Smallara Episode 405: A Giantess Story

Smallara 405 1

As they sat down in Sara’s car Jordan watched as Sara turned the rear-view mirror more towards her as she adjusted her hair using the mirror for a minute before moving it back. Sara moved her hand to her shoulder allowing Jordan climb back onto her hand. Jordan wished he could just stay on her shoulder as she drove, but he knew Sara was paranoid about any sudden stop or anything sending him flying into the window.

“Oh, I can take him if you want. He can sit with Kelli.” Kayla said as she extended her hand out, understanding what Sara was doing. Jordan climbed over to this new teen’s hand. She was much more inexperienced than Sara when it came to little handling and general control. Jordan would never be so bold to talk to Sara the way Kelli speaks to Kayla. Yet Kayla seems to allow it. Although Jordan understands that being sisters creates a different dynamic.

Jordan felt the unsteadiness of her hand as she lowered him down her lap so that he could hop off and sit across from Kelli. It wasn’t long before Sara and Kayla were talking about games as she pulled out of the park’s parking lot.

“So, how’s your morning,” Jordan said, trying to lighten the mood a bit as Sara and Kayla continued to talk, mostly ignoring the two of them outside of Kayla, who would occasionally look down to check on two of them.

“Oh, just great. I find out that I’m basically a pet to my little sister. It was bad enough that I was stuck being cared for by her. I mean, I appreciate it. I really do. She went through training and education for me. My parents paid a lot of money so I could still be a part of the family. However, it’s just that this was the first time I really have been out in the world and seeing it for what it is. I just didn’t expect it to be like this. I thought more things would be the same, I’d just be smaller, which is bad enough. You seem so cool about all this.” Kelli said, trying to put her feelings into words.

“Nah, I didn’t even believe in Smallara last week at this time. It took catching it for me to believe it was real and not some conspiracy theory. I actually tried escaping into the kid Sara babysit’s backyard. It was not my finest moment, but it humbled me to the situation in a lot of ways. I was almost killed by a mosquito, amongst other things.”

“That must have been why Kayla was being so anal about Mom and Dad leaving the door open when they were bringing in groceries. It was not like her to be that outspoken. She’s kind of a dork. I love her, but she’s a dork. I mean, you heard her. She was going to spend her Friday night playing video games with some of her friends instead of going out. The only time she has plans is if she has a basketball or soccer game.” Kelli said as she tried to relax on as best she could on Kayla’s leg. She hadn’t realized how much of a tomboy her sister wasn’t until she was sitting on her leg, and she could feel how well-toned they were compared to hers. “

“You realize I can hear you, right? You’re literally talking crap about me in front of my face. It’s not my fault I ended up with the good genes after all.” Kayla said as Sara laughed.

“I never say anything that I wouldn’t say to your face. I’ve told you that you’re a dork for years. It’s not even talking about you. It’s more stating facts. You have two modes in life: sloth and rabbit. Either you’re lounging around at home, and it’s a pain to get you to do anything, or you’re running at max speed, exerting as much energy as possible. Don’t even get me started on her hair Jordy. A brush wouldn’t know what to do if it approached that head of hair.” Kelli teased

“You seem to be enjoying yourself, considering you didn’t want to leave the house just last night,” Kayla said before letting her sister be.

“Ignore her, Jordy, and for the record, I don’t normally look this homeless. Apparently, Kayla was in charge of getting me clothes. She just picked out things she liked.” Kelli said, looking away as she became a bit self-conscious.

“You look nice. It could be worse; you could be in this monkey suit Sara has me in.” Jordan said with a laugh.

“Thanks, you don’t need to be so sweet. I know I’m a wreck right now. No makeup; my hair’s just disgusting. Not to mention how unseasonably cold it’s been since I got out.” Kelli said.

“It’s not cold. It’s just us. Brainiac over there can break it all down for you, but our bodies are more susceptible to air temperature.” Jordan said, thinking Sara couldn’t hear him.

