The Birthday Shipment Episode 8: A Smallara Side Story

Smallara The Birthday Shipment 8 1

Bryce muttered in the silent room as he worked on Mia’s math homework. Looking out at the large room through the bars. He couldn’t help but think that life wasn’t supposed to be this way. He was a highly educated man just waiting for the right opening to jump to college teaching ranks. He didn’t want to just teach in any college he wanted to teach at a respectable school.

“Smallara stole everything,” Bryce said quietly to himself as he continued to work through the formula to complete Mia’s math problems. In this new world order, he found himself not only beneath his former student but trapped in her care permanently. He looked over at the miniature computer Mia had gotten him. It connects wirelessly via her phone plan, which services a little friendly version of the internet, which Mia can further restrict based on categories, or granularly down to the website or just opt to use the Generitech-sanctioned version, which is the baseline of what is allowed to be served/consumed by a little. Seeing the LittleNet (A division of Generitech) logo in the corner was sickening but over the weeks of teaching Bryce gotten used to it where he generally didn’t think about it outside of times like these.

Bryce casually browsed to the LittleMart (A division of Generitech) homepage. Whenever he logged into the LittleNet, it always brought him to this page. It was basically Amazon for littles like him. It had product after product that he could put into a virtual cart and checkout. But like everything else, it was granular and dependent on Mia. She could set up a dollar amount that was good for a transactional limit or monthly limit. There was also the option of once the Little checks out the order is fed to the guardian for approval. The entire site reminded Bryce how different the world he came out to was. How much had changed just in the time he was away at the facility.

What bothered him the most was he knew on the actual internet a different version of this site existed. It had all the products he could see but also different sections with products he wasn’t permitted to see. The LittleNet version of LittleMart site didn’t have a section where you could buy a Little through the government. Bryce wondered what that was like. What it looked like. He had heard his students casually discussing it one day.

It was a side conversation they were having after he had given them free time after completing a test. It was fascinating getting to listen to how they viewed things and thought of it. He wished the microphone the student had was better quality as since they were faced away from the tablet, he had trouble clearly hearing everything. But the thought he was just bought on some website like that and then given to Mia as a gift was something in the quiet moments like these his mind often drifted back to thinking about. He could never quite fully get over it.

A few more hours passed by, and Bryce had finished up Mia’s homework and graded all the papers for his class. He knew it had to be evening from how the shadows that fell over the room. He suspected Logan would be out late with her sister. But he hoped Mia would be back soon. Desperately he wanted out of this cage. Just for a bit even. He was growing stir crazy. It was a fairly large cage, so he had a lot of room, but it was still confining when just beyond a series of bars was a vast world in which he was locked away from.

Bryce heard giggling as the door to Mia’s room opened. This meant much to his chagrin she was not alone so the odds of him being let out were dwindling. He was used to Mia’s light footfalls which he hated to admit he had learned to recognize. Alongside her footsteps was a much heavier footfall. The 2nd heavier footfall echoed much more than Mia’s ever did. Bryce stood up from his desk as he saw Mia walk into the room. Behind her was a much larger person.

It was difficult to fully make out who they were from unlit hallway but as soon as Mia walked in she turned on the lights. This immediately caused Bryce to blink as his eyes squinted in a bit of pain. He was unused to the bright false lighting at this point as he didn’t have a clear view of the clock. He knew it had been hours.

As his vision returned Bryce saw Mia pulling a man who was taller than her into the room. Mia spoke loudly as she moved about with an obvious lack of coordination. He could tell that she had been drinking wherever she came from.

“Logan, my roommate should be out late, but let me put this on the door just in case she comes back early.” Bryce heard Mia say with a slight slur to her speech which only confirmed to him that she had been drinking. Bryce could only watch as she walked by briefly pulling out some clean underwear from a drawer before walking over to the door and opening it just enough to hang them on the doorknob before shutting the door once again. Bryce found himself wishing he could literally be anywhere but here.

“Now where were we again?” Mia said pushing man back a few steps as Bryce watched young man wrap his arms around Mia with an ease he could never hope for. Bryce was a prisoner not just in this cage but in this miniaturized body. Bryce wanted to look away but as the young man pressed his lips against Mia’s and he heard the noise of the two lips locking Bryce somehow couldn’t look away.

It was such a strange juxtaposition to be in. Seeing the seemingly all-powerful ruler of his world so easily wrapped up into the arms another hit home just how small he had become. Bryce turned away from the two collegiate lovers, but nothing could blot out the noise as they continued to kiss. The footsteps of the two giants forced Bryce to turn back around.

