Smallara Episode 417: A Giantess Story

Smallara 417 1

Last Smallara Update of the year. See you all next year with more. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season. Thank you all for your comments, good and bad, throughout the year. While not every suggestion or idea can make it in, it’s always interesting to hear your thoughts. There will be a few side updates over the break. See you all after New Years. 


“I’ll catch up with you. I have a couple of things I need to take care of.” Ellie said as she waved goodbye to Sara before walking down the hall. She could hear her shoe clap against the floor as she made her way down the relatively quiet hallway before turning towards one of the busy corridors of the school. Ellie was soon engulfed in a sea of students as groups were walking up and down the hallway.

The boisterous sounds of laughter and talk rang in her ears as she made her way down to the far end of the hallway. The further down the hallway she went, the crowd thinned a bit before she turned down another hallway where Kaitlyn, Ashley, and a few other of their friends stood chatting with one another.

“Ashley, just the person I was looking for,” Ellie said as she approached the group of girls.

“What are you doing over this way?” Kaitlyn said with a bit of sneer as she looked at Ellie. “It’s not like one of the elites to come to our little corner.”

“I thought I just made that clear?” Ellie said with a bit of wit. “I was coming to pay a visit to Ashley here. Now, before you open your mouth and let out some of that hot air.”

“You can’t-” Ashley said toward Ellie before Ellie pressed her index finger against Ashley’s lips and shushed her.

“I can go where I please. You, on the other hand, not so much Ash.” Ellie said with a hair flip to accentuate her point. “I heard you met Jordan the other night.”

“Jordan? Who?” Ashley questioned

“Oh, you may know him as Body Hottie,” Ellie answered

“Body Hottie, He was super cute,” Ashley exclaimed as she looked towards Kaitlyn to tell her about him.

“No, you focus on me now,” Ellie said as she placed her hand on Ashley’s cheek and lightly turned her head back towards her. ”I understand that you tried to get a little, let’s call it grabby. Some may even call it cheeky. I want you to know. I don’t care for that. Just so we are crystal clear as my parents like to say. This means you don’t touch him; you don’t look at him. When you speak, the hot air you normally let out shouldn’t so much as rustle the hairs on his little underbred head. If you so much as give him a nightmare, WE are going to have problems. You all picked your side and went with Kaitlyn. So, that means you aren’t untouchable anymore as you’re not with me, and you’re not with Maisy’s crew. So you’re just like everyone else now. That means you need to fall in line. I let you all think you had some power because Mallory and I ran deep with Kaitlyn for so long. But you all are out; you’ve been out. Don’t mistake kindness for weakness. But you all know how things work around here, right? You know Sara’s my girl. Jordy is her underbred, and I heard what you said about Chloe. Kaitlyn’s family isn’t shit, and she has no power here anymore. I was nice because of your little BFF over there was “friends” with Sara. That little connection is done.”

“I don’t know who you think you are, but I’m not afraid of you, Elle. I -”

“Steven James, I seem to remember you fucking him last summer, but, oh wait, weren’t you, and aren’t you still with Chad? He is so sweet. Minister’s Son, willing to give a person the shirt off his back. I’ve never met someone as wholesome and honest as him. He really deserves better than you, but that’s not for me to say. But, I would hate for this video to get out or the photos from last summer. How far do you want this to go? Your dad works at Generitech as a researcher. I know this because I saw his name on a report Chloe showed me. I would hate to whisper in her ear that maybe Daddy doesn’t get the performance review he thinks he’s going to get. But I think you get it. I got shit on all of you. You know who I am. I will bury each and every one of you. Stay away from Jordan, don’t fuck with Sara, and we have no problems. Clear?”

“Yeah, whatever. Message received.” Ashley said in a beaten tone.

“Kaitlyn, Keep your house in order. Oh, and Sara met some Kayla Wallace. Whatever you were doing to her, just stop. You already know what will happen if you don’t. I don’t care what you do to anyone else. But, Ladies, it was so great to see you all again. Hopefully, it’s just as long before any of you mouth breathers even cross my mind. Oh, and most importantly. I was never here. We never spoke, and if it comes out that I was. Well, It just better not.” Ellie said before walking away with a hair flip.

“Ellie, I got this.” Kaitlyn said before turning to Ashley, “What the fuck Ashley. You got some explaining to do,” Kaitlyn said, glaring at Ashley. 

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Lethal Ledgend
9 months ago

Damn, all that’s missing is Tamara and Saddie and the “Highshool antagonist” group would be complete. Interesting too see Ellie behaving in this manor, before now, I’d seem her as the nice one, but while I’m glad someone’s actually standing up for Jordan in a genuine way, she did cross a few lines, not sure she actually has all the power she thinks she does however, bluffs or delusions she’s got them scared.

Also have a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and
All That Jazz

Last edited 9 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

Yeah that makes sense, I kinda like that all her “enemies” aren’t in the same place/group

I figured she had a serious side, I just didn’t expect it to be so much like a mob boss.

That does make sense,but also makes her seem a bit like a bully.

Last edited 9 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
J - vader
J - vader
9 months ago

Great to see Ellie defending Jordan and happy new year and merry Christmas

9 months ago

Have a merry Christmas.

Damn Elle is scary.

9 months ago

Wishing everyone a happy holiday and a great new year

Really enjoying the series as of late. Definitely a lot to process. Never expected Ellie to have such an influence.

Also funny to see “mouth breathers”, I use that word all the time lol.

9 months ago

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

1- So, Ellie is in an elite and has the same level of hierarchy as Maisy.
when she told the girls that they never had that discussion and never saw each other, makes me think that she was hiding her true status from Sarah and Jordan and that only people like Chloe Mallory and the rest of the group and the other hierarchies at the school know the truth about her. because if Sarah did know, then since the two of them are practically family friends she could have more than easily gained some popularity through her years ago.
My thought on this is the reason she’s not telling her is because her family prefers that the less close people that know about her family’s personal life the better. and the things she said to the girls that got me thinking that was,

“I got shit on all of you. You know who I am. I will bury each and every one of you.”

which made me almost think that maybe she could be the daughter of a powerful mafia boss.

It just got me thinking that way when she went from being nice and joyful to “You are all going to die…”😈

Reply to  daynar
9 months ago

I have no idea why the emoji turned into a http..

Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

Actually I wasn’t meaning for that last part to be a meaning towards an intent, it was more like seeing her go from one emotional state to another and then back within a short period of time. I guess a better example would be how she went from Dr Jekyll to Miss Hyde back to Dr Jekyll, to be honest I originally didn’t think she had that kind of thing in her to do, very nice touch

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