Smallara Episode 427: A Giantess Story

Smallara 427

Jordan continued to push and fumble his way through the Maze. Hearing the lackadaisical conversation of Maisy and Sara casually talking as he struggled through this was a bit infuriating, but he also knew they couldn’t help him as it would invalidate the findings of the experiment. As he took a couple more turns, he finally saw the last corridor and ran down the corridor sprinting out the opening before trying to stop near the edge before tumbling into Maisy’s hand when he tried to stop.

“Whoa, there, speedy. Be careful.” Maisy said as she held Jordan in her hand. Jordan immediately realized his error, but it was too late. As soon as he tried to stand up, Maisy started lifting her hand away from the maze. He kept getting lifted higher and higher while in the palm of her hand. He could see her eyes focused on him, looking over him as she finally had him in her hand.

“Sit,” Maisy said as she held Jordan in her hand. Jordan wasn’t about to listen to what Maisy said, though. He merely scoffed quietly and turned toward Sara, who was on the other side of the maze, still recording the time and information.

“I’m not some kind of mindless animal who will just obey commands. Especially not from you.” Jordan said to Maisy as nicely as he could.

“Oh, is someone growing a backbone?” Maisy said as she took her free finger and knocked Jordan over in her hand. “I would hate for you to lose your little chaperoned outing,” Maisy whispered quietly to Jordan as Sara was finishing writing everything down, not looking up.

“I just about have everything recorded, Maisy. Then you can just copy mine,” Sara said as she continued recording all the results. “If you can run the testing with your friend’s hamster, then once you get me the results, I’ll write everything up.” Sara said as continued to record and take down all the data. “You did so good, Jordy. I’m so proud of you.” Sara said

Jordan grasped Maisy’s finger and, with all his strength, tried to push her finger away futilely. As much as Jordan tried to move it, Maisy’s finger didn’t move the slightest of millimeters. He kicked his legs, hoping to leverage his body to slip out from underneath Maisy’s finger.

“You little shits can’t do anything. I don’t see why my parents are so obsessed with helping you a lot. You got lucky you have a guardian who allows you to live above your station in life. You’re pretty well-built, though. I’ll give you that.” Maisy said as she started lifting Jordan’s shirt.

Jordan hadn’t ever felt so powerless in his life. Even in his time with Sara, she never treated him like this. He tried to call out, but Maisy’s finger pressing down forced the air out of him. It was all he could do to breathe as she lifted his shirt further while she checked out Jordan’s physique.

“Maisy, what are you doing?” Sara said as she looked at Maisy, confused for a second, before looking down at Jordan. “Let him go, Maisy,” Sara said as she walked over to Maisy and snatched Jordan from her hands.

“Sara,” Jordan said, taking a large gasp of air.

“Come on, you’re not upset, are you? We’re friends. I was checking out your merchandise. You got a pretty well-built little. I can see why you claimed him. So, have you done anything with him yet? I mean I know you like girls and all but even you gotta be a little curious right?” Maisy said as she grabbed Sara’s findings and started copying over the data.

“I would never treat him like that. Underbreds may be a lesser species, but they deserve respect until they’ve proven otherwise.” Sara said as looked over Jordan. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry Jordy.”

“I’m fine. She hurt my pride more than anything.” Jordan said, sitting up in Sara’s hand.

“Hey, look, Sara. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how important he was to you.” Maisy said solemnly.

“He’s my pet, Maisy. Of course, I care about him. He’s my little guy. It’s not like I’d go over to your house and kick your dog.”

“You’re right, you’re right. I’m sorry. I really do want to be friends, honestly. Let me make this up to you.” Maisy said, taking a step towards Sara.

“I don’t know. I’m not the one you need to apologize to. If Jordy forgives you, I’m willing to forgive and forget.” Sara said as she held Jordan out who was still trying to catch his breath.

As Jordan looked up at the giant teen, he knew she didn’t have the capacity to apologize to him. Sara had her faults, and while he didn’t agree with everything, she hadn’t ever harmed him or used him as some kind of sex object like Maisy had eluded to.