The giant’s hand was unsteady as he gently stripped away Mia’s top before gently running his hand down her back. Bryce was sickened. He couldn’t believe Mia would bring someone home like this. He didn’t directly care what she did but the lack of consideration for him was upsetting. The more he thought of it he shouldn’t be as surprised. When was Mia ever considerate unless it benefited her? The back of Mia’s leg pressed against Bryce’s cage; the giant lifted her up, so her back was against the wall. Bryce gulped as he he looked at Mia being held above what had become his home with her back pressed against the wall.

The giant lovers continued to kiss passionately as Mia moaned slightly. Bryce could see the effects Mia was having on the giant as his pants bulged. Mia seemed to notice this as well from what Bryce could tell as she grasped her arms around him pulling herself closer to him as she playfully nibbled on his ear as she gyrated her body.

Bryce found himself helpless as the giant lovers continued there foreplay above and around his cage. He would have thought it was on purpose, but the male giant seemed unaware of him, and he was the one who pinned Mia against the wall above the cage.

Mia leveraged herself and pushed off the wall forcing the male giant down onto the bed with a force Bryce was sure would have killed him. Mia climbed on top of the male giant asserting dominance as she undid his pants letting them drop to the floor with his boxer shorts. Bryce couldn’t help but remember the giant monster movies he used to watch as a kid. This felt like the erotic version of one of them as beings many times his own height and weight wrestled atop Mia’s bed.

Mia moaned as the two nude giants gyrated in a kind of dance. Both continued to moan softly as Mia’s bed slightly pounded against the wall. The erotic scene unfolded in front of Bryce leaving him nowhere else to look. Bryce watched as Mia reached for nightstand slightly climbing off the giant male as she reached into a nightstand drawer pulling out a small package that from this distance looked of similar size to him. She bit the wrapper tearing it in half and pulling out the rubber condom. As she climbed back over to the giant ever so briefly Mia looked over at Bryce. She let the condom dangle as she jiggled it in her hand. She gave him a wink followed by a smirk before expertly sliding it on her male counterpart.

The ease with which this was done told Bryce this was not Mia’s first time. He also noticed she made sure that he had a clear view of fully erect member. As soon as she slid the condom onto the giant she looked over at Bryce and smirked cockily one last time before extending her tongue and running it up the length of giant’s member. Bryce could do nothing as he watched Mia lift her hips and slide them over the now protected member as it disappeared into Mia. He watched her eyes fill with pleasure as she rocked slightly enjoying the feeling of being filled by the powerful organ. She had toys of course but nothing beats the real thing.

The two giant’s locked lips once again as they both breathed heavily from the physical exertion. It seemed as if they were taking turns moaning in pleasure until Bryce saw the body of the giant start to buckle. Mia increased in speed as the giant lifted her up from the bed. Mia Wrapped her legs around the man as he continued to thrust.

“I forget how strong you are.” Mia said as her back landed against the wall behind the cage. Bryce looked upward seeing everything Mia had to offer. She quietly let out a scream of pleasure as the two continued to make love.

“Back on the bed. I don’t want you to crush him.” Mia said to the oblivious giant. Without missing a beat the two made there way back to Mia’s bed. The creak of the bed springs was almost somehow worse to Bryce then them literally doing it above him. After a several more minutes the tension in the giants muscles gave way. Mia continued on forcing the taller man to keep going for a few more minutes before she finally came and rolled off the giant. She was breathing much heavier than normal as a bit of perspiration covered both their bodies. Mia stood up first, taking a couple steps from the bed but stopping in front of the cage as the giant spoke to Mia.

Bryce wanted to turn his head away, but he found his eyes transfixed on the giant Mia. He could still see cum around her womanhood as she turned to hear what the giant was saying.

“No, you can’t shower here. That’s not what the deal is. This is just sex Chad, no feelings or emotions. We aren’t hanging out after or anything.” Mia said as she picked up his pants tossing them to him.

“Right, Right, I was just hoping to scope out some of your sorority sisters anyway.” Chad said with a bit of sly grin.

“I’ve had a long day, so…” Mia said as she watched Chad put his clothes back on.

“Alright, alright, ’m hungry after that anyway.” Chad said.

“This was just a one-time thing here. Next time it’s back at your place like usual.” Mia said as she walked Chad to the door opening the door while using it to shield her body before pulling her underwear from the doorknob. She then kicked the door shut tossing her underwear onto her bed.

“That was barely worth it Wexie,” Mia said. Bryce having noticed that her activity had seemed to have worked the liquor out of her system as Mia’s slur and coordination seemed to be normal.

“Mia! You can’t just do that. I don’t want to see all that.” Bryce shouted as loud as he could.

