Smallara Episode 404: A Giantess Story

Smallara 404

As quiet as the word was spoken the harshness of its intent rang in the ears Kelli and Jordan. Jordan had been fighting with this concept for a while, but moreso since the collar around his neck and the chip was injected into him. There was little else that could be done that was more dehumanizing other than Sara Reeves being branded on his bottom like they do for cattle. Jordan knew what was in store for Kelli, but letting her live in ignorance was probably for the best, for now.

Sara had made it clear to him that he was her pet. While that didn’t make it any easier looking back at it, he appreciated the honesty, nonetheless. While she didn’t flat-out say it right away, she never shied away from the inequality between them. Jordan knew he was given the freedoms Sara allowed him to have. He felt bad for Kelli because he could tell she never had to wrestle with this knowledge. She was living in an ignorance that somehow, she was equal to Sara or her sister.

Jordan understood the fact that he was not. While he didn’t agree with the premise, he understood the reality. The laws stated that he was different, and science and religion were being used to back those laws. As the government wasn’t taking away someone’s basic human rights as they were never truly human to begin with. At most human on a technicality, they would say. Littles are a species that is less than man and as they say in Catholicism, God’s children were meant to have dominion over all other species.

It was apparent to Jordan that Sara was correct in that the facilities were truly horrible places. Not only would you be reassigned or sold to someone, but you were kept under lock and key. You were only told a curated view of events, so you would be kept in the dark. Jordan had the benefit of knowledge in his current station. As anything that happened, he would eventually learn of it. If not from Sara through overheard conversations. Now that Kelli was out and in the wild, Jordan could tell this was all a culture shock to her. He couldn’t imagine how daunting it must be for your whole world to be familiar yet changed.

“I’m not going to lie to you and say Jordy loves his collar or anything, but he understands its purpose. It also provides a level of security for him as everyone knows he has a home and is loved and is cared for. After a few days, you probably won’t even notice it. My mom said at first, my dad would complain about his wedding ring because he never wore rings, so it felt uncomfortable around his finger, but after some time, it wasn’t even a thought anymore. Oh, not to change the subject, what are you doing tomorrow night, Kayla?” Sara asked.

“Friday? Nothing, probably what I normally do: stay home and play some video games.” Kayla said knowing Kelli always gave her a hard time about not going out more. Sometimes, before Smallara Kelli would drag her out of the house to various things, telling her she needed to touch some grass and get away from her virtual worlds.

“Well, you do now. I’ll pick you up around 7. Let’s swap info” Sara said as she held her phone out. Kayla fumbled her phone a bit while holding Kelli before awkwardly holding out her phone as the two devices synced contact information.

“So, what are we doing?” Kayla asked while trying to hide the fact she was a bit overwhelmed and excited by all this. Someone as popular as Sara had taken interest in her, and now not only was she going to meet a couple of her friends who just happened to be some of the most popular girls in school. She was now going to some kind of gathering with them. She was sure this had to be a dream.

“Oh, just a party. You should bring Kelli. There will be a few other underbreds there. She could even be Jordy’s date. They are kind of cute together. I will send over the details later.”

“I’ll come for sure, but are you sure it’s okay? I mean, I’m sure they don’t want me there.” Kayla said, “I’m not sure about Kelli, though.”

“I told you, we’re girls now. I’m taking you under my wing. Where I go, you go. Everyone will love you. Trust me. I think this will be good for Kelli too. She can get to know Jordy a bit more. You know how important it is for them to have friends of their own species. That’s why you sought me out right? So, Jordan and Kelli could be friends. Look how that turned out. Plus, now we’re friends.”

“D-d-date? I mean, Sara, what if Kelli has other plans? You can’t just forcibly invite her.” Jordan said, fumbling for his words.

“No, I’m free.” Kelli said, “Apparently, I have all the time in the world now. I just found out I’m my little sister’s pet.” Kellii said with a bit of sarcasm which made Kayla’s face turn a bit red. “It sounds like fun, though. If you’re up for it, Jordy,” Kelli said, looking over at Jordan.

“Sure, have your people call my people.” Jordan said a bit flustered. “oh my god, what the fuck did I say. Have your people call my people. All of our people are right here. I’m such a moron.” Jordan thought to himself as he looked over at Sara with a glare who looked at him and winked discreetly.


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10 months ago

Love this, character building and he’s got a date. Wait is Sara going to breed Littles?

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Smallguy3531
10 months ago

You mean “underbreeding”

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

Finally a reaction to me saying “underbreeding” lol. No you would not though little worthy food isnt the easiest to come by.

Though I’m still of the opinion that most littles would be against bringing a new generation into the life they now have to live, accidents happen but I can’t imagine their birth rate even approached the sapiens.

J - vader
J - vader
10 months ago

Okay, this chapter was honestly one of my favorites you really went deep with Jordan’s thought process about his new role, and reality, and kinda question his humanity now. Although I don’t agree with him being officially dehumanized as a pet because I am not sure how science works in reality and don’t understand how they are a new species sorta speak but I’ll leave that one alone. I can agree and kinda accept that his new role is a pet not saying he is but I can agree on the role.

Sara was definitely my highlight of this chapter because she shows how at times can come off as rude and can be a lot but she is kind and can have a side to her that I know she cares for the well-being of Jordan and how he feels even though she does and say things he may not like she does care so I like seeing this side of Sara more often.

Now for the last parts of the chapter, I’m not saying I saw it coming but not going to lie I smiled when Kelli basically called their next hang-out date and him getting flustered was everything I needed.

Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

1. Sara wasn’t immediately letting Jordan know he was a pet, she explicitly told him he wasn’t and told others not to say it for the first three days then changed her mind on a dime on the fourth threatening him with punishments to say it himself.

2. “Have your people call my people” was hilarious Jordan, but then you ruined it by getting embarrassed. Lol

3. Didn’t Kayla and Sara already swap info? Like Kayla called Sara earlier today.

4. So Fridays plans are just a party?.

5. Every time they say “pet” I’m reminded of the scene from Invincible (if you’ve seen it you know the one, if not watch the show or just look up “Invincible pet scene” on YouTube) and I think Kelli’s reaction is more appropriate every time I look at it.

6. Jordan’s actually accepted quite a bit more than I thought he had, it’s almost sickening how fast it was.

7. Hey you brought up their “human by technicality” nice.

8. First time you’ve mentioned religion supporting these laws (not sure why Jodan knows that), though governments trying to use religion to reinforce their laws is nothing new, now I’m curious how other religions handle it.

9. Nice to see Jordan kinda sticking up for Kelli.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

1, 104 is when she said it first that he was her inferior, but I’m talking about her straight lying to him about being her pet. I’m still hoping that someone points out to Sara that how the laws are to littles now is how they use to be to women and homosexuals previously (and in some countries still)

2, ok, then verbally it was hilarious

3, ok, so Sara’s more sure she wants Kayla associating with her.

4, I’ve seen movies, and know Americans like to party hard. Though I do kinda cringe at Mal having a pseudo celebrity status.

6, I get that, but he just seems so muc more than yesterday developing faster here than before.

7, nice, it always feels nice when something I’ve mentioned gets brought you in the story.

8, I don’t remember any mention of religion other than when she’s arguing with Ashley.

9. I think his and my definitions of “when he needs to” are different.

10 months ago

This is my FAVORITE Sara ground rule she came up with. Rule number two you will not treat me like a child. I’m the one who is helping you. I’m the one accepted to the guardian program. They put you in my care not the other way around. Whittle tiny baby jordy has to listen to his mommy no back talking 👌💯💗💗💗💗💗💗♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️💯

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