Smallara Episode 408: A Giantess Story

Smallara 408 1

Just a note. I’m planning on switching hosting providers. So if you notice any downtime or slowness over the next several days, it’s probably related to that. Once it’s all complete I will do another update letting you know. 


Kayla looked down at Jordan with curiosity. She had held her sister and carried her about umpteen times at this point, but what she hadn’t done was held a male underbred. In her mind, she wanted to grab ahold of him. He was smaller than her sister, which was an odd juxtaposition, and most guys were taller than her and her sister. So, she found it odd that male underbreds were the smaller and generally weaker sex. She started to reach down towards Jordan when her sister Kelli looked at her, causing Kayla to pause.

“What are you doing?” Kelli said, a bit annoyed over the whole situation. “You didn’t plan any of this. Would you just pick me up? I’m freezing.” Kelli said as Kayla lowered her hand, and Kelli climbed into Kayla’s hand while Kayla apologized. She felt Kayla’s warmth almost immediately radiate up and into her. Even though Kayla’s skin was rough, she could see slight callouses where she gripped and bounced the basketball on her fingertips. Looking down at Kayla’s fingers, she could see the short-cut nails of her tomboyish sister. Rarely had paint graced those nails. Probably about as frequently as lotion landed on this rough skin, Kelli thought to herself.

“Jordan, come on,” Kelli said, motioning for him to join her. She had to admit he was cute-looking. When she handed him his blazer a bit of his stomach was revealed, and she saw how fit he was beneath that shirt. The only thing that was kind of a turn-off to her was that he was quiet and didn’t seem very outgoing. She knew guys like him in the past. They were always wallflowers watching what was going on but never acting on it. Rarely speaking their mind and often deferring to the strongest-willed. As she looked over at Sara she understood. Before this disease stole everything from her, she could have easily competed, dominated and turned the tables around on someone like her. Now, in this new, small, frail body, she couldn’t even speak over her timid sister unless she allowed it.

Kelli watched Jordan walk over towards her. She never minded nice guys like him; however, she had a sea of possibilities before. So, people like him often fell to the wayside in her life. Now, though, she just needed a friend, and she hadn’t even met anyone who was like her until now. No one understood how she felt or what it was like having your entire life ripped from you.

“Sorry, I just didn’t want to be alone,” Kelli said in a normal speaking tone. She found at her standard speaking volume that Kayla and others who were unaffected couldn’t hear her that clearly. They had to really focus on what she said unless she spoke loudly. It wasn’t quite shouting, but it was a different way of speaking than she was accustomed to. She enjoyed being able to speak at a normal volume.

“I’m not sure how any of this works anymore. It’s not like we have phones or anything to really trade info.” Kelli said as she sat down, trying to relax in Kayla’s hand while it rose upward. She still couldn’t get over how her little sister was somehow immune, and she was somehow relegated to this tiny form and put into her care. It wasn’t fair, and it was all Kelli could think about.

As Kayla lifted them up, she continued to look at Jordan. As she eyed his small frame as her eyes landed on his collar. She could see as small as it was Sara’s name written across the small metal tag. The leather collar wrapped around his neck, never moving, just hugging him. It was clear who he belonged to. As Sara and Mallory spoke, Kayla let her eyes wander over to Kelli’s bare neck.

“What?” Kelli said, looking up at her sister staring at her.

“N-nothing Kelli.” Kayla said sheepishly, “I was just noticing how pretty you are.” Kayla said trying to cover up her intruding gaze upon her sister.

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Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

1. Thought you said gender didn’t have an affect on underbred sizes, that it was completely random?

2. Nice of Kayla to completely Kelli, identify if it wasn’t fully genuine.

4. Finally confirmation that Kelli was bigger!! Knew she would be.

5. Nice to see Jordan being desired in a much less creepy way lol

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

3, I thought Jordan’s collar said “Jordy” not “Sara”

6. “but what she hadn’t done was held a male underbred” wasn’t she handed Jordan when they entered the car?

Last edited 10 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

1, fair enough, undrlerbred men just can’t catch a fucking break in this world. it’s a bit cleche to have tiny women still be bigger than tiny men, but I’m looking forward to seeing what you do with it.

2. That was auto corrected, my statement was, “nice to see Kayla compliment Kelli, even if it was a bit insincere”.

3. Oh, and Sara’s name is on the other side?

6. I have been known to do that. I see now what you meant.

Last edited 10 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

1. I figured, looking forward to your spin on the trope.

10 months ago

I like how Kayla is thinking about Killi having a collar on her neck. I wonder how killi will react to her little shay sister dissetion.
I just hope that Jorden wouldn’t get a comfortable life and a girlfriend, I feel like the excitement in this story is how much Jorden is struggling and how lower can he gets. Even Killi is taller than him now. She said it in her mind that guys like Jorden aren’t her typ in her old life. I wonder what would happen if Killi had more options in the future.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  9909
10 months ago

It’s not really a “decision”, Kelli wearing a collar is the law.

I agree that much of this stories excitement is the struggle, but I don’t want it to always be struggle, if it never gets better, than what was he struggling for?

10 months ago

OMFG!!! Yess!!! Yesssssss!!! Yesssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💯💯💯💯💯👏👏👏👏👏👏👌💗💗💗💗💗♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ I was hoping badly for this moment I’m so excited to see this render and look 👀 at Kelli taller, bigger and stronger then him👌💯 just what I love 💗 to see look at him cranking his neck up to look at her. He looks like a child to Kelli. The weaker sex💯💯💯💯💯 that’s right whittle jordy the females have the power over you!!! Kelli looks like a mini giantess goddess to him and then look at the mega giantess teens that hold power over him in the palm ✋ of her hands♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ I bet Kelli could tuck her arms under Jordy’s armpits and lift him up💯💗💗💗💗 I REALLY WANT YOU TO KNOW HOW EXCITED THIS GOT ME THANK YOU MUCH🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💯💯💯 I love how it’s emasculating and humiliating to him. I bet Sara is giggling over this one

10 months ago

Wow that image of Kayla holding both Jordan and her sister in her hand is awesome.

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