Smallara Episode 423: A Giantess Story

Smallara 423

The table rumbled and shook slightly as the girls recorded Jordan’s weight as he stepped off the scale and back onto the mostly empty library of the school. The dark wood that was used for shelves and tables gave the library an old-world feel to Jordan. The entire place exuded money and expense. The kind that told him too much was probably pushed into this library. Jordan was certain that his entire school was probably built for less than this library cost Sara’s private school.

The students and people who made up this school still felt almost foreign to him in that they all came from so much money. Sara, who was considered to be on the poorer side of the people who went to this school, was still in comparison to the funds available to his family growing up, and his peers were simply incomparable.

The wooden clack of wood on wood falling as Sara dropped her pencil onto the table. Jordan hadn’t taken more than a couple of steps before he saw the tan wall of Sara’s hand coil around him. The giant teens fleshy digits pressed into him ever so lightly as she drew him closer and closer to herself before Jordan was pressed into the black material of Sara’s blazer. He tried to say something as Sara hugged him, and he felt himself pushed further into the blazer. He could smell her perfume radiating outward as her hug left him completely immobilized. It wasn’t until she pulled him away that Jordan was able to take a deep breath again and breathe normally.

“You were so good,” Jordan heard Sara say as the air sped past him, reminding him of his teenage years when his friend would give him a ride in his convertible. They would cruise down the interstate with the wind blasting against their face as they drove down the open road. It was eerily reminiscent of that time only this time instead of the comfort of leather seats and gravity pushing him down into leather seats it was the cooled circulated air of the library blasting him in the face as gravity forced him to sink into Sara’s hand. As her movements came to a stop, he looked up at her and saw her smiling happily as Jordan caught his breath.

Jordan didn’t have much time to orient himself before he felt his body slap against her face as her lips pressed against his chest he felt Sara give him a kiss before lowering her hand back down to the table and allowing Jordan to spread out in her hand. She started to pet Jordan to show him further affection gently.

Sara and Maisy’s voices boomed around Jordan as they spoke about the project and put his height and weight into their project data charts. The more they talked about it and went through the required steps the less Jordan listened to what was going on. It wasn’t until several minutes had gone by that Jordan realized that Sara was right. He was just laying here relaxed not really caring or paying attention to what Sara and Maisy were doing because it was, as Sara said, beyond him. Not that he couldn’t understand it or figure it out if he wanted to. It was just not something he needed to concern himself with. The only part that bothered Jordan was that Sara was right. She said this would happen, and it did. The last thing he wanted was to listen to her gloat about being right. He imagined it would be something like he did to his sister Allison growing up.

“Jordy, come,” Maisy said, jarring Jordan from his thoughts and relaxation. He stirred a bit in the palm of Sara’s hand as he stretched a bit, confused momentarily as to exactly who had said that before he looked over at Sara and realized it was Maisy. “We don’t have all day,” Maisy added as her eyes narrowed on Jordan before reaching towards him.

“He probably won’t come if you talk to him like that, Maisy. He doesn’t know you that well, so if you just grab him, he won’t like it. It works better if you ask him and then build trust. I just have to set my hand down now for him to come into it. No command is needed, but it takes trust and time.

“They’re basically intelligent rodents. You just caudle him a bit too much. But my parents say the same thing you do when we help out. We went to Chile’ last summer before it really broke out here. It was after my family got guardian trained. We spent a few weeks doing littles without borders. There is a little preserve where people can take littles too. We built little log cabins and things. It was kind of like building miniatures but more rudimentary as the point is to keep costs down to build as many homes and things as possible. My parents would do it like you, but I found it takes longer. It’s easier to just grab them, and put them in their homes and move on to the next. It’s the natural order of things after all. You know,” Maisy said.

“Well, Jordan won’t like that. You’ll have to ask him. If you don’t show him respect he’s not going to ever come or listen. They are more like pet people than rodents or dogs. They are self-aware Maisy.” Sara said giving Jordan a gentle pat. 

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J - vader
J - vader
9 months ago

Yes finally thank you Sara you get 8/10 for telling Maisy what up like thank you so much I wasn’t sure how much I could take of Maisy talking to Jordan now granted Sara you still got some room to grow but this right here is the at least the right direction….just thank god

Reply to  J - vader
9 months ago

Maisy definitely has a belief structure to her. I figured she would be a polarizing character with her thoughts and opinions

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

Yeah even an animal lover would not like her views lol

Lethal Ledgend
9 months ago

1, I love how almist eldrich you can make normal things sound just because Jordan’s size.

2. I wouldn’t say it’s above Jordan, just that he doesn’t care, like when my godson talks about his TV shows, I don’t give a shit what Bluey did, but it’s not anove me, especially since in Sara’s case he’s heavily distracted.

3. Fucking Finally, Maisy starting to getting told off fir her bullshit. Sara may only have a slightly higher opinion of litles but it’s enough for me to root for her.

