to be treated and not abandon her humanity. Especially when a complete stranger is trying to establish authority by proxy, when there was likely a dynamic already.

6- The guiding is commendable, Interfering is not.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  000111000b
10 months ago

1, I think she’s going on from graduating top of the country, but you’re right, she hasn’t been handling it nearly as well as her confidence implies

3, before Asuka revealed that Birthday Shipment was set in the future I half thought Bryce would be her teacher.

4, I’d say they had boundaries before Kelli shrank, then rediscussed them since, plus their parents were likely involved both times.

5, I hope she talks sense into Kayla, she seems to think Mal and her friends are borderline celebrities, but hopefully their bullshit turns her away from them.

6, that’s why I said “context excluded”, like it is a good lessen for her to help someone hold their little in a better manner, but dictating an entire relationship change between two people she hardly knows is revolting.

J - vader
J - vader
10 months ago

I don’t know how to feel about this at all on one hand Sara is being a great teacher on how to be a guardian but on the other she teaching Kayla to treat her own sister like a pet which I really don’t like. Like Sara is crossing all kinds of lines now I just feel bad for Kelli and I’m glad she was being the bigger person in this. But great chapter and development in this stroy

But things I hope happen

1 – Kelli and Jordon do become close friends and talk about how unfair that they both are college graduates but ust go to highschool again.

2 – I think it would be good for Kelli to let Jordon know that what Sara doing is somewhat wrong and but jordan let her know that Sara is not all bad as she seems but can be a lot.

3 – When Gavin, Jordan, and Kelli get togather they talk about their issues and problems with their guardians so far.

I do have one question how old are Jordan and Kelli?

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

That fair Kelli was yelling at her sister and pushing her around and I hope Kayla doesn’t take too far in how she treats her sister after this so I’ll give you that. I think people feel like Kelli is the victim because she basically lost everything besides her family and sister and saw how the world will treat people like her now.

Now I not going to say Jordan X Kelli will happen but I mean him giving her his blazer when she was cold, and her sitting somewhat close to him in that one image still so I just saying anything could happen which will be interesting.

10 months ago

Really love it how Kelli is being ignored here and Kayla listens to Sara as Kelli tries to show what she thinks she is still in control. Sara now has to instruct Kayla to come up with the ground rules just like she did with little jordy

Reply to  Rockyb888
10 months ago

I want it so bad jordy to get out of line with Sara just so we can see her dominance over him. Hopefully he gets punished soon🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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