Smallara Episode 418: A Giantess Story

Smallara 418

“I’m not upset. You don’t need to worry about anything. I never should have asked you. I’m sorry for putting you in that position.” Sara said as she walked down the hallway with Jordan.

“Oh, well, that’s okay. I’m just glad you are being so understanding,” Jordan said as he relaxed a bit in Sara’s hand.

“I shouldn’t come to you with people problems, and this is a person problem. It’s above you.” Sara said laughing at her own pun. “No pun intended, Jordy. But you should just have to worry about being my wittle man. Not people things, so don’t even sweat it.” Sara as she gave Jordan a gentle pet as she continued down the hall.

“Thanks,” Jordan said skeptically, as he was unsure how he should feel about her statement. He didn’t want to be involved in supplying people who were underage alcohol. However, the idea that Sara was separating issues into categories like this was worrisome. As he wondered if this meant there would be things he wouldn’t know about. Like he didn’t hear about that flight, he’s going on until today.

“I know a guy who can get me some. He’s just a dick and charges a premium.” Sara said as she started walking up a flight of stairs.

“What do you mean by person problem? Are there things you aren’t going to tell me?” Jordan asked, figuring it would just be easier to be blunt. As beating around the bush in his experience with Sara didn’t go well normally.

“Well, it’s like you made clear to me before. Me getting alcohol wasn’t your problem. That’s why you didn’t want to help. I’m just going to concern you about things you need to know about as that’s what you want. This is just working out how our dynamic is going to work. We have a long life together, you know.” Sara said as she hummed softly to herself.

“I think you’re getting the wrong idea. I didn’t want to buy alcohol because it was breaking the law. It doesn’t mean I don’t want to know things. Like why was I just finding out today about this vacation this morning. Practically by accident.”

“Well, it’s not for a bit. I was just getting the details on how it was going to work. We go every year. It’s not like you were going to wake up on a plane. Don’t worry, Jordy. I fully understand your position. So, I’m just going to bring wittle man concerns to you just like you want.” Sara said as she lifted Jordan gave him a quick kiss before setting him onto her shoulder.

“Well, I should be kept in the loop on all things. Especially if you’re going to bring me along.” Jordan said.

“That sounds awfully like you wanted to be included like a friend. But you made it quite clear we weren’t friends. As friends do things for each other. But you seem to want a strict guardian-underbred relationship.” Sara said questioningly.

“You also said that I was your pet. But you’re only willing to make me a friend when it’s convenient.” Jordan said.

“Jordy, I’m hurt. I’m friends with all my pets. I consider them to be part of the family. That’s why losing Mocha Reeves is so sad. It’s losing a member of the family. Mocha can’t do the same things you can do, so it’s not possible to ask Mocha for the same things I ask of you. But you’re my number one wittle man. You know how much I love my wittle mansy. We are on the same team, Jordy. Look at how I stuck up for you when Mom wanted you to eat on the floor underneath the table.” Sara said

“Fine, I’ll help with the beer, but I want to be included in things. No surprises, and if we’re friends, I expect to be treated as such.” Jordan said.

“Thank you, thank you.” Sara said, patting Jordan on the head.”You have nothing to be concerned about. We’re definitely friends, and I treat you like a friend. We obviously have a hierarchy when it comes to some decisions because I’m your guardian. But we are definitely friends; it’s me and you, little buddy, for the next well ever. You’ll outlive my parents and any other relationship I have outside of people like Ellie and Chloe, who I’ve known longer than you and conceivably would live a comparable amount of time.”

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Lethal Ledgend
9 months ago

So by my calculations, this means that the multiples of fives are now going to be uploaded on Friday. This makes me happy.

1. The apology was good, until sge immediately chose to emphasise that he wasn’t a person afterwards.

2. Nice to see them actually discussing their relationship. And Jordan calling her out a bit.

3. Jordan shouldn’t be surprised Sara’s keeping things from him. Littles being kept in the dark seems to be practically a law in this world, I’ll bet guardian training included guidelines on what you should and shouldn’t tell your little.

4. Kinda disappointed in Jordan, but I understand he’s in a position where doing this would curry some extra favour, I’d be demanding points Rn.

Last edited 9 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

Correct 420 would be fridays episode.

Blaze it

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

That’s weirdly satisfying ti me.

1. Her stance has changed so many times, it’s hard to know I’d she’s lying, changed her mind, gaslighting him or ret-con.

But my issue was her repetitive stating of something she knows he doesn’t like hearing, even if it is true, likely some retaliation to him not wanting help her in order to get him riled up, which given how the chapter ended clearly worked.

2. Not the best spot to pick, this conversation can only last until they reach Maisy giving it an unofficial time limit. Though I’m curious if he’ll bring up that his person hood is also varying depending on what’s convenient to her.

3. That makes sense, even Mia who seems mostly apathetic puts in effort to keep Bryce on the dark about things.

4. That’s one conversation I’ve been looking forward to a lot.

9 months ago

I’m sure the beer buying will go smoothley.

9 months ago

No back talking whittle jordy to your Mama Sara and no questioning her authority or else when she gets to class she’ll smash the table with you on it so hard you’ll pee your self. Just pet stuff he’ll be involved in👌💯💗 if he keeps it up he’ll be eating his meals off her toes 🦶

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