The Birthday Shipment Episode 9: A Smallara Side Story

Smallara The Birthday Shipment 9

Here is the last episode posted for 2023.  Thank you all for commenting and posting in 2023. Many more updates to come in 2024. Smallara returns on January 2nd, 2024.

The room quickly became dank as Mia turned out the lights in the room as she left. The sun had since fallen, leaving nothing but shadows and darkness that fell over the room. Peering down to the bottom floor, he could see the large dildo Mia had used to pleasure herself. It still smelled of her sex and was dripping with her cum which slowly oozed onto the floor of what had become his home.

Bryce made his way down to the bottom level, where in the far corner were a few buckets of water and cleaning supplies resided. Mia had always been a bit conceded and self-absorbed. The fact that she had basically just used this to pleasure herself and just ordered him to clean it was humiliating. He wanted to say he wasn’t going to do it and that he was going to tell her off. That he didn’t get all his degrees and accolades to do this kind of labor. He knew where that would get him, though. The best-case scenario would just leave him hungry and still stuck in this cage. He didn’t even want to contemplate what Mia could cook up. He was sure it would be worse than what he could come up with. Quite frankly, he was a bit scared of her.

The water was cold as Bryce dipped the rag into a bucket of soapy water. The cum was thick, and because of his size, it felt closer to a gel or mucus-like substance. As much as he tried not to touch it. It was fairly unavoidable. As he washed a small section before finally deciding this wasn’t going to work. Bryce walked over and took one of the empty buckets, and started to wipe the cum into the large bucket.

“This is so damn gross.” Bryce thought to himself as he ended up with a few buckets full of Mia’s cum. The buckets were scaled to his size, so he knew, in reality, this wasn’t that much. However, from his perspective, it is more than enough. Now with most of the cum removed, Bryce took a rag and dipped it into some soapy water, and was able to scrub the dildo. Once he had finished, he mopped the bottom of the cage. He knew Mia expected him to clean up this work area. He had made that mistake once. This led to more work and chores, which Mia said provided additional opportunities to reinforce expectations.

That was one of the worst weeks of his life. He had never worked so hard in his life. It was an unrelenting string of task after task, with any complaint only leading to more days of tasks. He learned quickly; it was just easier to do what Mia said. Normally, horrid jobs like these only come once or twice a week. The rest of the time, he mostly had to worry about Mia’s homework and just doing his actual job along with whatever small menial tasks she assigned.

Bryce wasn’t sure what time Mia had come back in. She didn’t say anything to him. She merely opened up the top of the cage and grabbed her Dildo. She looked over it satisfied with his work, before she took the buckets, dumped them all rinsed them with hand soap, and returned the buckets filled with water. She glanced at his water level before deciding it could go another few days before relatching the cage and going to bed.

It was mid-morning before Mia woke up and looked at her phone. Bryce stood in front of the cage, thinking Mia was going to get up, but she merely set her phone back down on the nightstand and went back to sleep. It wasn’t until 1 pm that she finally crawled out of bed and stretched.

“Mia,” Bryce said as he watched her eyes look down at him.

“Oh right, I’ll get to you,” Mia said before walking over to her sofa and sitting down, scrolling through her social media feeds as she woke up. He could hear the digital key sound of her phone followed by the sound of videos being played, which told Bryce she had probably moved on to TikTok. The better part of an hour passed before Mia walked over to his cage.

“I did say you could be let out for good behavior,” Mia said, reaching down into the cage. Bryce hated the amount of control Mia held over him. He could think of very few students out of every student he had ever taught who would be worse than Mia to be his guardian. As she grabbed him and pulled him out, she walked over to her bed and plopped him onto her bed with the same amount of care she showed her cell phone.

“I have a collar around here somewhere,” Mia said aloud to herself as she walked over to her desk and shifted through several drawers before going over to her purse and digging through it before finally pulling out a small black collar with pointed metal studs on it.

“What’s that for?” Bryce asked, confused as he looked up at the gigantic young former student who now served as his guardian in this new post-Smallara world.

“It’s for you. You were already in your home when I got it weeks ago. It’s a bother to take you out to just put it on you. It’s the law, though. Didn’t they teach you about this stuff before you were sold? Every underbred is legally required to have a collar. You were chipped before you were sold, but the collar is the owner’s responsibility.” Mia said dismissively before grabbing Bryce with one hand and unbuckling the collar with the other.