4. So Maisywent overseas to help littles? I thought it was mentioned that Jordan was her fist little she say in person.

5, Sounds like Chile has a primitive version of the facility.

6. Sara talks about building trust like she isn’t the least of a bunch of evils lol.

7, Yes, Sara, they are self-aware that’s why what you’re doing is more like slavery than pet ownership.

8. It seems like Sara’s going back her belief of “Human>Little>than animal” instead of “Human> Little = Animal” it’s nice when she goes in the right direction, she’s even reminding Maisy that “person is an important Detail”.

9. Let’s hope she keeps this up, makes Maisy apologise, and (even though I think she will) hope she doesn’t make Jordan apologise to Maisy, or apologise to Maisy on Jordan’s behalf.

Last edited 9 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

1. I just nean I like how you can make mundane situations and interactios feel like wildly alien and unfamiliar experiences.

3. One of my favourite troupes has always been “villian fights on side of good to thwart bigger villian.

4. Oh, the way she talked about it sounded like no one really cared about the littles there, like she could have juggled a few and not raised any eye brows.

5. I’m always happy to learn how other countries are handling this pandemic.

6. The presence ormf worse doesn’t make bad any better, it’s a pretty sad victory for Sara to take.

7. Slavery has many forms, to use a term from American slavery, (and pardon my Spanish) “He’s a house Negro”

8. Yeah, but after her encounter with Charity she was singing a different tune, nice to know she’s back on a less bad track.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
9 months ago

1) makes sense.

3) I love how Sara is the villain for you in this story and she battles other worse people. Almost like a suicide squad situation.

4) well it is a little preserve. Just like anywhere else there are people who care more and some less. It’s a preserve though so you aren’t supposed to mess with the littles unless it’s necessary. Similar to an animal preserve.

5) you’d probably like chile. The way I picture it is while the littles are confined to an area and have high degree of oversight. They are also more free as they are to a degree left to let live. But not all littles are lucky enough to be at the little preserve.

Others are kept in houses by people where there is less oversight in that respect. So any unowned littles try to safely make it to the preserve. An owned little can’t be at the preserve.

7) true

8) Sara and charity don’t like each other. To put it in villain/hero terms I’d say mortal enemies. Jordan and charity would have far different treatment I feel. She wouldn’t abuse charity or anything but she would order her around more and work her more than Jordan. She wouldn’t be loved on like Jordan is.

9 months ago

Glad Jordan is starting to accept certain aspects of his new life and at least feels safe-ish with Sara.

Seems that Sara made sure Jordan understood (without actually telling him) how appreciative she was of him not mouthing off to Maisy or causing a scene. Almost as if she’s playing the long game to get Maisy more on track with how she’s to treat Jordan.

Clever of Sara to be so subtle with Maisy about how its going to work with Jordan, recusing herself from the dynamic between Jordan and new person, and giving basic steps to communicate with him properly. Since somehow becoming small changes that from a normal person…

I’m sure Maisy isn’t going to take any of this into consideration and remain a b*tch

If that was even Sara’s subliminal plan maybe she could have let Jordan in on it? Maybe let Jordan know she doesn’t agree with Maisy (if that’s actually true) but warn him that shes going to say all these hurtful things, as to not risk Jordan blowing it? Teamwork would be beneficial to the both of them.

Last edited 9 months ago by 000111000b
Reply to  000111000b
9 months ago

Well Sara does provide all his needs. That would create a somewhat natural bond just because of the dependency. Sara hasn’t ever been cruel or anything to him. He knows she has some opposing views but so do alot of people.

I agree that she communicated to him none verbally I guess you would call it that she appreciated his behavior.

Some plans aren’t made until you see what is happening and how things are playing out. She could t really know how Maisy was going to act.

9 months ago

Maisy is right though he is just a pet that needs to be obedient and needs to follow commands at the snap of their fingers. She should be able to just grab him and pick him up. How do they know maybe he is just procrastinating and wants to waste their time by not moving.

9 months ago

I know I mentioned this before on the other platform but I really would like to bring this up again and inform (this stuck-up, racial, silver spoon brat…😝😝🤣.) Maisy a fact about humans, because it fealls like she never took the class, or even wanted to.😜
Humans can move on their own and are placed in the animal kingdom. Further, humans belong to the animal phylum known as chordates because we have a backbone. The human animal has hair and milk glands, so we are placed in the class of mammals. Within the mammal class, humans are placed in the primate order.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

I also look at the fact that she was born into the money of an elite family, and (I believe) because she believes money can solve all things, that the elites are the true humans. While, those with a lower income, say starting just under Sara’s family’s income, become less human to her as their income level drops till they are nothing to her.
But in Jordan’s case and others like him (up to 19 inches tall. Yah right…😏😁), cents they are too small to care for themselves and own no property then they become property in her and other like-minded peoples eyes, like rare exotic pets
I would say that in her eyes and other like-minded ones as well, a person’s humanity off their lifestyle, not their species.
Sorry if I rambled to much, its late and I am getting tired, still wanted to get this off my mind.

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