“Jordy, I’m sorry for what I said. All the underbreds I’ve been around have been nameless and wild. I get so tired of my parents wanting to help them. So, I just overreacted when I was holding you in my hand. Maybe we can start over.” Maisy said as sincerely as he could muster for the underbred.

“Maisy,” Jordan said, motioning for her to come closer. He watched the teen set her pen down and walk over to Jordan, leaning over him. “Thanks, I wanted to make sure you can see the FUCK YOU written across my face,” Jordan said with a smile as he flipped her off while Maisy’s jaw dropped as she stared down at Jordan in absolute shock for a moment before looking up at Sara.

“Are you going to let him talk to me like that?” Maisy said to Sara in disbelief.

“After watching his presentation, hearing his argument, and thinking about what he said. I have no notes.” Sara said.

“Arrghhh” Maisy screamed in disgust as she stomped her foot and started gathering up her things. “You know what. Fuck you, Sara. Fuck you!”

“Sorry, Maisy, I’m not that bored, and you’re not that lucky,” Sara said, gathering her things together. “It’s probably best if you run your part of the experiment and just send me the results, and I’ll do the same and put together the paper to turn in,” Sara said as she put her books into her bag before walking out of the library with Maisy in a bit of shock over how it all unfolded.

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9 months ago

Wow. This was wow. I’m sure I’ll have more to say but wow. Oh and go Jordan and Sara. Wonderful chapter

Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

yes it did. and the story has so much detail 427 chapters and it’s what like a week in their time. but this is one of if not the most pivotal points in the story yet, this one chapter i think is i think going to be a defining moment for sara and jorden. i firmly think they will be closer and more connected from this point on. i see trust, understanding, and communication between them greatly improving from this interaction. and honestly hats off to you your doing such an amazing job on this, and i think i can say this for all of us that we truly appreciate the time and effort you put in to making this, and do such an amazing job!

9 months ago

Can I get a standing ovation for Jordan?!! That was best comeback ever! Sadly the chapter ended to soon. 🙁

Lethal Ledgend
9 months ago

1. Sara did good? (Holy shit)

2. “Unclaimed and wild underbreds” what a dumb cunt.

3. So glad Jordan stood up for himself and so glad Sara backed him up here.

4. Just loving Sara in this one so much

5. I guess Maisy’s habd was the trap at that Jordan was worried about, the whole time, he’d probably have preferred to hit the table than land on her hand though.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

1) I huve compliments when she deserves them, but I like the comparison to video game loot.

2) I didn’t, though “nameless” in my culture just means “you don’t get to meet them personally” in my work I interact with nameless truckies for instance, or my charity donations go to nameless people who need them. It’s not that I don’t think these people have names, it’s that I just know I’ll never learn them. I realise that may be the Australian culture messing with the message. Lol

3) I hope this gives him the confidence to do it more.

4) the first is because I wS surprised the second was because she really earned it

5. And he’d have preferred the carpet to being held by her.

J - vader
J - vader
9 months ago

Holy shit praises the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for this moment like holy moly that was amazing Jordan you get a huge f-ing medal like god damn that was great and Sara you did great work backing him up slay queen slay holy shit just I never saw this coming

9 months ago

Well its about damn time! Excellent scene for the both of them!

Very surprised Sara completely 180’d and defended Jordan instead of making excuses for Maisy’s conduct. I’m proud of Jordan for standing up for himself without fear of repercussions.

Sara’s at least learning how far he can be pushed before he may cause a scene or otherwise something unfavorable for her reputation in her eyes.

It seems that perhaps Sara is playing her hand slowly and gathering enough intel over time and enough experiences to determine if someone is going to be right for the both of them.

Better not let Ellie find out Maisy was “handsy” with her prince lol.

Last edited 9 months ago by 000111000b
Reply to  000111000b
9 months ago

Ellie would be none to pleased with Maisy’s actions toward Jordan.

Sara is no slouch that wouldn’t surprise me if she was doing something like that.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  000111000b
9 months ago

Hey, you said 180, which is the number I started reading at, (and interestingly was just before we met Maisy)

9 months ago

Go Jordan.

9 months ago

Great to see Jordan starting to stand up for himself and having Sarah behind him to let boot.

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