“I can put it on. You don’t need…” was all Bryce got out before Mia pressed him down into her bed and she buckled the collar around his neck. Bryce immediately felt the tight restraint of the collar. It felt more like a choker. As he sat up, he found that the collar restricted his breathing more than he was used to. Bryce reached to the back of the collar so that he could loosen it a bit, but he found that he couldn’t release the latch.

“I can’t unbuckle this. I need to loosen it.” Bryce said as he pulled his hand away, wincing in pain a bit from the metal studs.

“You can’t remove it. It’s underbred proof. It requires a certain amount of force to release it, and an underbred like yourself is physically incapable of producing enough force. The collar self-ratchets itself into place for a perfect fit once it’s put in place.

“Well, this one is defective, but I guess it’s fine. It’s just while I’m out.” Bryce said, trying not to think about the fact he literally had a collar around his neck that identified him as Mia’s property.

“You just have to get used to it. It looks fine. But it doesn’t come off. That’s on you permanently. You belong to me Wexie. Now you have a constant reminder that for the rest of your life, you will answer to me.” Mia said with a smirk as she watched panic set in for Bryce, who frantically started pulling against the collar.

“I can’t teach with this on me like this. What will my students think.” Bryce said frantically.

“If you’re good and continue to be obedient, maybe some collared sweaters will find their way into your cage. But if even the slightest disobedience is shown, I guess you better find some creative camera angles. As not working is not an option for you. You need to earn your keep around here.” Mia said as she lifted Bryce up from her bed and set him down on the floor. Looking up at Mia from this vantage told him all he needed to know.

“Mia, please be reasonable,” Bryce said as Mia lifted and shifted her foot forward, lightly she flicked Bryce forward with her toes. She watched him tumble before coming to a stop a few inches from where he stood prior.

“Sorry Wexie. I was just moving closer as I knew I must have misheard you. As up here, it sounded like you weren’t being very appreciative of the gifts I’ve given you and being allowed out into my world. Being out here is an honored privilege for obedience and hard work. But maybe someone’s just not ready. Maybe a couple more months to assimilate into this new life is needed.” Mia said as she started reaching to turn towards his cage.

“N-no Mia. Perhaps I didn’t enunciate enough to be heard clearly. I was saying how thankful I was to you.” Bryce said as he took several deep breaths to catch his breath before working his way up to his feet.

“I figured you must have misspoken. I didn’t think you’d squander all your hard work to get this reward so carelessly.” Mia said before walking back over to the Sofa and stretching her legs out. “You may roam about for a bit, but stay in the open,” Mia added to make sure Mr. Wexler understood that he was never going to be in a position of power between the two of them again. Any freedom he had was because she allowed it. The idea that an underbred like him ever held her future underneath his thumb was hard to believe.

Bryce, for his part, was holding his tongue. He knew if he said anything argumentative back at her, that was exactly what she wanted, and he refused to give in to her. Obedience to this brat cost him nothing at this point.

Bryce walked about the giant space. He wasn’t sure what he expected, but being out of that cage was nice. As he looked at the giant door and up at the window, he tried to recall exactly how long he had been here. It was nearing Thanksgiving break, but his timeline of arrival was murky at best. It was after the start of school before the holiday season. So, the most amount of time he could have been here was three months. That number was staggering to Bryce. He hadn’t realized how much time he had been living in Mia’s shadow.

Bryce wondered what his family was doing. If they were wondering about him. He had tried to find a way to look for them on the LittleNet, but access to any kind of search engine was blocked for all littles. He had tried emailing, but his email was restricted. He could only email Mia, his students, and staff within the district. Any other address, he would just get a bounce-back notification and a visit from Mia. After his first attempt, she had made it clear that he was her property, and any further attempts would be met with punishment.

Bryce had spent the better part of an hour wandering about Mia’s room, and not a thing that was useful was out of place. While Mia was lazy, she had an attention to detail, which Bryce found annoying. She had him completely locked down. Any form of communication or news came through Mia and Mia alone. The only rogue information he had been able to get ahold of was things he overheard his students say in conversation with one another.

The floor shook as Mia stood up and made her way over to her desk. As she opened the drawer, she pulled out what looked like a belt. Bryce stood still as Mia walked towards him. The size disparity between them became crystal clear to Bryce as her bare feet stepped down directly in front of him. The force of her step knocked him forward, and tumbled down onto her feet.