“You’re gonna have to get used to it Wexie. You belong to me, and I enjoy a good fucking once awhile. Emphasis on good, that wasn’t even adequate. I should have just done it myself. Mia said pulling a vibrator out her drawer and turning it on before thrusting it inside of herself.

“Mmmhmmm,” Mia said. “Besides, your body betrays you Wexie.” Mia said looking down at the obvious bulge. Bryce moved to cover it but he knew it too late as Mia moans softly as she places one leg on his cage.

“Oh Wexie, yes, yes, this could be you…” Mia said as she came. Bryce was forced dodge giant droplets of cum that fell down as Mia Moaned louder than she ever had with Chad. After several movements she flipped off her dildo and looked down at Bryce. “… If you were a still a person. I mean you always were a bit of dick. Ironic you ended up the size of one.” Mia said with a bit of a chuckle.

“You can’t just keep me in here and would you move your leg off my home.” Bryce tried to say as nicely possible as he didn’t want to anger her.

“I’ll let you out tomorrow for a bit. I saw you finished the work I assigned you. I got the notifactions while I was waiting for Chad. Logan wanted me to have lunch with her sister. So I’ll be home all morning and I guess you have earned it. You’ve been working pretty hard. The girls are doing this little bonding event tonight so be a dear and just give this a good once over then you can call it a day. If you keep working hard you may earn the ability to accompany me around the sorority house.” Mia said as she unlatched the lid and dropped her dildo into his cage letting it fall the bottom floor of the cage before she re-latched it.

Mia walked over to her bed grabbing her previously worn panties and wiped the cum away from her nether regions before tossing her underwear towards the hamper but missing and landing atop the cage. Mia grabbed the clean underwear she had retrieved from the door handle, slid them on before walking into her closet briefly and putting on some old sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt before sliding her feet into some slipper style Ugg’s.

“It’s so adorable when you talk like you have actual authority. It reminds me of when you were trying to fool everyone into thinking you were a person. I don’t blame you or anything, I would have done the same thing in your situation. If you act like you belong no one questions it. I’m pretty sure no one suspected you were an underbred. You had us all fooled. Although if I were you, I probably wouldn’t have gotten my doctorate, but it does make you useful. My parents are so impressed that I’m earning my own money. So good job.” Mia said casually.

“I’m so glad I can be of service to you.” Bryce said sarcastically but because of his size Mia was unaware.

“Well, you’re welcome.” Mia said.

“I wasn’t thank–” Bryce had tried to say he wasn’t thanking her, but Mia had already started speaking.

“Oh, the principal of your school called the other day. He school mentioned that the district wanted to extend your contact. I was able to get them to extend you for three more years after this year. After that I’m graduating so I will have to get you set up somewhere else, but every city has schools. I’ll have my trust at that point but your good for some pocket change. Well, I got to get downstairs. Since you’re getting let out for a bit tomorrow, I guess I will have to remember where I put that collar.” Mia said as she walked out of the room turning out the lights and shutting the door behind her.

Bryce couldn’t help but feel around his neck. He knew it was the law, but he just assumed Mia didn’t care. It never occured to him she just hadn’t put it on him because he hadn’t left this cage. As he continued to feel around his neck, he felt sick over the thought of being Marked as Mia’s.

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Lethal Ledgend
9 months ago

1. “baseline of what is allowed to be served/consumed by a little.” Seriously why is Little internet access so restricted, what ate they scared of?

2. Hey, Sara’s name suggestion (LittleMart) was accepted.

3. So he does have a collar, but I thought he needed it 24/7 even in his own home.

4. I know the voyeuristic chapter just is gonna make many of your fans happy.

5. Mia dies realise he likely got his doctorate before Smallara was a thing, or at least before he got tested.

6. Cleaning sex toys may be the most degrading Little chore yet.

7 “She had toys of course but nothing beats the real thing” and “wasn’t even adequate.” Don’t feel like they belong I the same situation lol.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

1. I see, the point of addition censorship especially for guardians with young littles, but to have it censored by default is a bit weird. But the way it was phrased made it seem like it’s illegal to tell them certain things.

3. They’re a lot more advanced than a standard dogs collar, Sara’s collar she put on Jordan is much more advanced but even the standard collars should be able to tell when they aren’t being worn.

6. The grossness of the task would be only one aspect of the shame, the debaucherous nature and basic enslavement all accumulate into the hardship he’s enduring. I’m also wondering “once over with what?”

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
9 months ago

I would rather clean earwax out of a dozen earbuds than touch one of those things..🤮

9 months ago

Man being tiny and having to watch normal sized people have sex has to suck.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Nodqfan
9 months ago

It’s not something I’d look forward to.

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