“Did I hear him call me a brainiac?” Sara said, looking over briefly at the two of them.

“No, it’s just my sister talking her shit about me. Some people would be more humbled catching Smallara not my sister. Picks on me just the same at any size apparently.” Kayla said before giving Jordan a subtle nod as he mouthed thank you.

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Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

1. I think it’s nice the way Kelli talks to Kayla, in a way in signifies that Kelli isn’t scared of her as Jordan is of Sara. She could be nicer, but she’s no meaner than Sara has been when her mood worsens.

2. “It could be worse; you could be in this monkey suit Sara has me in” Jordan, you realise there’s an almost definite chance Kelli already graduated from that school, as in already wore that monkey suit for 12 years.

3. Kelli doesn’t have to be a pet, that’s a choice Sara made because she’s mindlessly obeying the government, but I doubt that’s the universal experience like Sara wants them to believe.

4. There is nothing wrong with spending a Friday night playing video games, Kelli is yet to realise how much better it is for her than going out would be.

5. ‘Bout time Jordan have Sara a nickname, even if it’s probably a one off. And so nice of Kayla to defend him, atleast she’s not completely under Sara’s spell.

6. Smallara doesn’t have to humble people, it’s good that your sister isn’t to afraid to speak her mind now, I don’t think she’ll try running away any time soon and all you need to pay is taking a few criticism here and there.

7. Wonder how Sara would react to him discussing his escape attempt so blatantly, it’s not information I’d think she’d want public.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

1, yeah, and while I do think it’s not the nicest way she could talk to her and would like to see her kinder, it’s a sign of good things that she hasn’t changed.

2, well he never was too bright, lol.

3, I guess, but I still feel like this hasn’t been around long enough for that to be the normal or even a common common belief.

4, I’m sure she’ll change her tune once she realises how much more exhausting socialising while tiny is.

5, yeah, and she did give him permission to assign her one, just not “Sare-Bear” in 347.

6, suppose, she does seem more aware of the dangers she’d face. And definitely has a better situation then Jordan and a healthier relationship with her guardian.

7. I was thinking that’s along the lines of “airing out dirty laundry in public” which he was told not to do.

Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

7. Didn’t think she heard it, she barely heard “brainiac”. Can’t imagine she’d want that info out there, especially not making its way to Tiffany.

6. Like how the Facility would be preparing them? But reading and experiencing are entirely different beasts.

5. Yeah. I’m curious to see what, if any, nickname he gives her.

4. I think even the most extroverted person would find it harder post shrinking.

3. You mean, the government was conspiring? No wonder the there’s so many conspiracy theories about it. But also Sara is only a few months removed from not knowing she’s immune yet allows it to shape so much of her world view on the matter.

2. He and I have that in common.

1. That’s also likely true, which isn’t nice either, but it’s still a good sign that their relationship has relatively minor changes in that regard.

Last edited 10 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
J - vader
J - vader
10 months ago

Yes, I love the positive vibes of this chapter way more. Jordan giving Sara a nickname was great even though it probably would never say it to her face lol but great on Kayla covering for him at the end. The conversation between Kayla and Kelli was great good old sisterly back and forth even if they are different sizes now which I love and Jordan saying that Kelli is still beautiful without all the make up and stuff was sweet (also Jordan X Kelli vibes just keeps on getting stronger by the minute hehe) overall solid chapter.

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

*cough* girl *cough* friend *cough* … sorry something in my throat hehe but yeah can’t be doom and gloom all the time so it’s good for the new group of “friends” here

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

Yes, I like the more wholesome moments. It’s good to see calm so the thrilling parts get emphasised more, plus it shows his adaptation.

It’s not even that insulting of a nickname.

Does Gavin just not count then?

Last edited 10 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

Uh oh! whittle jordy almost got in big trouble for making that remark didn’t take him long to realize it either he had to be shaking just imagine that punishment! jordy being the whittle baby he is Sara should force him to call her mama or mommy right in front of her friends

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