“I appreciate you wanting to grovel before me for everything I’ve done for you. But now is not the time.” Mia said as she started to bend down. Bryce tried to correct her, as that was the last thing he wanted her to think, but before he could fully comprehend, she was already bent down. He felt himself pressed into the top of her foot as he struggled in vain. More from the shock of it all than anything else. He could smell the fruity lotion or soap she had used as it still clung to her skin, filling Bryce’s nostrils. He found that he couldn’t even cry out for help as between the restricted airflow of the collar and the force with which Mia was pressing down on him, it was all he could do to breathe, let alone try to speak.

“Perfect,” Mia said as she stood back up.

Bryce looked behind him to see a long tether leading directly to a red plastic device in Mia’s hand. He couldn’t believe it. She actually had put a leash on him. Bryce reached behind him and felt around the back of his neck. The tether seemed to connect to his collar with a simple push-button latch, but he couldn’t see create enough force to depress it. He could only assume it was little proof like the collar. Bryce looked up at Mia, fuming, but said nothing.

“Problem Wexie?” Mia said, looking down at her former teacher and seeing the look of anger on his face.

“I was just wondering if this leash was necessary. I can wrap my head around the collar, but the leash seems unnecessary.” Bryce said, trying to understand the need as Mia would be able to easily stop him or grab him if he did run off.

“It’s an underbred leash. The actual line is lightweight, along with the clip that attaches to the collar. A normal dog collar and leash, even in miniature form, would be much too heavy. So, this new metal is actually stronger than more traditional metals, but it’s also lightweight. It is part of why underbred products are more expensive.

“Okay, but that doesn’t explain why it’s needed. Where am I going to go.” Bryce restated as nicely as he could. As he had learned with Mia, it was best not to make it seem like you were questioning her authority.

“I have to go downstairs, and then we have to meet Logan. We agreed you earned some time out of the cage. I didn’t think it was fair if I didn’t honor my words fully. So, you can come with me today, but a leash is required. It’s nonnegotiable. If you don’t like it, you are free to go back to your cage.” Mia said, crossing her arms as she looked down at Bryce.

“No, it’s fine. Thank you, Mia. I appreciate it,” Bryce said, as harsh of a guardian as Mia could be. He found that she had her moments when she was nice. The thought of getting to see the outside world was a bit exhilarating. The last time he saw the outdoors, he was full-sized. He hadn’t even seen a place beyond Mia’s home and the facility since he caught Smallara.

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9 months ago

I mean if he’s good boy Mia might take Wrexie for a walk.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

He is already cleaning her dildo I would hate to see what he would need to do to be, really rewarded.😓

i have a feeling that alot of what she is doing to him is just to humiliate him for her own fun. he is her money maker; she would not risk him being found out.

Happy New Year!!!

9 months ago

Have a good new year!!!!

Lethal Ledgend
9 months ago

Happy New Year everyone.

1) Bryce is in an interesting position as he technically should have more bargaining power than Jordan, as Mia is at least partially financially reliant on him, but seems to have almost none.

2) Spiked Collar would be so annoying, imagine how torn up that bed’s gonna get, or any collared shirt he wears.

3) “Is your little one not humiliated enough by having to wear a collar? Why not compound that humiliation with a leash, it gives almost no benefit but it sure is embarrassing!! (Genriware is not responsible for any little suicides committed using our equipment. your little’s mental health and stability is your responsibility as their guardian)”.

4) “I didn’t think it was fair if I didn’t honour my words fully” Well look at that, something Sara should learn from Mia, today is full of surprises.

5) “but a leash is required”, as in by Law?

6) This dude needs some self-respect, his standards for “moments when she was nice” are even lower than Sara and her Friends’ standards for “Jordan and Gavin lives good lives”

7) “What’s that (collar) for?” Didn’t Bryce already know the collaring law last chapter?

8) Giantess feet are always a treat.

9) Though Mia is in many ways just “Sara if she wasn’t dating Chloe” I’m starting to think this is how Dayton would be as a guardian if she was older

10) I’m Imagining that Bryce is living how Charity would live if hypothetically Sara got her instead of Jordan.

11) I hope that the collar doesn’t give him too much trouble breathing, I’m imagining Bryce looking up how to loosen it on Littlenet only for Mia to get a message saying “Alert Suspicious Activity: your little, [Wexie Lawson] may be attempting to escape their collar”.

12) I’m still curious if there’ll be consequences for her waiting so long to put the collar on him.

Last edited 9 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

1) Jordan is absolutely scared of Sara, I agree it’s to a significantly smaller degree but she definitely uses credible threats, including violence, to keep him controlled, I don’t believe Mia would see what she’s doing as any worse or even different than what Sara’s doing. they are extremely similar in their beliefs and superiority complexes, but Sara is a bit nicer about it.

