Smallara Episode 422: A Giantess Story

Smallara 422

“I’m sorry, Maisy,” Sara said, apologizing as she tried to make an impression on Maisy as she signaled for Jordan to keep quiet.

“It’s fine, I get it. Chester, my dog at home, is the same way. He is just a little thing. Maisy said, pulling up a photo on her phone to show Sara. He buts in and likes to get his attention as well. I think it’s just what domesticated animals like these do. They don’t know any better. No matter how much training you provide, sometimes they just act out a little or try to get your attention.” Maisy said as she held the ruler up near Jordan, looking at his height.

“Awww, look at that little cutie,” Sara said, looking at the photo of Maisy’s dog Chester.

“Yeah, I got him three years ago at this point. He’s pretty well-behaved, but it took a lot of training to get him housebroken and obedient. I can only imagine how much harder it would be to train an underbred. It looks like he is 3 inches. Bigger than I thought looking at him.”

“He’s a little undersized for an underbred, but I love him. He’s a pretty good boy. One of my friends, Kayla, has a female underbred, and even she’s taller than him.” Sara said as she recorded Jordan’s weight. “We are still working through his adjustment phase, as he is still coming to terms with everything. I mean it’s hard for him. He lost his independence, basically. He’s incapable of living freely. It would be hard on anyone.”

“I couldn’t imagine. He was born thinking he was a person because we, as a society, didn’t know any better. It’s only now in the last few years we are really understanding that there are animals amongst us and nature is balancing itself, you know, with this virus.” Maisy said, “Oh, did you get the underbred scale from Chloe otherwise, we can probably use the scale in science class as it can measure grams.

“Oh yeah, it’s in my purse. I tossed it in there and forgot about it. It’s so little,” Sara said as she grabbed her purse off the floor and dug around inside for a few moments before pulling out a tiny scale and setting it on the table.

“You are doing so good, Jordy. I will give you five bonus points for cooperating nicely as long as you continue to behave.” Sara said as she motioned for him to go onto the scale.

“Bonus points?” Maisy asked, confused.

“Oh, I have a points system for him where I have a bag of stuff he can buy with his points. Gift cards to spend on the Apple store, some games and exercise equipment, all kinds of things. Chloe was going to put a bunch of stuff in there, too, so I’m not even fully sure what he has to choose from anymore.” Sara said as she continued to chat with Maisy.

Jordan crossed his arms and rolled his eyes as he walked toward the scale Sara had put down. That Maisy was a piece of work. He would tell her off here and now if it weren’t for Sara. Jordan thought to himself while in his heart of hearts, he knew he probably wouldn’t have said anything. He was never one who liked argumentative situations. The situation was very eye-opening. As he struggled to wrap his mind around the idea of what life would have been like if Maisy had found him and she had become his guardian.

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9 months ago

Wow! Well I can’t wait to see the comments on this one. Lol

Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

That and Sara going along with it, not exactly friend behavior from her. And she totally knows it since she’s giving him extra points.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

I don’t at least. I wouldn’t expect anything less from Maisy.
She’s the “cool” girl that Sara wants to get along with and I would’ve
imagine a popular girl who is already high in the social hierarchy as a
high schooler wouldn’t hold an underbred to anything more than as a pet.

Lethal Ledgend
9 months ago

1, nice to see Jordan getting measured again, kinda want a height chart of all your characters, little and person.

2. Still waiting for Sara to pull Maisy into line, it’s disgusting ylthat she clearly agrees with someone as horrible as Maisy and Dayton.

3. Sara apologising horrible Jordan was revolting, especially how she compared him to a dog shortly after.

4. Nice of Chloe to add to Jordan’s prize pool, it’s good knowing someone like her is looking out for him

5. Looking forward to that points chat.

6. Really wish Jordan would stand up for himself, especially since Sara said she would but still hasn’t.

8. Interstate Maisy thinking they were animals bolefore Smallara virus entered the fray.

Last edited 9 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

2,Maisy hasn’t said anything Sara hasn’t either stated or eluded to believing herself, Sara’s just a bit nicer.

