Smallara Episode 421: A Giantess Story

Smallara 421

Maisy’s voice was dripping with condescension as she spoke to him. As he looked up at the teen it was clear she didn’t think of him as an equal or anything more than a brainless being. He didn’t understand how she could seemingly think that he was just another animal when last week she wouldn’t have ever addressed him without a shred of respect. But he didn’t actually know her. Maybe she wouldn’t have.

“Stay,” She said to Jordan before looking over at Sara to say, “I’m just going to get my ruler out so we can measure his height,” Maisy said to Sara as she bent down; Jordan could hear her thumbing through her bookbag. He couldn’t believe the audacity she had. He was willing to put up with Sara giving him commands because she’s, his guardian. Letting others do it was a step too far.

“I just can’t get over how big of a heart you have. My family and I always donate one Saturday a month to help out at the food shelter or homeless shelter. But what you’re doing is so far beyond that. Making room in your life to take care of a less fortunate underbred who isn’t even related to you. It’s so heartwarming. What made you want to do it.”

“Aww, I’m not all that. When this little guy just threw himself at me when I was mowing the lawn last weekend. I just couldn’t let him get thrown into the system. You hear about so many horror stories. I just knew that while I can’t save every underbred. I can certainly do my part and give this one a proper home and education. I really want to rehabilitate him and teach him that he can still contribute even though he is little. Like just this morning I was teaching him about makeup so that he can properly assist me each morning in getting ready.

“You’re an inspiration. The company my dad owns Televerse, the cable/internet conglomerate. They have this scholarship program for college for people who give back to the community and help out less fortunate individuals. I’m going to recommend you for the award. I mean, I’d rather it goes to someone like you who I know than some stranger.” Maisy said as she turned towards Jordan. “You have such a kind guardian. You really lucked out, little one.”

“It’s the least I could do. I’m just happy to be able to give him a good home and provide him a better life you know.” Sara said as she smiled down at Jordan. It was surprising to him that Sara was getting praise for taking him in. He was the one who was having to suffer through losing everything, and yet here she is being treated like this is some kind of selfless act.

“I lost everything, you know,” Jordan said, blurting out. Maisy looked down at him briefly before standing a ruler up on the table near Jordan.

“I’m sure that’s very frustrating for you, little one, but people are talking right now. I guess you may as well stand up next to the ruler so we can get your measurement done. Since you so rudely interrupted.” Maisy said with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

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J - vader
J - vader
9 months ago

Okay no I already done with Maisy it bad enough that she is rude to Jordan but now she just insulting his being like WTF is Sara thinking about being friends with this girl like Sara your judgment in people right now is bad I’m sorry and I swear if Sara doesn’t stand up for him I just going to be more mad at her and her choices

Lethal Ledgend
9 months ago

1, A, It’s always annoying when Sara gets over praised for helping him, especially when people actually ignore Jordan’s plight despite the fact that it should factor into why they’re praising her. Ellie and that I get because their bias is obviously in Sara’s favor but Maisy being such a bitch to Jordan while saying how nice Sara is made ne sick.

1, B, Sara praising herself us just as bad.

2, “people are talking right now” that’s the point Jordan should tell her to give the ruler to Sara so she can measure him not Maisy.

3. I like that he’s only ok with Sara giving him commands, obviously I think it’d be better if nobody gave him commands, but that still seems like a logical choice.

4. Hate Sara suggesting he needs rehabilitation is bullshit, and talks about giving him am education like he isn’t a fucking college graduate was a low blow.

5. Still no laying down the law with Maisy.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

1a, but it feels off because the level praise indicates that she knows “underbreds” aren’t actually animals as she wouldn’t say that about Sara taking in a stray puppy, but she them dismisses his person hood when he tries to interject, especially when he wants to talk about the suffering he endures.

1b, I’ve never been fond of self praising people, especially ones as flawed as Sara.

2. I’d just like to see him more assertive, but I do think it should be him saying “only Sara can measure him” refusing to interact with Maisy or let her run any tests on him. If he attempted the snatch the ruler or move it himself would be funny, but that’d ruin the seriousness of the scene.

3. I’d still rather she phrase them differently to how I talk to the dogs, but it’s not that bug deal in the grand scheme of things, just so long as Sara knows Jordan’s obedience is a privilege not a right.

4. It can, but she’s completely dismissed what he’s received already like he never got one. His new education seems more like indoctrination than learning.

5. It can, and I’m sure she’ll get to it way too late. And probably make Jordan apologies for standing up for himself at the end.

9 months ago

Thank You!!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Maisy’s character is freaking FANTASTIC!!!!💯💯💯💯💯 you know why👌👌👌 absolutely love her attitude. Snap 🫰 her fingers at whittle jordy pet keep him in line

Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

Can’t wait to she picks him up in her hand 🤚 hopefully she get to pet him. I love 💗 how humiliating that will be for jordy 💯💯💯💯♥️♥️♥️♥️ give him a kiss 💋 too♥️ she AMAZING in CHARGE 🙏🏻🙏🏻💯💯👌👌👌

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