2) I’m just imagining the tears in his bed, seat, Mia’s pocket or anywhere else that he’s near fabric. I also don’t think Mia thought ahead like that and has no intention of getting him a better one.

3) Most Littles are carried most places, and if they try to hide that leash could easily get caught or tangled and become a bigger risk to his health than a benefit to Mia

4) No, but broken clocks and all that, It’s just the frequency that Sara goes back on her word either partially or fully is one of my biggest recurring grievances with the character.

5) ok, I do think a “Little Leashing Law” would be a bit much, even in this world, lol.

6) I’d argue that your inclusion of “compared to Bryce” means you know that they aren’t living well. I’d choose life with Mal over Sara and Sara over Mia but that doesn’t make either high schooler a good option, The Best guardian in your world we’ve seen is Kayla, but even Kelli isn’t living that well. Though I understand what you mean about Bryce being beaten down by the system and that’s where I was leaning as well.

7) Yeah, I understand that, but it stuck out when a character who previously knew needed to be told, lol

8) Yeah, I’m a fan.

9) An exaggeration perhaps, but Ashley did hint that Sara’s opinion of Littles shifted since she started dating Chloe. Mia seems to hold the same beliefs as Sara, the biggest difference is intent, to Mia, Bryce is just an asset for her, making money so she can attend college so treating him poorly doesn’t affect her as far as she can tell. Jordan is Sara’s therapy pet, and Sara’s smart enough to realise that if Jordan resents her, or harboured a grudge that would make his intended purpose less effective as the constant negativity from him would inhibit her ability to benefit, so while the girls hold the same beliefs about littles they realistically can’t treat their littles the same as each other, to Jordans slight benefit.

10) I think so too, but she’d start out worse than Mia, she’d get her petty revenge then slowly realise it’s not as therapeutic as she thought and realise that she’d need her therapy pet’s forgiveness before her recovery could truly begin.

11) Yeah, that one I wanted to be more on the believability side, I was thinking in regards to sleeping more than running.

12) Damn, still though, given how much these collars do surely there’d be a noticeable discrepancy between “date little became hers” and “Date collar was activated”

J - vader
J - vader
9 months ago

Happy new year- as for this chapter it was good and I do hope things get better for Bryce and maybe Mia learns to care for him someday but who knows.

9 months ago

I just want to start off with hoping you had a very Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 and a Happy New Year 🎆 plus a much deserved rest you definitely 💯 deserve it🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💯💯💯💯💯💯 and WOW!!!!!!🤩 these past two The Birthday Shipment updates FREAKING FANTASTIC!!!!!!!💯🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 thank u thank u!!!🙏🏻💯💯💯💯💯🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ this is is what I’ve been hoping for!!! This is what I wish for with Sara and her whittle naked baby pet💯💗♥️ I can see her putting a pink leash on his collar as she holds him down walking him over to his pet bowls to lap up water and eat his pet food👌💯💗💗💗💗💗💗 I can see Ellie strapping him to her dildo and forcing him into her as she pleasures herself then she unstraps him picks him up dangles him as she licks 👅 his itty bitty tiny dick then forces him to be obedient and clean 🧽 her dildo in his habit as she watches and Sara snaps some photos for her instagram 💯🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💯💯💯💯💯💯♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 can imagine all the teenage girls with their bare feet 🦶 🦶👣 at this party he should introduce himself by crawling over to their feet and kissing those fruity lotion feet!!!!💯💯💯💯 hopefully 🤞 🙏🏻 Sara does cleavage carry with him at this party as she dances to music he loses his tiny grip on her dress and he slides down her all the way inside her panties🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 maybe put him in her mouth 👄 and kiss Chloe passing whittle naked jordy back and forth between both their mouths 👄 as they kiss 💋 how humiliating just the thought of this 💗💗💗💗💗💗💯💯💯💯💯💯💯🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Here is to another very exciting 2024 with following your brilliant work since the beginning thank u! Thank u!! Thank u!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 hopefully he gets put into whittle pink diapers this year just imagining Sara changing him and doing in front of his former girlfriend and friend Daniela and Mrs. Brooks how AMAZING 🤩 that would be🙏🏻💯💗 Sara making fun of his tiny junk 💯 can’t wait till they buy the booze and how crazy wild 😜 this party 🎉 is going to get!!! 2024 Smallera💯💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Reply to  Rockyb888
9 months ago

Hopefully spank! Spank! Punishment is coming

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