I have friends with different beliefs than me to, but there’s a difference between having a friend who says racist shit about another of my friends, and a friend who votes for the opposite political party that I do.

3, oh no, I’m becoming predictable, but consistency is a good thing, what a paradox

4. I like Chloe.

5. Finally i get to see the extent of what you’ve done to my suggestion.

6, I maintain that Sara should have started by adressing the issues from last time.

7, my fat fingers, is what happened to it.

8, it’s weird that littles receive so much hate, they’re the most harmless group in this society.

9 months ago

Sara being Sara is the usual disappointment considering her talk with Jordan about Maisy. I was more or less expecting this type of behavior out of Maisy, but its crazy how accepting Sara is of certain people talking down to Jordan right in front of her like its nothing, and do nothing about it.

She just expects him to “accept” that, thats just how some people feel, and say/do nothing about it? What if Chloe was sitting at that table with them? I doubt Maisy would hold back because shes clearly taking extra effort to sh*t talk Jordan to such an extent that makes her seem very insecure.

I wonder who Sara would defend in an argument between Chloe and Maisy? She seems to want to play both sides but even from everything we’ve seen I feel Sara actually leans closer to Maisy’s opinion and her dating Chloe is why Jordan is treated as “good” as he is.

At this rate after 417 I wonder how Ellie would react.

So shitty of her to put Jordan through this. How is this trust building when Sara has such a flexible standard on everything. Her apologizing for Jordan simply mentioning that he lost everything is complete b/s.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

I feel Sara isn’t 50/50 between Maisy and Chloe, I’d say its more like 60/40 because of the completely unnecessary viewpoints she’s adopted. I imagine she would certainly defend Chloe in an altercation involving Maisy and try to diffuse versus “taking sides” unless put on the spot on her viewpoints.

I meant to clarify in my last post that Sara has flexible standards for herself, but not so much for Jordan. She of all people knows different situations will dictate behavior but just expects Jordan to fall in line with her persona’s versus respecting his mental boundaries, not just physical.

She just told him earlier they were friends, giving easement to certain expectations of the Guardian/Little situation of course. She should put a stop to things like this, like she would any of her other friends. Maisy’s words serve as nothing but detriment to Jordan and Sara does nothing.

Also I hadn’t realized they were partners before Jordan.

J - vader
J - vader
9 months ago

God damn it Sara come on like why is she allowed to shit talk Jordan your “friend” by the way and let him have shots taken at him like WTF 🤬 I just…..ohhhhhhh Sara when will she learn like all that stuff with chilling with Kayla and Kelli moments just get ruined because of this one thing like it out weighs the good moments she has like how can Jordan still trust her after this it just doesn’t make any sense….. I hope and pray that Maisy says or does something that cross the line to far and she Sara finally wakes up from her ego and realizes that she’s not a friend you want for Jordan’s well being just please for the love of Jesus Christ please

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

I don’t know no not insulting his intelligence and being like the term “words cut deeper than a knife” in this case I just I Don’t know…. I just wait and see but I swear to god if Jordan has to more of her BS in the future beyond this project then I would hope he call out Sara on her choices of friends but again I’ll wait for now

9 months ago

Love how the two girls are showing each other their pets💗 Sara is showing Maisy whittle jordy poo and Maisy is showing Sara photos of her pet dog💯♥️♥️♥️ keep snapping your fingers at him and she got Sara to snap her fingers at him to keep quiet 🤐 extremely love 💗 that!!💯💯 like Maisy said she had to train her pet dog to be obedient. My favorite Sara lines talking to her whittle jordy baby “As I was saying. When I’m talking, you’re not. I’m not allowed to do that to my mom and you’re not allowed to do that to me. Rule number two you will not treat me like a child. I’m the one who is helping you. I’m the one accepted to the guardian program. They put you in my care not the other way around.” I think he should crawl over to Maisy’s fingers and kiss 😚 them for an apology for being rude to her. I just want jordy to forget himself and lash so badly💯♥️ I want to see that angry look come on Sara’s face and the punishment coming his way pulling down his pants and spanking that butt of his💯💯💯💯🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💗💗💗💗💗💗💗🙏🏻 girls are in charge whittle one

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